I'm Allowed To Be Angsty, I'm Seventeen.

I just bought 17 Again, now that is a film worth watching. Admittedly, it has made me develop a disturbing crush on Zac Efron and I get Ned's nerdiness way too much, but ahh well. Talking Elvish is sexy. You can plunder my dungeon anytime. Miaow.Gah, I'm currently posting a three-shot and it's stressing me out. I wish I wrote more, I wish I wrote enough to find a beta but it'd be a very...
August 24th, 2009 at 12:20am

I <3 Being Frigid.

Indeed.I think I've been banned from journals. That's quite sad but I'm going to keep on writing them anyway. My will to pm a mod is nonexistent sadly, but at least it means I can ramble on to myself and not have people thinking i've gone crazy.Anyhow, back to the title. Being frigid is lots of fun. I am only sixteen, so it's not the end of the world that the furthest I've ever gone is kissing......
March 10th, 2009 at 08:00pm

Happy Commercial Rip Off Day!

So, I'm pretty sure that you're all aware it was Valentines Day yesterday. *insert sarcastic woop here*. Luckily my boyfriend was working so he didn't expect me to be happy about a day solely dreamt up to fleece idiotic people out of their cash and persuade them to buy physical tokens of their love. Huh, I don't quite get the idea of measuring love by the number of presents you get on Valentines...
February 15th, 2009 at 07:03pm

Goodbye Christmas Hangover!

So, everyone gets drunk on Christmas day... right? Well in my family it's pretty much a given. Christmas Day = Excessive Alcohol Consumption. Mmmm, I can't let the side down can I?This Christmas I may have gone minorly overboard. You see, my dad owns a pub now, so the temptation is a lot closer. Of course, my dad doesn't really help. "Just go and get a glass of port from upstairs whenever you want...
December 28th, 2008 at 01:21am

Twilight... Finally.

So, due to the cinema industries immense hatred of the UK, I have only just got to see Twilight. I am shocked. I did not expect the intense feelings I had towards this film. I have been both dreading and anticipating its release in equal measures. But holy vjergnerhrueskvowfjnon Twilight is one hell of a good film. This journal will probably contain spoilers, so if you're unlucky enough to have...
December 20th, 2008 at 01:56am

More College. Sexuality. Katy Perry. Jokes.

college. So, I've had half a term at college now. You'd think it'd have got more interesting, but it hasn't. Hmm. I had a boyfriend last week. :O Yep, I don't now. After five weeks and one day we came to a "mutual" conclusion to end it. His reasoning... I'm always mean to him and I never give, I just take. Take take, fucking take. Purpose of my life. I'm not all that bothered about it to be...
November 7th, 2008 at 11:35pm

Sixth Form.

Last Tuesday was my first day at the local sixth form. The last two weeks have been dreadful. As it's only the beginning of the year, we are doing easy work that is making me want to scream at the teachers and tell them to hurry the fuck up.My four subjects at the moment are maths, law, chemistry and spanish.maths. It was always my favourite lesson at my old school. I think it was because my...
September 13th, 2008 at 10:06pm

My Cliche Journal

Recently, I've become infinitely more interested in the journal section of Mibba. Perusing other peoples journals, I have noticed there are a large number of recurring themes. Instead of spamming with a large number of ranting journals, I have decided to cram all of my thoughts on those cliche subjects in a single entry.Twilight. (And Its Sequels). there may be spoilers...I really like Twilight....
August 30th, 2008 at 12:13am

GCSE Results.

In and out. In and out. In and out. In. Out. In. Out.Yesterday was the 21st of August, also know as GCSE Results Day, also known as D-Day, also known as the day I finally find out whether my last five years of education have been worth anything.Waking up from a surprisingly fulfilling sleep at 7am meant that I had three hours until I could officially collect my results. Those three hours were...
August 22nd, 2008 at 06:18pm

Fear. The Black Parade Is Dead!

Fear is tangible. I can feel it, spreading through my body, stifling all the reasonable senses that attempt to override it.Tomorrow = Introductory day at sixth form.You'd think that because i'm 15 i'd be good at meeting new people. Sadly, i'm not. I physically can't force myself to talk to people i've never met before. I don't know why, it just happens.I have images in my head of being sat in a...
July 1st, 2008 at 10:52pm

Everything Has To End Someday.

Today at 10.01 am, it was over.I am no longer an active member of Filey School. A five year chapter in my life has ended. The next time I walk through those gates will be on the 21st of August when I will pick up my GCSE results.To be honest; i'm somewhat unsure about the future. But that's the thing, I am going to have a future. I'm going to grow up. I am going to carry on with my education. I...
June 20th, 2008 at 11:47pm

The End Of My Life? The Beginning?

It's strange how "they" can sometimes be right, and yet other times can be unequivocally wrong. you know the they i mean. the ones who seem to know everything, with their silly little sayings.it's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.now, that is not true. i had someone for a time. i lost them. or should i say, they lost me. i would have preferred it if i had never loved...
June 8th, 2008 at 02:03am

My Life ;; My Death

Well. I have nothing to do, except write. I lost about five pages of the last story I tried to write. That didn't go down well, and now all my inspiration has gone *poof*.So, I am writing down all my thoughts about the things currently going on in my life...SchoolThat word is a pretty disgusting one to me at the moment. I am in my final year of compulsary education. (year 11 in the wonderful...
January 13th, 2008 at 08:13pm