So long and Good Night, Helena...

Alrighty people,I haven't really done anything on my journals or anything since November of last year (Happy New Year to all!) and today seemed like the time to get stuff out here.Right now, I was just looking around Mibba when all of a sudden, my iTunes changed songs, which it's supposed to, I put it on shuffle for a reason. Anyways, this may not seem like a huge thing, but this time it was....
January 8th, 2011 at 07:15pm

Holy Killjoys and Cheesus.

I have tickets. I'm getting to go see them, My Chemical Romance. I know a lot of you might not care, but I like sharing. I hope everyone else who can make it will get tickets, because it sounds like an awesome night!! I think I might faint being anywhere near Gerard, so, to proceed with caution, I am going to bring my inhaler. I'm going with a friend who shall remain nameless, because I feel bad...
November 6th, 2010 at 04:14am


Okay, I wasn't totally planning my first post on this to be a blog sort of thing but you must understand. MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE WILL BE IN TORONTO ON DECEMBER 18TH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not even funny on how excited I am. I'm trying to get my Mum to get me tickets (which go on sale soon!!) and I must be there. To think, Gerard Way in the same building as me *faints* I never got to see...
November 4th, 2010 at 10:37pm