tegzarrawhr_93 / Comments

  • cyfi the fly guy

    cyfi the fly guy (100)

    United States

    Lmao, nice. The flu sucks haha
    October 20th, 2010 at 09:51am
  • Cynical.

    Cynical. (100)

    United States
    Naw that sucks =/ Why do you have to move?
    Sorry I'm being nosy if I get annoying just tell me to shut up.
    I used to live in Perth. =D Then I had to move to America =[
    October 20th, 2010 at 09:49am
  • cyfi the fly guy

    cyfi the fly guy (100)

    United States
    I'm Cyrus.

    Kinda shitty hah
    October 20th, 2010 at 09:40am
  • Cynical.

    Cynical. (100)

    United States
    Ha I doubt it. Lol well you have an excuse I don't.... well I guess I do.... I'm lazy...XD
    Naw you moving to a new house or moving towns?
    I hate moving =/
    October 20th, 2010 at 08:20am
  • Megasaurus!!

    Megasaurus!! (100)

    did you mean what part of queensland or what part of nsw??
    haha i've never been to melbourne
    October 20th, 2010 at 07:39am

    D0PEFIEND. (100)

    United States
    it's going good, yourself?
    October 20th, 2010 at 02:32am
  • breathless lullabies

    breathless lullabies (100)

    United States
    It's going good and you?
    October 20th, 2010 at 12:13am
  • a u s s i e

    a u s s i e (100)

    its going pretty wel
    just really tired and bored
    October 19th, 2010 at 09:53pm
  • kylmorgan222

    kylmorgan222 (100)

    United States
    hay, whats up??
    October 19th, 2010 at 02:03pm
  • dont touch

    dont touch (100)

    United States
    hi im anthony
    im good
    October 19th, 2010 at 01:23pm
  • lifeblade4

    lifeblade4 (100)

    Long messages are nice. You get to reply to more. Besides, if say, I say something awkward, or something you don't understand, you can either one, ignore it, and answer everything else, or two, ask a few questions about it, then go on with everything else.
    Because if it was just
    Me say one thing
    You say one thing
    Me say one thing
    You say one thing.

    But, we say... several different things? (:
    More replies, more questions, longer conversations.
    Yes, I over think stuff.

    Superman is mean. (: We need to teach him a lesson for being so immune to stuff. :O Tank him good! (:

    Haha, yeah. I don't actually like going to the shops on my own. IT's kinda boring. Atleast with friends, you can walk around and look at everything, talking. But on your own, it's sorta like... okay... I want this, I wonder if they have it. Nope. Oh okay, um. Hmm. Lets see, do that they have? no... wow, this store sucks. Wonder if thye have this? HOLY SHIT, that's expensive, okay, I'm leaving.


    Ohh? What kinda websites? (:
    I ish make websites. ^_^ www.wdyre.net is my personal one.
    I'm honestly unsure what to do with it.
    I sorta wrote some blogs, but they are just out of boredom. :P I had stories there, deleted them as the way I did wasn't working. Had comics I wrote, kinda didn't like em, and some other things. XD

    Haha. <3

    Should join the Royal Flying Doctor Service. (:
    Get to fly around, being a doctor and saving people. ^_^
    Clinical Coder - a person who works at a hospital or health area, who translates what doctors and nurses do, into clinical codes, that can be used by the goverment to determine the work a hospital does, in say, a week.

    Ahh.. 3 months. I can. ^_^ Spiderrrmonkey I be! :3

    Ooo, I can catch people in my web? Do I have to go after a special kind of person, or can I choose? :O
    Spider car sounds awesomeee! Whats it look like? (:

    Yess, talking is fun. (:
    Like, we could talk about the moon. And it's craters... and... stuff. >.> Yeah. (: Sol is unhappy with me. XD Talking is awesomeee. Haha. So, by default, you ish awesome too. (:

    Pretty, nice, fun and awesome! Good mix. ^_^

    Awwww, okayy. (:
    Have a good night then Tegan, and I hope to talk to you soon aye sweetie. ^_^ Haha.
    good night gorgeous, sleep well, and sweet dreams. (:
    xx <3
    October 19th, 2010 at 11:56am
  • lifeblade4

    lifeblade4 (100)

    Haha, nooo! I'm totally cool with it being long. ^_^ It bugs my best friend though. :P We'll have Facebook message convo's.
    She will write say, a paragraph. Cool. (:
    I, will then reply to each sentence in the paragraph, with a paragraph. :P I like it, she doesn't. She'll take a minute to respond, I'll take 5 minutes, then it grows. (:

    Haha, stupid superman. You should bite him, or something equally as devious. (:

    Hmm. Wonder what would happen if her simcard disappeared for a week? *innocent smile*

    Haha. My mate Ray, who is prob the only guy I can have a proper conversation with, without the silences being awkward, knows me too well. He'll pay attention as we are going through the stores, and point me off in a direction AWAY from soemthing I might like. XD He's cool.

    Haha, I don't know anyone else that does all the stuff I do, besides my supervisor. everyone else I know in IT, is in one set area, like networking (connecting comps and printers etc together)
    Or website design, etc. Not multitasks. Good experience though.
    Busy is nice. Gives me stuff to do.

    Check meh profile, I updated a few lines. :P
    And okayyy, I'll see if I can set up those camera's... now... where'd I put em. :/

    Ahh kay, putting themself at risk to help other people. (:
    Hmm. How are you with heights?

    Geeks cute? :# haha.
    Does you know what a clinical coder is? :P

    Ahh, 18th, so 3 more months. I can be patient. *twitches*

    SpiderMonkey sounds cool. Do I have any neat abilities? (That's from SpyKids right?)

    Doing something is better then sitting around and being quiet for 2-3 hours. ._. I like going to the movies alone, because I don't like sitting still for so long. Plus, people chatting is somewhat annoying. XD and yeah, as stated, watching movies isn't my idea of hanging out with friends. (: I talk too much. (As you notice, but you do too, so it makes a good match, hehe.)
    October 19th, 2010 at 11:18am
  • lifeblade4

    lifeblade4 (100)

    Long messages are getting long. :L
    October 19th, 2010 at 10:33am
  • lifeblade4

    lifeblade4 (100)

    Haha, feed your self vitamins. (:
    I will check tomorrow which one helps with immunity to stuff. Like bullets. Superman must use it. XD
    And the perscription note I left at my office has the name on it. (: And my supervisor used to take em, so he says they seem real. (I'm sometimes rather paranoid. :3)

    She's deadset in love at 10? Woooooow. I've got a younger family friend who's 14, and her entire life revolves around her horrible love life with boys. ._. Sigh.

    Shiny stuff is wicked. ^_^ I hate it when I can't resist buying something because it looks cool. XD

    I work in IT, as a trainee. Doing Webdesign stuff atm, and every so often, I am the tech support for the people at the office (Mostly just explaining why they need to turn the printer setting off colour, if they don't want it to print in colour...)
    Um, helping with the IT products, like, the company is now starting to sell a medical dictionary, via CD, so I helped set up the online store, and designed the case / cd cover, and added the 'help' and 'read-me' to the program (tedious)
    Oh oh. The part I like most is I ammm the audio / videoo guy. ^__^ They do Professional development events, like seminars, and I record them, and upload them to the interweb so company members can watch. o.o

    Lots of stuff. Always busy. :P

    *Is now stalker. ^_^*

    Does that mean I have to be like, extra creepy, and ask you what kinda deodrant your wearing, or comment how much I like it when you look up, off to the left when your bored?

    Haha, wow. It's been ages since I've head anyone refer to themself as tank. *High five* for that.

    A police officer would be cool. (: Detective, would be awesome. ^_^
    Is it the law enforcement side, or just that they tend to be a lot more helpful to people?
    Urrrm. I like writing, and taking photos, haha. but I don't wanna really make a career out of them, they are just hobbies. My mum wanted me to be a lawyer. She reckons its because I'd be able to memorise everything. XD
    I'm happy as a geek. :P Though, I'ma gonna branch around. (: Going to do a few diff things with IT, and might even get a clinical coder qualification. :3

    A card woulddd be awesome, haha. Ooo, 18 aye? I might have to wait till them to start stalking you. Being called a stalker, I'm fine with. Being called a pedo, not so much. :P

    Movies. I rather watch them on my own. :P
    But yes, why go to a movie to catch up?
    "Hey, so like, I went out to this..."
    "SHHHH! We're watching the movie. Geez."
    October 19th, 2010 at 10:32am
  • lifeblade4

    lifeblade4 (100)

    Aww. ): Noo, you should get your immune system, and train it to be a black belt. (: Kick the butt out of all those evil flu stuff. :O Eehhehe. Would be wicked to watch, your immune system karate chopping some bacteria thing. :3
    Good day today is goodly good. Haha.
    I has sleeping pills!
    It has no label. Odd.

    *Sigh* Yeah, I don't get it, seeing kids in primary school, walking around with mobiles, texting each other. What are they even saying to each other. o.O I didn't get one till Highschool, year 8 maybe, and even then, I barely used the damn thing till year 10-11? (: Should see what she does with it. They prob sit, calling people for several hours, then wondering why the call cuts out. ._. Crediiittt!

    I can't either. :P I've been living on my own here for 2-3 months now, and my savings haven't gone up. They haven't gone down, either, but still. :| Sadface.
    Shiny stuff = <3

    Holiday ish in Dec. :3 haha.
    But I still got paid a lot for it? Overtime, ftw!
    I found out that I can get paid at 2.4 times normal, I found that odd.

    Okayyyy, would you likeee a stalker? XD I have it on my profile, I'm up for hire. ^__^ Haha.

    Sydney's heaps rushy too. But I sorta ignore it now. (:
    Restoring cars? Oh that would be cool.
    Besides a photographer, what would you wanna be?
    And yayyyy, heh, I'll be 20 next month. o.O
    Im old. :P

    Beachh would be nice. ^_^ And I like just going somewhere, and hanging out. I don't get people that NEED to do something. Why do they need to go to the movies, shops, out for dinner, etc, when they see someone? They could just go somewhere nice, eg, beach, hang out, have fun, talk. :|
    October 19th, 2010 at 09:45am
  • Megasaurus!!

    Megasaurus!! (100)

    awwww, i have a brother that lives in queensland (:
    nsw is the bomb haha :3
    October 19th, 2010 at 08:27am
  • lifeblade4

    lifeblade4 (100)

    Awww. Well feeling heaps better today is good. ^_^ Dun want ya feelin sick, that is bad sauce. :O And I know what not sleeping for a couple of days is like. Went to doctors today, I has now sleeping pill perscription. Insomnia, hopefully you die tonight. XD

    Awwww, well, when she gets into like year 6, you will have fun. She'll think she's the top dog, haha. (:
    Used to? :O

    I ammm savinggg for one. But I do have TAFE fee's, and a new laptop to get, so gonna wait till after the fee's before I do anything about laptop / camera. (: DUn wanna be broke when I need the money. XD

    Haha, I like the job, just next week is a 3 day conference, and we still have 2-3 projects we need to finish for it. So we kinda rushing.
    Did 50+ hours the other week. Soooo tired.

    I was honestly thinking about visiting Queensland, my mate wants me to come visit him. (: So maybe? :P I'll be a new stalker, kehehe. Unless you already have one? (Kidding)

    Ohh, I haven't been to Melbourne. Is it nice? *reads down* oh. Scary? Sadface. But soudns nice at night. (:

    And sweet! Good job on your step dad!
    I ammm in Sydney.
    And good, I bet he'll love that. :3 Hugs from pretty girls is <3
    I see my bestfriend, not this weekend, but one after. ^__^
    Looking forward to it, and even more so, because 2-3 of the people I dislike won't be in town!

    What will you two be up to aye sweetie? (:
    October 19th, 2010 at 08:26am
  • lifeblade4

    lifeblade4 (100)

    Nawww. :P Well I am slightly jealous that you had to fight falling asleep. :P
    And haha, 7 ain't bad. Ahh, hopefully you won't have to babysit much when she's around 10-12. ._.
    Oh, the fun years. XD
    And yush! I wanna go there. The girl I was talking to, a few months ago, she was extra mean. :P She took the laptop / webcam outside while it was snowing! Ahh. ): I want it to snow here. :P

    Ahaha, I know what you mean. I have a tendency to break technology. ._. And that's not a good thing, considering I am the IT Tech at my work. Lookout, here I come! :3
    Yay. (: I'll think of a prize sometime soon for keeping of said secret. Lol.
    I am aiming for maybe a Nikon D3000, or D31000. (: Will see. Good luck aye? (:

    I start at 8:30, and finish at 4:30.
    I normally arrive at 8, and leave at 5:30-6. (:
    I'm odd. XD

    I have a 2 week holiday in chrissy. (: NO IDEA WHAT TO DO!!!
    What would you do? :O
    All over Australia aye, where are youuu at if I mayy ask?

    Ohhhh, that does sound nice. What city are you going to attack? And give him/her hugs. ^_^ Hehe.
    October 19th, 2010 at 08:03am
  • lifeblade4

    lifeblade4 (100)

    Haha, I thought you might of, it's fine though. (:
    And awww, how olds your sister for you to need to baby sit her? :O
    All right sounds good. ^_^
    Lovely again? Hehe. My night was pretty good. Was up till midnight talking to meh best friend, and my friend from the UK. ^_^ So was nice.
    The part where I couldn't sleep again, wasn't so nice. But atleast it was raining, so yeah.

    Oh? What kinda cannon? I have a Cannon Powershot A something something.
    I think I broke the flash on it. >.> Shhh.
    Errrm. An SLR, or just a higher quality digital camera? (:

    My dayyyy is going goodly. ^_^
    Still at work, god forbid, and will be for another hour atleast. But we had a staff meeting.
    One, was to pick if we wanted fish/chips, or chicken for the melbourne cup lunch. I don't know why.
    2, was to pick a function to do for the christmas party. :P

    How's your day been goin gorgeous? (: Anythin excitin? XD
    October 19th, 2010 at 07:36am
  • lovelikejianna.

    lovelikejianna. (100)

    United States
    im Jianna(:
    nice to meet you and sorry this is so late D:
    im bored and missin my bf lol youu?
    October 19th, 2010 at 02:17am