My name is India, and I am just a fifteen year old living in Alaska, and I attend Thunder Mountain high school :') I'm in the process of trying to think of a story in this messed up head of mine. Expect something soon.

Date: 7/18/2011
Time: 7:35 AM
Mood: Awake
Music:The Summer Set
Updated:Nothing for right now, still thinking.

Story Title
Featuring;; Boy/Girl
Chapters;; 00
Status;; Active? Hiatus? Finished?
Title Credit;; who came up with it?

Story Title
Featuring;; Boy/Girl
Chapters;; 00
Status;; Active? Hiatus? Finished?
Title Credit;; who came up with it?

Story Title
Featuring;; Boy/Girl
Chapters;; 00
Status;; Active? Hiatus? Finished?
Title Credit;; who came up with it?

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Layout by Sunny @ DLA.
Steal, and you won't live to eat another bite of ice cream.
Requested by Sarah