Well I'm never sure what to write in this area honestly. I always feel blank. Hmm, well I'm 18 and a senior in high school. I love my friends, they are extremely important to me, and without them I would be completely and utterly lost. I enjoy writing. Even though I am never satisfied with any of my work. I always feel like somethings missing. I want to go somewhere in life, be someone important. I also want to become a stronger person, not physically, mentally. I like to read, but lately I can never find the time to sit and enjoy a good book. I have so many unread books in my room! Uhm also I really enjoy coloring. I know it's sort of childish, but it relaxes me for some reason. Anyways, there is plenty more to know about me, I'm sure I will add more here later, but if you want to know something about me just ask. I'm friendly and wont bite I promise. (: