I See Stars & Falling In Reverse are fighting... My thoughts:

Overall:So I See Stars & Falling In Reverse are having problems with each other.Great, two of my favorite bands hate each other now.Well, at least I got to see them in Des Moines, after four fucking times of not being allowed or able to go.I don't want to know anything more about their fighting.To you guys:Way to make your fans upset and confused guys, way to frickin' go.I don't even know who...
November 4th, 2012 at 02:40am

Don't Kill Yourself

No matter WHAT anyone tells you or what you think of yourself, there ARE people who CARE. There are people who WILL LISTEN to you and WANT to HELP you get through whatever you're going through. Including me. I don't want anyone to kill themselves. Nothing anyone says is worth ending your life. If you want someone to talk to, to listen to you, to help you, myself, along with so many other people,...
September 12th, 2012 at 09:49pm

Zombie Stripper

I have a really weird story to the name, “Zombie Stripper”:I don't mean to be weird or anything, but I'm bi, which will help explain the name.And I have a slight obsession with the idea of zombies, even though they creep me out.My girl bi friend and I were talking in Study Hall and our other bi friend, who happens to be a guy, had a girl's magazine, with some hot girls barely wearing any...
September 2nd, 2012 at 04:18am


40 fucking dollars. That's all I fucking need. Maybe if you didn't spend most of the money on shit YOU DON'T need, I could meet my favorite band. But no, you're a selfish bastard who buys himself shitloads of knives he doesn't need but tells his only daughter that he doesn't have enough money to send her to a show to meet her favorite fucking band! Fucking asshole! A once-in-a-lifetime thing is...
August 28th, 2012 at 04:18am

Letter to the Black Veil Brides

Dear Black Veil Brides,I highly doubt any of you will ever see this, but if you do, thank you. Thank you for your music. I don't have a "group" that I belong in at school, but I no longer care. Your music makes me feel like I belong finally. My parents love me, yes, but they don't know how I truly am. I used to be a social child in middle school, but then I became a bully target. I dress in black...
December 2nd, 2011 at 02:12pm