You know those people,

who take a photo and only get angry when they're hideous in it?So, unlike most of the people on here, I don't have a sad, angry story to tell. It's more of a little pet peeve really.Just today, my friend insisted I take a photo of her next to a sculpture, so I was like, "Oh, okay." When I took a photo of her, it seemed nice to me - but when she saw it, she exclaimed her dislike for it and forced...
July 18th, 2011 at 09:47am

When you're trying to tell a funny story but you can't because you keep laughing.

You know that time when you're trying to tell someone a hilarious story but you can't explain it properly because it's so funny and you're laughing whilst telling the story?Yep./raises handI'm extremely guilty of doing that. Like the other day, I was trying to tell my friend about when the Mad Hatter stole my Alice in Wonderland stickers in the mall (refer to previous journal post... or not) and I...
June 23rd, 2011 at 10:03am

So today I went to buy Alice in Wonderland stickers,

and ironically, as I finished buying them, people outside were cosplaying as the Alice in Wonderland characters. I started running around and annoying them, screaming "I HAVE YOU IN STICKER FORM!!" The girl who was Alice looked at me and backed away slowly like I was a psychopath. Can't blame her, though.I met the Mad Hatter and he started talking to me, then I mentioned the stickers.He ran off...
June 19th, 2011 at 05:07am