
Juliet"Act One"PrologueI don't know who I am...The words bonged around my head after waht seemed like forever. I put my hands in my pockets and continued to walk. My eyes peered around the trees to see an owl. I jumped scared witlessly. I sighed in relief, but I didn't let ym guard down. Suddenly I heard the galloping of a horse. I spun around and a man grabbed me by the waist. My arms and legs...
November 7th, 2010 at 12:53am


I have started writing a story! The title for the story is up there ^ <---that is an arrow by the way XD. As soon as I finich Chapter One and the Prologue I'll post it ^.- and please do comment D': Now let's see what I can talk about... oooh I think I know! Let's talk about the "Acts" of Juliet. There are going to be three Acts and each are going to be (well I'm trying) three-hundred each...
October 26th, 2010 at 01:49am