Lestat vs Edward

I borrowed this from a girl's blog on another site.For all of you Twilight haters, prepare to be vindicated.For all of you Twilight obsessors, don't even bother bitching at me via comment. I'll just delete them. A STREET IN NEW ORLEANS, PRESENT DAY- 2 IN THE MORNING[LESTAT DE LIONCOURT, a seductive blond vampire is walking down a deserted street in the French Quarter. He is looking for his latest...
May 10th, 2009 at 08:31pm

I Quit

I, Ms. <insert real name here>, hereby decide for my New Years' resolution:I'm going to stop fucking lying to myself.I am NOT a sprinter. Yet, I am on the track team. As of the first day back (January 5th... or 6th...) I will turn in my track uniform, in a bag clearly marked with the words.Dear Coach.I quit for good.You're welcome.I am a writer. I am music-obsessed.I like running... every...
December 26th, 2008 at 07:43am

A Rant About Showers

It seems the bane of my father's existence is my taking long showers.Let me put this situation into perspective for you:I have been sick for the past few days, yesterday night having a fever of 101 degrees. Of course, after waking from a night of being feverish, one has been sweating and doesn't feel so very clean. Because of that, and the fact that my sinuses are doing their damnedest not to...
December 18th, 2008 at 03:54am

I hate...

being a girl.meaning i hate PMS. mostly because i get really severe mood swings, fuck up everything i've managed to build with my parents, get really suicidal again, and be completely unable to write.needless to say, it gets fucking annoying real quick.i miss my best friend. i havent talked to her in about two weeks, which is fucking eternity in my world to go without being able to say what i'm...
June 30th, 2008 at 04:55am

Just me bitching about being a bitch.

and what also pisses me off?I'm incredibly fucking VULNERABLE right now.between writing the bare bones of the (horrible) ending to a story, and just dwelling on the thoughts of dead relatives and wondering about who could deal with their fiancee dying...i keep fucking crying.i guess i really am just a hopeless romantic.but now that i say that it feels fake.so, mind telling me WHAT the fuck i am,...
May 11th, 2008 at 08:22am

*throws hissy fit*

WAHHHHHH*stomp stomp stomp*i can't check my messages.fuck the "database error" i want to see what my friend said.>.<am i the only person going through this?if so, not yay, this is really superfuckingannoying.if not, then... WHATTHEHELLISGOINGONHERE!!?!?!?!?!HDSFJ FFG F FD D S FD G H GR GR G G GF HF HGSH H G GF F F D FD F F F F F F F F Fthis long enough yet?no?HH H H H H H H WHEEE EEEE E EEE...
April 9th, 2008 at 12:24am

Boredom Reigns Over All

in my odd little world at least...but i think i'm just bored out of my mind.i stayed home"sick" from school today, but as it turns out, even though i WAS sick last night, i'm pretty damn good now.so i'm like "what the fucking HELL?"and my body's like "well HAHA!"so yeah...apparently my body hates me?w/ei think i'm just bored.and STILL pissed at my earphones for not working...i guess i'll...
March 14th, 2008 at 05:09pm

earbud suicide anyone?

I'm all pissed now.My left earphone blew out. it doesn't work, no matter HOW many times i whack it against the wall!! *pouts*in a way, i think i can blame avenged sevenfold for this. "A Little Piece of Heaven" cranked up as loud as it could be annihalated my poor earbud... :'(but then again... my fault...oh well...i know i have to find at leas ONE pair in my gaveyard of earbuds that still works......
March 14th, 2008 at 04:37am

I hate making these titles relevant...

but that's not the point.it's not even part of my journal.here's what's going on in my head:You ever get the feeling people are tired of you? I've been recieving that message for the last two days.Yeah.I'm fucking weird.I say weird shit.It makes me want to lose my ability to talk. Or at least make me think for a few moments before anything of my own mind escapes into the real world. Once you've...
March 5th, 2008 at 09:00pm


I CAN ACTUALLY GET PUBLISHED!!!i got a call from BookSurge today.and apparently they want to publish my story, Lacrymosa.i seriously did the happy dance a moment ago.i mean, i won't be done with the story for at least three months....and then i want to get an editor...it'll be sorta complicated.. and a long process..as well as a sort of expensive one.a decent pagae is about a grand.>.<my dad...
February 22nd, 2008 at 06:51pm

Hi people/I'm a lifeless loser

for writing for FIVE GODDAMN HOURS on two chapters to my story Lacrymosa. BUT i think they just might be pretty damn decent.i bet anyone who reads this is gonna be like okaaaaay then.so yeah, think that if ya want. i dont care. loopy from lack of sleep.anyways, if any of you Mibbians feels like reading my story, this is the description.I'm going to start by introducing myself:My full name is Evan...
February 20th, 2008 at 09:48am


I am pissed at my profile right now.it wont let me see my comments!!i already closed out of the window and restarted my internet, but I CAN'T SEE MY FUCKING COMMENTS!!it just tells me there aren't any.yeah, i've been on here for an entire year and not talked to anyone.sure.it lies.therefore.AHHHHHHHHH!!!My users page tells me i have unread comments.but i can't GET to them. i even attempted to post...
January 29th, 2008 at 06:47am

2 Days In A Row?

My mom just told me I could stay home tomorrow.Ya see, I'm slowly getting over this really shit-tastic cold... I've gone through 3 1/2 boxes of tissues in 3 days.I mean, it's not going to break my heart to miss another day of school.there's two projects due tomorrow that i have no idea what to do on...and a couple people i'd like to see run over by a rabid fat man.but really, i just don;t want to...
January 29th, 2008 at 03:27am


alright,i've recently made a huge decision about one of my stories.i'm going to attempt to get it published.though i know there is a good chance this will not end up happening for a while, since i'm not even 3/4 of the way done with the book yet, and the fact thati'm still a minor, in need of a literary agent, and an editor, i;ve been told by about twently people, including a few of my teachers...
January 28th, 2008 at 04:28pm

Stupid Nose...

it's all STUFFED THE FUCK UP!!i swear, i've gone through about two boves of tissues in 2 days.my nose is chapped to the point where I tried to wash my face and it burned like acid.owwie.anyways,'i am BORED OUT OF MY MIND.aaaaand it happens to be just after mid- *sneezes, blows nose loudly*-night.i sort of want to paint my nails...random, yes?i'm HOPEFULLY going to be able to milk this cold enough...
January 28th, 2008 at 06:11am


Guess what I just realized.today is my Mibba anniversary.I have officially been on Mibba for an entire YEAR.damn...i guess i never really thought about it til now, but i dont think i'd still be here if i hadn't found Mibba.but yeah... before i get all mushy about it,i'll just say one thing.i am happy for this site and the fact that so many people can talk about things, write and just be...
January 23rd, 2008 at 10:08pm

Holy SHIT!!

Alright people,ususally at this point in time, since it would be a normal school day, I would probably be walking down the street to catch the bus with a couple friends.BUT, apparently today is NOT, in fact, a normal day.Wanna know why?My friend just called me and told me to turn on the news, it was all over the radio,Someone stole the keys to all the busses for my town (they're all similar......
January 22nd, 2008 at 12:56pm


This whole thinking and being sane thing is overrated.i'd rather this numb feeling of not having to belong to anything. I'd rather just take the time to forget who the fuck i've ended up being and just float around in the space inside my skull.Maybe this is just the insomnia talking.Maybe this is the anorexia talking.But maybe this is what happens when you just let your life pass you byIt's not a...
January 19th, 2008 at 03:56pm

To the people reading my story "The second Shining"

Alright, I have something to say, so gather 'round mibbians.I've changed the title of my story to something a lot less, copyright infringment-ish.The Second Shining is now Lacrymosa.I hope not to disappoint in the chapters ahead.I also realize this was not 100 words, so I'm going to write this in French now to kill space.Bien, j'ai quelque chose à dire, ainsi recueillez 'les mibbians ronds.J'ai...
January 19th, 2008 at 03:30pm


seriously.i dont think it's even POSSIBLE for me to get any more bored....or lonely...or tired...or just plain out of it.*looks up at top heading*what if i dont FEEL like putting effort in?HUH?does anyone know any good angry music? cause i seem to have a whole bunch of happy, sad, and laid back music, but not too much angry.i don't expect anyone to comment this. i'm just not willing to accept...
January 15th, 2008 at 04:02am