I have no more friends.

For the longest time drama left.and I was happy.I had more friends than ever, good grades, and a [somewhat] happy family life.My grades are going down, all my mom wants to talk about is how I am failing math.And how she is keeping in touch with my math teacher, how my term paper was due forever ago and it got deleted from the floppy[thankstoher] and now I haven't handed a term paper in.I hate...
March 8th, 2008 at 04:19pm

Tokio Hotel.

My friends are over and we were looking at this kid who could sing nicely, he was 10. We saw a video of him older, and he reminded me of Bill.So I showed them him, and my friend Cat has never seen him before.Of course she thinks he is gorgeous and said that if she saw him she would rape him on the spot.haha.Soooo...All of the picture on google look not so good, got any rad pictures?
December 24th, 2007 at 12:05pm


Warning: Yeah, I'm a little bitching baby.Yeah, Today made me sad.It is my birthday, out of all my friends, 3 or 4 remembered.The rest I had to hint it to them.Nobody wanted to hang out with me after school.Except for Lexie, she is awesome.We hung out for a while at Hess. [Gas Station]Then my mom drove me home and Lexie home.My mom let me drink Monster too!She doesn't let me drink Energy Drinks.I...
December 11th, 2007 at 05:48am

Nuh uh!!!!

[Listening to: OTEPWanting to: Sleep, Go to the bathroom, Take a shower, Prove Steven wrong]Warning: I get upset very easily sometimes"They probably have skulls on them.""Why would they have skulls?""It matches your whole look."ugh...Stupid Steven.I DON'T GET IT!!!I can wear all of the shades of pink and still be called and emo!or depresssive!Okay, I have bands in my face.--ooh, it's a crime eh?My...
December 3rd, 2007 at 11:54am

I'm such a loser.

Warning: I am ridiculous and have no confidence.If I like someone, I like them.I won't talk to them, not even online.Sometimes I won't even add them on myspace.I might ask them for a dollar at lunch, get rejected, then walk away with pride at how I talked to them.So at the moment, I like this kid.For legal purposes his name is: IT.I call him that.Why not eh?I see him in school every day, I stare...
November 24th, 2007 at 09:31am

Somebody get my phone, so I can throw it in a public pool.

I just took some pictures with my friend Beckey.And they are wayyy coolio pictures. =]I just photoshopped the good ones too, I swear.Photoshop is a drug.I just want to photoshop more and more.I showed my friend, Travis, some pictures that I photoshopped of me, then the original.I said:"I have this red thing next to my nose and I don't know how it got there, but I made it go away with photoshop....
November 23rd, 2007 at 06:54am

I need help with my iPod.

Warning: My explanation skills are microscopic.I am trying to put "notes" into my iPod or whatever, but how do I do it.Do you know what I mean?Help please...Also! Does anyone watch MTV? Probably not, I don't either.But some kid from my school was on Made, and they aired it today!haha, it was awesome. It was kind of weird having my little town on TV...on MTV.My friend was on it too, she was talking...
November 19th, 2007 at 04:40am


I would like to photoshop.I have no pictures to photoshop.Warning: I tend to babble.Anyone want me to photoshop their pictures? I can:Change the colours of your eyeChange your hair colour [may not be that realistic but it storta looks real.]Make the colours of the picture better.Make your make-up [if any] look better.Make your skin look smoothe.Make you look like you are in a plastic...
November 19th, 2007 at 12:11am

I just feel like talking.

I just to need talk, I don't care who listens or who doesn't.As long as someone does.Warning: This is going to be about random stuff++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++I am writing more of my story! woot.If you don't read it you should, it is called:Pathetic Idiot Make Up Your MindA wiL Francis and Frank Iero slash.I think the chapter I am writing now is one of my favorites, dunno why...just...
November 15th, 2007 at 05:07am


GAHHH!!! AHHH AHHHHHHH !!HAHa!111!!1111I have this really big crush on this super hot kid.I call him "it" cause I don't like using his real name.Everyday, We go stand were him and his friends stand so I can stare at him 0_0and my friend Sam is in his grade, and I guess she talked to him...or something...Her comment to me [on myspace]: zomg guess who you're being hooked up with tuesday?My comment...
October 28th, 2007 at 09:35pm

I've been thinking...a little too much.

This may sound a bit "emo" but deal with it.My life has been very blank and depressing, or I make it out to be.I realize I have been a bitch to my friends and I have been taking things to seriously.I try to act happy on the outside, but on the inside I am really depressed and I want someone to talk to, where I can just say exactly as I am feeling.Not a Counselor...I had one and she was a piece of...
October 28th, 2007 at 02:35am

Computer literacy.

Is where I am at, at the moment.In about 10 minutes I am leaving to go to long History T.Tand hour and 30 minutes.And I have a test I didn't study for...woops.Mrs. Doherty [comptuer literacy teacher] is freaking out at everyone for doing the assignment wrong.I am sitting here laughing, nobody is cenerting their papers, double spacing...blah blah blah.I messed up too though >.<but it was a...
October 26th, 2007 at 12:08am

Last night was very emotional.

Last night was my friends birthday party, so much drama.Not only was Cassie flirting with Amanda and Maria's boyfriend, but I found out one of my really good friends has heroin and is planning to inject it.He has always been like "I wanna try heroin, just once. Then stop."So far, he smokes and does weed.He has always told me: "I'm quiting smoking." "I'm quiting weed." "I'm just gonna do weed."And...
October 21st, 2007 at 11:46pm