Eyes Open//New Book//Advice Always<3

I can't stop listening to this song by Taylor Swift, "Eyes Open". I feel like its telling me to do something...that everyone's waiting, watching, and warning me to do something crazy, something that would be so me. I don't know what it is, but the summer is always the best time to make the most extraordinary mistakes and acknowledgments. So I will. I'm going to start writing books again (:I have...
July 6th, 2012 at 09:41am

"Safe and Sound"/// Advice?///Best Friends</3

12:34pm (this afternoon)I wish me and Brett can hangout this weekend, and that I do well in my French 1 final.1:23 pm (this afternoon)I wish me and Brett can hangout this weekend, and that I do well in my French 1 final.11:11pm (tonight)I wish me and Brett can hangout this weekend, and that I do well in my French 1 final.What else is there for a teenage girl to wish for? (=So I have a new crush,...
January 24th, 2012 at 08:32am

I looove writing at night/imagination ramble

Everything's out, and gone for just a little while, and you can just set into your own little mood. You can set the tone for something that's never been done before, because the black of the night is the bright open canvas. People might think it's mysterious, or unreliable, but I believe it's the exact opposite. You can always count on the night to be there, whenever the days have been shorter or...
November 24th, 2011 at 04:39am

Hating People

Don't get me wrong, there r people i generally dislike, but hating someone? I don't understand. I like to think of people as one group, or civilization. Sure, a few stick out, and we're all unique in our own ways, for better and worse, but we're all...part of the same thing. And to hate one part of a whole, is to hate the whole, in a sense. I don't know. All I know is that people do what they do...
November 7th, 2011 at 12:03am

Starting a new book today -- need a new book to read -- any other writing websites i can try?

Soo I'm starting a new book today. Hopefully I'll have the first chapter up by tonight, but it'll definetly be up by tomorrow. It's a book that's a little weird, completely fantasy, and I've been working on it since I was in 5th grade, and have decided once and for all to start and finish it! Beginning to end, I will do it!=DI need a new book to read. I wanna read from this site, but nothing's...
August 26th, 2011 at 01:38am

My days lately....need something to read, from poems to stories.

I hate it when I wake up everyday thinking I wanna be something different. Like yesturday, I was thinking 'Doctor, definetly!' and I was all into medical books, listening to my mom's doctor stories, watching House and Grey's Anatomy just to write down the doctorey words. Now today, I'm like 'I wanna work with autistic and mentally handicapped kids!' and i went to babysit this adorable little 9...
August 14th, 2011 at 06:02am

Does this happen to anyone else?

Does this happen to anyone else? You get in a good typing groove in one of your stories, and press the 'submit' button to add another one of your chapters, and it asks you to sign in agian, deleting all your hard work? If it doesn't please tell me so I know its just my computer and I can continue to love this site. If not, please tell me as well. But I seriously might leave this site forever just...
August 8th, 2011 at 07:38am

2 Basketball Games today(: forgot it was father's day:/

Today I played for the varsity first and then the JV, which was fun(= REALLY getting frustrated with the JV players, but they're just learning. I can't do anything about that, except be patient and try to help them(= We lost both our games, but both were really close!! The first was varsity, and I made 6 points!!! The second game was JV, and I made 5 points. I decided I want to keep track of all...
June 20th, 2011 at 06:52am

I realized something awesome(=

I'm not in love, I'm in friendship love.I thought I loved this guy, and we've been friends with eachother for forever, going on and off dating, kissing randomly in the hallways and ruining all our relationships because we thought we were in love with eachother.Buuuuuut then yesturday I made a new frinedship with someone, and we really hit it off. and GUESS WHAT??? I FELT THE SAME AS I DO TO THIS...
April 2nd, 2011 at 06:43am

How am I gonna do this?

GUY #1) I've had a little innocent crush on this guy since last year: we'd just simply flirt, maybe make a few jokes, and that's it. Nothing more. It's like a silent agreement that we don't go any further.But I WANT to go further. I know people freak out like this and it doesnt work out at all, but I just want to TRY. I want to know whether its easy to kiss him or not, I wanna know how he sees the...
March 31st, 2011 at 08:37am


Basketball Spring league starts soon:DIt may be starting tomorrow, in a few weeks, more than a month, I don't know! One of the girls from my team, Marielle, has emailed the head coach of all this, asking if the rumor that it starts tomorrow is true. I was just so nervous, I HAD to write on mibba about it!!! So I don't care if no one reads this, I'm writin this for myself, CUZ IM PUMPED!...ya, if...
March 15th, 2011 at 04:59am

I didn't no a good morning till today:D

Last night was amazing:D and today, I have a game and I actually did ALL MY HOMEWORK REALLY WELL!!!:O (This is a big step for me, because although I am in all AP classes, I usually BS my homework or just don't do it until the next day of school.) My friends are so amazing and supportive, and I don't know why, but I haven't had the guts to tell any of them about last night.Okay, last night at my...
January 6th, 2011 at 04:53pm

I don't wanna be in love, I don't wanna be in love! ...any advice?

Before I begin, can I just say, Good Charlotte is amazing? They have a perfect song to make my day that much less hellish: ) I love Good Charlotte!!!!Ok, but seriously, I don't wanna be in love. I'm not really a person to like the 'good boys', to like or even hang out with people who do the right thing. I don't make good desicions mself, and because of this, I always figure I should be around...
December 16th, 2010 at 05:12pm

Playing out all-time nemesis today: UNION. I have to make the school proud!

Please pray for me- I have a super crazy need-to-win game today. And if you don't pray, then wish and hope, please. I know my team is awesome, and we're definetly the best team out there, because we have something no other team thinks about: we have eachother. We're all fired up and equally matched. I just want to make sure we have all the support we can get. I have all my friends praying, and I'm...
December 8th, 2010 at 05:20pm

Second game of the SEASON!!! let's hope we win this one;)

Well we lost the first game of the season, boo-hoo. But that's behind us, because today is THE SECOND GAME OF THE SEASONNNN!!!:DDD I'm SOOO psyched!!! We play Evergreen, which they're supposed to be pretty easy. They have short players, I know, and this is the first season for a lot of them. The last game we played was against girls from the JV team AS WELL AS the C team, which was completely...
December 6th, 2010 at 04:42pm


Oh my god, I'm SO FREAKING EXCITED!!!! Today's my first basketball game of the season, and I'm the tallest post, so I'M JUMPING TODAY, TOO!!! I slept well, I'm having an awesome lunch, and I have my four leaf clover necklace and fav jeans on for good luck today. I have the greatest team on the face of the earth, people who really can push me to my best. I've learned so much in the few short weeks...
December 2nd, 2010 at 05:16pm

Is there such thing as a guy/girl friendship?

We're learning about relationships/dating in health class, and our teacher, Mr. Hallead said something that really made me think. I love Mr. Hallead, he's one of my favorite teachers and people. We're really close friends, and I always try to understand what the heck he's talking about in class, but I really can't get this topic. He said that there is no such thing as a pure guy/girl friendship....
December 2nd, 2010 at 04:44pm

Does anyone know "Lucy" by Skillet?

If you don't, learn it. It's amazing:) I love skillet sooooooo much. I just love music in general so much. So I'm gonna take a moment to ignore my homework, in honor of the beauty of music. haha, just kidding:) I'll do it right now.But if you only want to learn one song in the whole world, learn "Lucy". It's inspired me so much:)When I first listened to it about a year ago, I almost cried. But I...
November 30th, 2010 at 05:13pm


I should be doing my homework, but I'm lost in thought. I'm thinking about Sacramento, thinking about how odd it looks spelled out, and how comfortable it sounds in my head. I'm thinking about how busted I'm gonna be when my teachers find out I ignored my homework to write here. I'm thinking about what book I should write next, and if I might have the guts to finish this one. I'm thinking about...
November 30th, 2010 at 05:02pm

Secrets about me ;D

Secrets about yourself. Be honest no matter what.[1] Are you bi?: Nope.[2] Where is your profile picture taken?: at my friend's house.[3] What is your middle name?: Lynn[4] Do you have a crush?: Kinda.[5] Does your crush like you back?: He's still deciding. :/[6] What is your current mood?: relaxed, because otherwise I'd be super stressed out this morning.[7] What are you looking forward to?:...
November 29th, 2010 at 05:22pm