The Reason I Bleed- October 3rd

People don't ever believe that I'm 15. Not just because of my ability to grow epic facial hair, but because I've been through more shit than most of the people do around where I live. First things first, I have a lot of problems. I am a cutter, recovering, mind you. 214 total, hopefully that number will stay that low. I was a porn addict for 2 years, I barely ever slip, been almost completely...
October 25th, 2011 at 06:37am

What do you do when a blade is your only friend..?

Hey, it's October 24th, 2011, 2:25am :) Insomnia is fun.....On Liz (my girlfriend<3) and I's 1 month anniversary (fuck you if you think that's something stupid to celebrate), I promised her that i'd stop cutting. Today is day 6, still no cuts :) I don't even carry my razor with me anymore. This is huge, in case you care enough to know. I didn't think I could ever stop, especially because the...
October 24th, 2011 at 08:27am

Gym Class makes it hard to hide scars...

Okay, it's October 17th, 1:51am, will probably be later by the time i'm done typing this. I haven't been on since the 3rd. I had this account for almost a year, and never posted a thing on it till my girlfriend reminded me of it. Wow... Anyway, I guess I gotta change my longer at 214...more like, 269... ok, I lied, 270...ahh, the marvelous life of a cutter... My girlfriend used to cut...
October 17th, 2011 at 08:05am