my breakdown.

Well hello there. My name is Sara, I'm nineteen, and I'm going to be a junior at University of Pittsburgh at Bradford in the fall. I'm studying psychology with a minor in writing, and I hope to be going into counseling when I get my degree.

Of course, I have a huge passion for writing. I write mostly fan fiction for whatever fandom I'm currently obsessed with. Most of the pieces I have written are for the My Chemical Romance fandom, because Frerard is so easy to manipulate to virtually any situation you could think of (especially since they're no longer a band). Most of my multi-chapter stories are for the Green Day fandom. Ask me about Green Day personally. Actually don't, because I'll never shut up. I do write original fiction, but I haven't posted up a lot of those stories yet.

ANYWAY, I find that reading kind of goes hand in hand with writing, although I've had a passion for reading way before I found a passion for writing. I'll read mostly anything. I have a soft spot for epic fantasy novels, although I haven't found a lot that I like. I would say about 98% of the stuff I read is fiction, mostly chronicles about the main character of that particular book. On occasion I read a romance novel, and those always come handed down from my mother (who gets them from her mother). They're generally pretty good. And when it comes to book series, I will always have a huge part of my heart devoted to Harry Potter. Don't ask me about that either. I'll never shut up.

Yes, I talk about as much as you might think I do by now. But only to other people. And my computer screen when I'm playing video games. I'm actually relatively new to the video game scene, which is depressing since I'm almost twenty, but hey, better late than never. I've played through Diablo III and the BioShock series. I've played parts of Borderlands (it's not fun to play by yourself), and I'm currently playing through Mass Effect 1. I plan to play through the whole series by the end of the summer. I also play League of Legends whenever I'm not playing any of the above listed games.

I think I've said enough here, so if you want to know anything else, don't hesitate to message me! I love talking to people about what I'm interested in, and I just like people in general. Unless you give me a reason to hate you. :3

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