
time: 9:27pm, 29th April, 2011
mood: Tiireeeddd
music:Wynter Gordon - TIll the death.
update?: Royal wedding.

italics bold underline link


SOPHIE friends. family. beach. taking idiotically awesome photos. music. thunderstorms. tim burton. my dog. the fact uni brows amuse me. throwing popcorn at people in movie theatres. the weekend. smiling. sunshine. lollies. movies. sleepovers. makeup. screaming. birthdays. laughing. memories. singing. driving. whispering in class. texting. dancing in my room. clothes. shoes. hoola-hooping. robert downey jr. comforting friends. advice girl. butterflies. being nervous. perfume. food.


Heath Macynitre
Characters: Scarlett Lewis and Heath Macyntire
Chapters: 7
Status: Active

Characters: Cassie Jones, Jason Tucker, Emmah Shield and Sarah Barnett
Chapters: 1
Status: Active

Layout credit to They're Fake Layouts.