WickedKitty / Comments

  • Star Shiner

    Star Shiner (100)

    United States
    Hey what's up? :)
    November 27th, 2010 at 02:58pm
  • toasteh.toast

    toasteh.toast (100)

    Yeah, my coach is better though. It's like she knows sometimes we just can't be bothered to do things properly haha. Especially me. I don't see the point in doing things absolutely perfect now, because it's not like I'll ever REALLY need to remember it. It just for exercise, or else I would probably never leave the house ahah.
    That sucks that they always yelled at you! That isn't fair! I find volleyball mostly just a hand eye coordination type game, and quick reflexes. Which I don't have under pressure. The girls on the volleyball team would get really angry at you if you called it not much of a sport. I mean it's enjoyable, but not per say difficult in a way of pushing yourself. You only really run a few metres. But they take everything very serious and very personal. They're quite uptight, at least I won't have to deal with them for a week.
    I hate coaches like that. They seem really good and then when it's game time a switch is flicked and it's upsetting. I understand they need to yell in order for us to hear. But there's a difference between yelling, and raging :/ and she was most definitely raging. This was like grade 8, the last year I played. She got so angry at us because some girls insisted on serving over hand, even though they could only get it over once in a while. She made us do push ups in the middle of the game. The other team and the referees were so supposed they didn't even stop us. I was so embarrassed and upset. We lost that game and my dad's started doing that "Why didn't you do this? Why didn't you do that?" kind of thing. I was mean and told him to shut up. I didn't want to deal with anymore crap or criticism that day. I had enough from my coach I didn't want to hear from someone that was supposed to accept the way I was playing. My parents always tell me to try and change things that I did during and sports activities and it's like I CAN'T! Not at that moment anyway! You don't know what I was feeling or thinking. When you do sports you have to think on the spot, which I suck at. And I agree with you, no one can except losing anymore. I've come to terms with myself, and realized someone will always be better and that that's not necessarily a bad thing like I used to think it was. I am who I am and it's hard to change that now.
    November 27th, 2010 at 05:30am
  • toasteh.toast

    toasteh.toast (100)

    It's really a load off when I know I don't have to compete anymore. I just dread the next swim meet ALL THE TIME! But now I don't OCD as much haha. I used to get really angry because my coach was like "Whatever you can do in practice, you won't be able to do at the meet" -insert frowny face here-
    Oh today, we had to watch the senior volleyball team play their wild card game to see if they could go to provincials. So that's mostly girls my age, well actually a lot hahah (we have a small school). Now no offense to them, but they get REALLY serious about it. I know it means a lot to them, but after every point their would be an ear-piercing scream from whoever scored it. I don't mind the whole good job high five thing, but the screaming just got to me. Especially since they told everything the day before that they played this team before and they beat them easily, so it's not like it was a surprise that they beat them. It wasn't a "on the edge of your seat" kind of thing. I guess it just bothers me mostly because no one really recognizes swimming as a sport. I'd try to explain it to my friends but they just don't see it. I'm kind of over that though, because I used to come home from swim meets generally last place in all my events :P And now......NONE OF THAT :D
    November 25th, 2010 at 03:28am
  • Star Shiner

    Star Shiner (100)

    United States
    Hm, that's possible, but I doubt it haha.
    Good to know I wasn't the only person who didn't think he didn't look all the same!
    Everyone else just thought I was weird for saying that! haha
    I liked those parts too :)
    And I liked the part with Bellatrix and Dobby and they were like. "You could've killed me!" "Dobby did not mean to kill. Maybe to maim or seriously injure!" :)
    that's possible..
    I myself, can never sleep past six thirty in the morning.
    And that's pretty annoying since I almost always have good dreams haha.
    November 24th, 2010 at 12:43pm
  • HypernessIsJess!

    HypernessIsJess! (100)

    New Zealand
    *went above 150 people
    November 24th, 2010 at 06:17am
  • HypernessIsJess!

    HypernessIsJess! (100)

    New Zealand
    [i]Bullying. The lose of friendships I thought would last and for no reason. Like seriously.. I don't know what happened there even now... Those were the main things. And then of course the things that most teens don't like at school. the homework, the cold whether etc.

    Ahh yeah, thats the bonus of public schools I guess. I've never been to anything but a public school though. And most of my earlier ones were small country schools. It wasn't until I hit high school the school population went about 150 people. Lol xD[/i]
    November 24th, 2010 at 06:16am
  • toasteh.toast

    toasteh.toast (100)

    Yes knee boarding is just that. I thought I could just lay on my belly but they kept shouting at me to pull myself up.Yeah! Same with me! I used to play a lot of sports and I'd get really competitive. Now it's just like "I lost? Fine by me!" Swimming I was really competitive. Just recently I've figured out I really didn't want to compete anymore. I told my mom I reached the 'peak in my career and I could go no further'. She laughed and said I was ridiculous, she agreed nonetheless :D I don't like being fast anymore, I just like to look good :p
    November 24th, 2010 at 05:55am
  • HypernessIsJess!

    HypernessIsJess! (100)

    New Zealand
    [i]Ahh yes, that will be a big bonus indeedy. I guess thts the difference that either makes or breaks it ehh. For you, you had a great high school experience for me.. Not so much. Lol And yeah, I guess it could only last fo so long. Lol

    No problemo :)[/i]
    November 24th, 2010 at 02:05am
  • Star Shiner

    Star Shiner (100)

    United States
    I thought it was pretty awesome myself :)
    Definitely the best out of all the movies!
    This guy sitting behind us kept talking the whole movie, and his phone was on and he kept texting...
    It was so annoying!!
    Who the hell was he texting at four in the morning anyway?? lol.
    I was sad when Dobby died..
    I mean, I just loved that little guy <3 haha
    When I got home from the theater I passed out on my bed lol. and I didn't wake up until like... two thirty in the afternoon and when I finally did get up, my girlfriend was like "Morning sunshine." In this funny sarcastic voice.
    She wasn't even tired after the movie!
    How that's possible.. I don't even know.. We got to the theater at like two in the morning and she got almost no sleep last night.. She crazy haha.
    November 24th, 2010 at 01:29am
  • toasteh.toast

    toasteh.toast (100)

    Naaw that's alright ^.^ I don't see the fun in water skiing hahah It's waaaaay too hard for something that has no upper body strength and no balance. I remember my friend got me to do knee boarding and I could never pull myself up. They kept encouraging me and I just wanted to stop. It's fun for sporty people I think, but I'm pretty lazy and tubing is adventurous enough for me.
    November 23rd, 2010 at 10:33pm
  • Star Shiner

    Star Shiner (100)

    United States
    Haha nice :)
    I'm pretty happy actually, I just got back from seeing the new Harry Potter movie :) I didn't know that they had showings at like four in the morning... And I really don't know why me and my friends decided to go so early! lol.
    November 23rd, 2010 at 12:46pm
  • HypernessIsJess!

    HypernessIsJess! (100)

    New Zealand
    [i]Wowly snap! You have a LOT of study leaft to do then! :/

    See, I have given up on school. I used to love it with such a passion but this year has been very hard for me and now I absolutely loath school with a passion which has made it hard to do well. I have stayed strong and gotten what I hope will be good end of year results because I need them for my future but I would not be able to do that again next year.

    So good luck to you my friend! haha :)[/i]
    November 23rd, 2010 at 03:02am
  • Star Shiner

    Star Shiner (100)

    United States
    Hey what's up hun? :)
    November 22nd, 2010 at 08:42pm
  • toasteh.toast

    toasteh.toast (100)

    Yes, that HURTS! I don't think we have much white water here, or at least none that I've seen. I don't go out into the wilderness here much. Maybe more near the mountains, but from what I've seen they're pretty calm.
    Like a year ago, my friend and I floated down this small part of the river by our houses so we could get out and do it again. Then she decided it would be fun to share a tube. That's okay if it's one of those big black ones but this one was small. So just to fit both of us on was hard, and she ended up pushing me off and I hit like every rock along the sides. It hurt so much. Then she apologized and experienced it herself so she wouldn't feel so bad.
    The boat one is okay if you have a decent tube. Like the ones you can sit in your own little compartment and if you hunch down as much as you can you can kind of wedge yourself in there. I feel out of those once because my hands hurt hahah. I just couldn't hold on anymore!!
    November 22nd, 2010 at 03:08am
  • HypernessIsJess!

    HypernessIsJess! (100)

    New Zealand
    [i]Vet nursing was a posibility, yes.

    Hmm I think maybe we have the terms college confused. For us, here in New Zealand, college is basically the exact same as high school, just different names. University is what I would go onto. And if I wanted to go to uni I would have had to stay for next and then I could have a gap year or go straight onto uni. However, I want to be a farmer or something to do with animals, ie - vet nurse, dog handler etc. I have researched these jobs and I have completed all the schooling I need. I can go to a polytechnic or, like my sister, I can get a job and then they will pay to futher my studies.

    See, I'm not just leaving to go into a no end job. I have researched it, I have talked to guidance councillors, I have even been on taster courses such as the one I went on earlier this year for doing agriculture which would get me into the farming side of things. All so I know that I wont need next year to get into what I want to do and therefore it would be a waste of time and instead I can now spend that time searching for a job and going more in the direction I need to be instead of stuck in school doing english or whatever. [/i]
    November 22nd, 2010 at 02:47am
  • toasteh.toast

    toasteh.toast (100)

    Oh I see! Yeah you can never really tell what happens next on water slides because the sides are so high and stuff. And if you're on a tube going down one it twists and you go backwards. That makes my stomach flip flop ;~;
    Tubing is two things to me. There's tubing down the river, where you just have a rubber tube (I have a life jacket too if I'm on one by myself) and you float down the river. Then there's the tubing with a tube pulled by a boat. That one scares me the most. My friend has this pancake tube and you have to hold yourself up. Which is REALLY hard. And this one time her dad was going way too fast and we couldn't stay on our own sides so we ended up flipping. Which scared me because I hate falling off and being in the water. Scary D:
    November 22nd, 2010 at 02:20am
  • HypernessIsJess!

    HypernessIsJess! (100)

    New Zealand
    [i]Yayness! Thank you! :)

    Indeedy it is! And no, I mean for ever. I'm not going to college. Most people think thats stupid but I don't need it and it wouldn't really further me so I'm not doing it, it would just be a waste of time and money :)[/i]
    November 22nd, 2010 at 02:19am
  • toasteh.toast

    toasteh.toast (100)

    That makes sense. I'm sort of afraid of heights. I mostly just get butterflies in my tummy and squeal maybe. I don't like slides either! I'm not afraid of them but I don't particularly like them. This summer I went too some water park called like Splash Montana or something and there was a whole bunch of water slides. Last year my friends went but I couldn't go because I got sick and when they went they went on this really big steep one. Some of the slides you use tubes some you don't. Well this one you didn't and they all said we had to try it once. It was an awful experience! You were going so fast that the water hurt you back and you got the biggest wedgie! You had to adjust your whole bathing suit before you got up.
    I'm not as bad with fish anymore though. I'd scream if I was in the water now I just kind of hyperventilate. It's a fear that kind of helps if you go tubing, because then you don't want to fall off.
    November 21st, 2010 at 08:38pm
  • HypernessIsJess!

    HypernessIsJess! (100)

    New Zealand
    [i]Heya! I can't remember if I replied to your comment or not! :/ My sincerist apologies if I didn't!! :/ I have been crazy busy with exams and all that jazz but school is over fore ever ever ever now! Mwahaha! xD No more exams or last minutes study! Such a great feeling!!! xD

    So how have you been? :)[/i]
    November 20th, 2010 at 10:56am
  • toasteh.toast

    toasteh.toast (100)

    Me too! That'd be fun! But no fish could be around. I have a phobia of fish hah :P I wasn't scared of them but then this one time (it could've been a dream heh I don't remember much about my childhood anymore. I barely remember what I had for supper yesterday) Anyway! This one time my brother and I were in a lake and this fish came really close up shore and at the time I was thought it was really cool but now.....not so much. They just really creep me out for some reason. Like if I'm in the middle of a lake or just in so deep by myself I scream my face off sometimes haha. Some fish are okay, just the creepy looking ones like salmon or something just make me lose the marbles I have left.
    November 19th, 2010 at 03:58am