about me.

underline | italics | strike | bold

Hiya this is Bre (short for a name that you won't ever know). I am as paranoid as fuck and I don't like people stealing my stuff. Even if it's not even that good. If you steal anything, I will hunt you down, castrate you with a rusty iron rod and then leave your body on your parents door step. Other than that I am a pretty Kewl and AWESOME person that you will sadly not be able to meet. Y’know unless I become famous, but then you still might not be able to meet me. Your Loss.


I Am: Online, I can’t do anything if I’m Offline.
Time: I don't fucking know! How about you go out and buy a watch.
Listening:The Wicked End by A7x. :(
Thoughts: I'm hungry but to lazy to make anything.