fighting for no reason

my friends are so annoying right now! they are constantly fighting and now they won't even look at each other. i tried to solve the problem so i asked one of my friends why she is mad and all she could say was the other person was being a b*tch. and i asked why she said she didn't know why, she's just being a b*tch. And i asked my other friend why she was mad and her answer was i don't know. and...
April 13th, 2008 at 04:05am

i'm having a bad day

my friend was caught smoking pot or whatever and now she might be suspended. i blame the new kid at our school who brought her the pot, she put them in her browmies. and now the teacher and principle found out it is really sad, i don't want her to be expel. i want the new girl to ( is that evil ) cause i mean it wasn't my friend's fault was it ?? well i did tell her it wasn't good and she didn't...
October 25th, 2007 at 06:23am