My Hideous Heart / Comments

  • Guess what...sorry for the late answer xD You should have gotten used to it by now, but I'm checking anyway lol. The job search goes nowhere..but oh wait: that would be because my bro is a lazy dog that doesn't even try -.-' Other than that..just got back from my father's village today, we had to travel there for them to vote, since the elections had to be repeated- I'm sure you've heard on tv about the mess going on here. Had an awesome time with my relatives as usual..(note the sarcasm please), what else, oh, I'm having a chemistry exam tomorrow and I haven't studied enough..but I'm so freaking tired it's ridiculous -.-' How about ya miss?
    June 18th, 2012 at 05:10pm
  • Hey, sorry for taking so ridiculously long to answer, but things have been kind of sh*tty over here these days..well, sh*ttier than usual lol. Tell me, what can I do to gain your forgiveness? *puppy eyes* =P And how might you be doing? Wouldn't want to begin telling my story of woe so soon lol
    May 26th, 2012 at 06:34pm
  • Hahaha, don't worry about that, it was the good kind of embarrassment actually xD It was pretty refreshing to not feel so negative for once, so do not fret, I'm not simply one hell of a sucker up or anything xD
    April 26th, 2012 at 09:50pm
  • Oooh, that sounds awesome! I wish I had decided on a rational place to live as well (my current dream is a secluded village somewhere in the rice fields in Japan , which, as I'm sure you've noticed, isn't exactly a normal choice xD) And I hate to ask, but where's Maryland? ^ - ^'' Well, my Easter was really lame(huge misunderstanding, and now I'm kind of hated by the entire family except from my brother, and all this for something I never even said -.-'') but I'm glad to know one of us is actually having a good time =D I just submitted a new poem btw, if you're interested in reading it..I seriously don't think you'll get what it's about, but I can explain it to you later if you'd like xD
    April 20th, 2012 at 12:10am
  • Aaaaaand for some weird ass reason, I haven't received your answer in my message o.O Or maybe I accidentally deleted it?I was wasting my time on my profile today, making a new layout, cleaning my inbox and things like that, so I might have erased it by accident ^ - ^'' Plus it's been so long since I last talked to you, that I don't even remember what we were talking about lol =.=''' you've been?
    April 19th, 2012 at 05:22pm
  • Hey,guess what?I finally remembered I was supposed to read your new poems..I know I'm late,but FORGIVE ME!XD
    So how you've been?
    March 29th, 2012 at 03:28pm
  • lol thankyou so much :)
    March 9th, 2012 at 06:56pm
  • Your welcome :) if you could check some of mine out there not the best ive wrote yet but tell me what you tthink i would really apprecihate it.
    March 9th, 2012 at 06:55pm
  • Well, four days later, nothing significant happened over here..I'm counting on you to have fun for both of us this holiday lol ^-^'' And how did things go with the family meeting and the dreaded Maths test? Are you still alive? O.O I totally agree with you on the whole Christmas law thing..too bad it isn't real..Looking back in time, I've never had a truly awesome Christmas, except from that one time when I was like, five or something -.-' It's just that, we were too young to understand the things we do now, you know?Anyway..let me jut stop there or I'm gonna get even more depressed lol =.= So, I watched this anime called Hakuouki Shinsengumi Kitan. it's based on historical facts about Japanese wars, Edo period and things like that, samurai and a whole lot of fantasy elements concerning oni (demons)I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT BUT THE ENDING BROKE MY HEART T^T I was like..WHY DEAR GOD, WHY? XD I'm not spoiling anything else..GO WATCH IT.NOW.SERIOUSLY. =P What else?Umm..oh yeah, I begun knitting Christine's scarf and it's definitely turning out to be better than my first one lol..She gave me a teddy bear for a present (what?I love stuffed animals, got a problem with that?xD)which I named Rum 'cause they got the same color haha.Other than that, I'm still in a terrible mood tbh, since I'm getting stressed over all the unfinished homework and undecipherable(is that even a word?o.O)algebra things..I hope tommorow will be a better day, but I highly doubt it..Waiting for your answer!
    December 29th, 2011 at 10:55am
  • Merry Christmas!I don't know what time it is over there, but it's noon in my corner of the planet lol. Although this Christmas, like the three previous ones, aren't exactly merry..I woke up to mother telling me the wife of grandpa's brother died of cancer and they're having the funeral today. At firs I was confused too,thinking another person I knew had passed away, but anyway, it definitely isn't the best kind of news to hear first thing in the morning. Dad has to leave at five o 'clock in the afternoon today to travel there and attend the ceremony..apart from that, it's seriously depressing to have to think of death in such a day.Anyway..I hope we both do survive this year lol ^ - ^'' I just finished the present I was making for Danae (can't tell you what it is 'cause she might see the comment =P ) and I'm also close to finish knitting the first scarf I've ever made =) It's nice to actually have time to do things without stress now.Even though I got to make a black one for my bestie, two pink ones for Aggeliki and Athena and a blue one for Danae -.-' xD I should also get my butt down in a chair and continue working on the new chapter I have in store.. I'm stuck in a particular point T^T And worst of all..I HAVE TO LEARN THE CHAPTERS WE'VE BEEN TAUGHT IN ALGEBRA AT SCHOOL ON MY OWN TTTTTTTTT^TTTTTTTTTT Our professor is lame, and I don't know any math at all..I highly doubt I'm gonna make it to be honest, I'm seriously going to fail this class and geometry. That man is known for grading students with sevens and sixs (when you need to get at least ten to pass and a twenty is the best grade possible). *sigh* Ok, I'm done ranting now ^ - ^'''
    December 25th, 2011 at 12:05pm
  • Hey,I actually feel a bit proud about myself for accomplicing that lol! I suppose I should also apologize about taking so long to reply to always, the busy daily routine is a mood-killer and even the tiniest simplest thing seems too tiring -,-' So how you've been?
    December 19th, 2011 at 12:14pm
  • Awwww...such a sweety you are lol!You may say I support you a lot, but you always got my back as well as far as comments are concerned, and I thank you for that =D
    December 2nd, 2011 at 09:20pm
  • Really?I'm grateful,just don't forget to tell me your opinion!
    November 28th, 2011 at 12:08pm
  • Hey, do you mind checking my "S.F.T.T.I.A.W.O.L" story? Sorry if I'm bothering you, but most of the people I knew here don't get online anymore..It's pretty lonely, and I guess I need a reason more to keep on writing.
    November 26th, 2011 at 11:31pm
  • Lol you flatter me =P
    November 23rd, 2011 at 11:59am
  • I;m sorry, but my fb's gone completely crazy, my chat windows are switching on and off every second on their own O.O'' What was the last thing you sent me?
    November 20th, 2011 at 09:24pm
  • Why not, if you feel like doing so of course ^_^ Just warning you my signal is a bit crappy
    November 20th, 2011 at 08:37pm
  • Anything particularly good that happened to you lately? =P
    November 2nd, 2011 at 10:02pm
  • I think saying we had a sudden test in Physics and I wrote bullshit gives you the idea xD -.- WHY GOG, WHY?WHY DID I CHOSE THAT DAY TO NOT STUDY lol?
    October 30th, 2011 at 01:33pm
  • Well I'm sorry but if it's like that. you're not really doing a good job at it xD
    October 12th, 2011 at 10:03pm