brittarae / Comments

  • fangirl1999

    fangirl1999 (100)

    United States
    Sorry it's taking so long to get the next chapter written. I got a little tired of dragging out their first kiss and all, but don't worry, they are coming up soon. Not in the next chapter though, which I need to get off my ass and write. It's hard to find time for writing now that the NHL season has started up again and I'm following 2 teams.

    I was feeling a little confused about the direction of this story, how far I wanted to take it, but I think I figured out where I want to go with it on the weekend. I actually wrote a scene for it last weekend that takes place in this new season. I just need to get that far!

    In the mean time, you could check out my new Landy story Jenna's Choice, sadly that is waiting for me to write the next chapter, too, but I have most of that story written. So in my defense I have still been writing about Gabe!
    January 30th, 2013 at 06:00am