WelcomeToMyWorld / Comments

  • hellokerry

    hellokerry (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    oh, and about the comment thing, youre totally welcome :D i love your story, therefore you get comments ;) <3
    January 4th, 2011 at 11:19pm
  • hellokerry

    hellokerry (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    YEAAH! Ahaha :'D

    Awesome! :)
    & Oh, I know, my friends had a big conversation about them once and i was like "LALALA" with my hands over my ears xDD. I was told one of the people in the films has my name and she..dies in a rather horrific way ;_____; i was traumatised, my name never comes up in anything, so for it to come up in Saw, i wanted to cry xD

    Aha you've not asked me, its cool :D
    Aand im really weird with music haha. I love allrock (except indie - i cant stand it, sorry xD), but i love foreign-language music more than anything:3 Like, I like dutch, swedish, german, and I ADORE J-rock, which is japanese rock music, and im in love with K-pop (korean pop) more than anything :') That may seem weird ahah xD my friends think its strange how i can go from heavy metal to cute bouncy korean pop, but honestly, i think its so amazing, it really makes you wanna dance ;3
    But my favourite bands are 30 Seconds to Mars, LM.C (a japanese electro-rock band), and BEAST (a kpop boy band;3). Rofl. Its all a bit scattered.. :')
    What about you? :D

    Ahah I'll have to look then :) i mean, im not a game person, but if its fun i'll totally take a look :D
    & aw! you shouldve asked for one for christmas! :')
    Ah same, i'd feel ignorant if people were there when i was writing :3
    ahaha yes, we have our moments (: i mean we have Lee Evans and Alan Carr, and they crack me up xD

    Ah, ive not updated yet, i will in about a half hour or so when ive finished tweaking it :3
    & theres a lot of Sully in this one, so no worries :D

    Ah, it was tiring :') but i do love it, so i wont complain xD. Oh, its really good, I'd definitely reccommend going :) And hah thanks, no, i did okay, i havent suffered too much, but hey, they say you have to suffer for your art :P
    & really? oh, thats good to know :'D
    & at the moment I'm taking English Language, English Literature and Media, and I dropped Photography last year (as at my college, you have to drop one:3). Theyre actually really good :D I adore Media and Language :)
    Do you have any idea of what you want to take? :3

    Aw, i kknow what you mean, i love catching up with people :D but i hope it wasnt too hard a first day back for you! :) And your spelling isnt bad at all, youre doing very well for being tired :) haha.

    Ahhh yes, i get what you mean, im like that sometimes:£ just rest up and when you do update, it'll be amazing! :)

    ahaha! no, that totally makes sense, i do the same, really xDD (<---- that totally, yeah, thats how i would speak xDD lol)

    Aaah yes! :D Byeee <333
    (ooh. I'd love to speak fluent french, i took it for 5 years, so im semi-competant, but I'd like to speak fluent Korean - im not obsessed, i swear xD - or swedish :) if youve ever watced a swedish film, its amazing how many words and phrases sound the same as ours! and i learned a little german, its not as hard as you may think! :))
    January 4th, 2011 at 10:54pm
  • hellokerry

    hellokerry (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Really? WOW! We have so much in common! Lol.
    Mines a Curve 8520 :) its my baby<3 & aha i dont mind the bluetooth, i barely use it:3 & yeah, its called "Word to Go" and should be in you "Downloads" folder :D its really good for work and stories and such :DD

    Ahaha im not much of a horror person either (ive refused to watch any of the Saw films), but if it has an actor i like or sound slike it has a good plot, i'll give it a go :D Some are actually really good! haha.

    Really? I'll ask my sister to get it :) ahaha.
    Rofl! That probably happens to me, as my computer is at the end of my bed, and the window, which is really big since its an old house, is next to where i sit, so when im raving to the music from my stereo, it probably looks really weird xDDD

    Yes yes! <33 Us brits can be funny too! :'D

    Ahah Yay for detail! xD.
    aha yeah, Sully's a bitch, but i love him <33
    AW. Thank you so much! :3 I didnt think i was funny! Ahah. But i totally get where your coming from, i dont let anyone touch my clothing, especially the more expensive stuff! xD.
    Oh no, it was a wonderful chapter! :D Austin's a right cutie pie ;) <3
    Oh, i know what you mean :/ but im in my last year of college/sixth form, and in september i (hopefully) go to Uni! IM SCARED. Haha. :'D
    And oh, i know how you feel! D: I had an hour of sleep this morning, got up at 6AM and got to college like a zombie xD.

    Aw, I managed to get most of it done, which was enough :') haha. It was on stuff i like, so i didnt mind :) & aha "fun" is a bit strong, but i can dig it :') rofl.

    Yeees! I shall update today :DD haha <333
    January 4th, 2011 at 08:44pm
  • ekaXalways

    ekaXalways (100)

    United States
    Lovely!! glad I made you smile =D
    thank you!!
    January 3rd, 2011 at 08:16pm
  • hellokerry

    hellokerry (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Yes! Haha I'm like that too! :'D

    Aw, I get them, like, anytime xD. But I dont mind if I get them before i go to bed, because I have a blackberry, so the majority of my stories i write on there, as it had microsoft word on it :'D its so damn useful, it means on the hour-long drives to college on a morning, if im bored, i'll start writing :) haha.

    Oh, its fantastic! :D Its a 13-episode long american TV show, and its a slasher-horror - so basically, you get all the goryness, and the characters are actually developed :'D I fell in love with it :) & yes ;3 Im watching the show now, and it finishes at 4:20 xD haha.
    & ohh, no, ive not, is it good? :) I have a wii, but i dont play it, video games arent really my thing :') ahaha.

    & awwww~ thank you so much for your lovely review, again! :DD
    1. As for the Bridget Jones thing, I KNOW RIGHT? I thought I'd slip in some good ole British humour, there ;D I adore the films, I've spent more than a few days this holiday watching 1 & 2 on repeat xDD.
    2. I'm so glad you like the detail! :'D I was sure i'd scare people aware with all of it.. lol.
    3. He's not really important, but the reason why Sully was shouting at him cntributes to the story;3
    4. THANK YOU THANK YOU! :3 & Im so damn happy it made you giggle, I dont see myself as being a funny person, but if my story can produce a few little laughs, my life is complete xDD.

    & you updated! :D I need to read your new chapter ASAP, but ive got a ton of coursework, so i'll try and read it tonight! (or, this morning haha;3) <3
    January 3rd, 2011 at 02:21am
  • UnbreakMe;UnchainMe

    UnbreakMe;UnchainMe (100)

    United States
    No problem. I would have comment yesterday but family came over when I was like half way x]
    January 3rd, 2011 at 12:14am
  • hellokerry

    hellokerry (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Oh yay, I'm glad it wasnt too confusing for you :DD
    Yes! Haha thats my train of thinking, too :') sometimes I just get these awesome ideas, and its like.. "GET IT DOWN BEFORE YOU FORGET." Rofl.

    ah, I got it from Harper's Island. :) I was watching an episode I recorded from aaages ago the other day, and I thought, "Thats a brilliant name." I mean, I loved it when i was watching through the show the first time, then it suddenly just clicked, really :'D
    Haha well thats allright then :') And yeaaah! I'll go with the cool thing ;) ahaha. Aaand FX is doing a marathon of the Walking Dead tonight, so im gonna be a very happy, sleep bunny in the morning :D haha. I'd like to call it dedication, staying up late for things :') haha.
    & Yeah, England has its moments :DD Rofl.

    & Aw, you're totally welcome! :D I love your story, its so damn cute! :) and i cant believe you left it at a cliffhanger, so I hope you do update soon ;D haha <3
    January 2nd, 2011 at 05:46pm
  • hellokerry

    hellokerry (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    you're completely welcome! :DD
    Aw, Im glad I could help :D haha. If my explanation is still a little weird, just google it ;) haha.
    Aw, youre welcome! :3 I love it so far :D & thank youuu~ Aha yeah, the dynamics are awesome, and i do love a genuine bad-ass thats not afraid to be an actually bitch, too ;3 haha. & oh, I love the name, too :D I loved the character in the TV show I took it from, as well :'D hahah.

    Awh, thanks, I'm working on the next two now! ;3 (im the type of weird person that doesnt write in order haha).
    & Haha thats totally fine :) I get like that, too :'D Like, I want to stay up and not sleep at all, because I want to read, write and watch the TV! haha. And it says your from the UK, too? (sorry, im not being creepy stalker-ish, but i read your profile bit;3 ahaha), so we're like running on the same time-zone :') rofl. its quite late, here xD <3
    January 2nd, 2011 at 03:03am
  • hellokerry

    hellokerry (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Oh god, I hate when that happens! D: That’s why I get in the habit of copying everything just before I send it, because my laptop is a bit gay and likes to malfunction all the time :/

    Aw, you’re entirely welcome! :D & yes! Ahaha. I love to ramble and rant on about things :’) I’m a one of those people where if you just say, like, a movie of something, I’ll ramble for aaaages! Ahaha. & yes, we’re blates the coolest ;) Lmao.

    Oh, yeah! J Okay, so if you put : [url=URL FOR IMAGINE/SITE HERE] NAME OF PICTURE/SITE[/url]. So, for mine, I put [url= URL of IMAGE] (01)[/url]. I hope that wasn’t too complicated! it’s a terrible explanation, I know :3
    Eg. [url= ] [/url] , basically :)

    Really? Wow, well I love what you’ve done with it, it’s really addicting :) I do love when you get an idea and roll with it, and its just completely different to what you thought it was going to originally be :3

    Actually, now that you mention it, I’ve no idea! I think I wanted to try something new with a character, because I’ve made so many stories, but this was just different. I wanted a girl who was a bitch, but embraced it, and wasn’t ashamed to be a popular, but at the same time wanted something different. And the gangster thing, I’m not sure. I was watching The Departed non-stop 2 weeks ago, so maybe that’s integrated itself somewhere, but I just wanted to write something that wasn’t a simple boy meets girl. Ahaha. So theres really no genius behind it, but its something I’ll have to think about, because I don’t even know myself! :’) <3
    January 2nd, 2011 at 02:08am
  • hellokerry

    hellokerry (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Yes! That me in a nutshell! Haha. Im up till really early, then get up at a silly time in the afternoon :') but i love the christmas holidays, there always some really rad movies on the TV that get me through the night :) Lol.

    Really? Thats so awesome! :D I just think its a lot easier, and I love to see how others picture a certain person :) And aw, thank you! :3 Iknew who my Sully looked like, but the rest I love too :) And yes, I love Chelsea's character, but i just cant think of who would do her justice:3

    Of course, I can totally help you out! :D What do you need help with? :)

    Oh, its absolutely no problem! :) I ramble too, haha. I like people who talk a lot, it means you have more to talk about! :) And oh, well I hope your results come back awesome! :) I hate having to wait for results, its terrible :/

    & I just started reading your story Social Suicide, and it's wonderful:D Your writing is amazing! I'll comment on it as soon as I finish reading all the chapters (: <3
    January 2nd, 2011 at 01:37am
  • UnbreakMe;UnchainMe

    UnbreakMe;UnchainMe (100)

    United States
    I try x]
    January 1st, 2011 at 10:41pm
  • UnbreakMe;UnchainMe

    UnbreakMe;UnchainMe (100)

    United States
    Its okay, go ahead. xD You know I still read your other stories! OMG! Social Suicide it up!
    January 1st, 2011 at 10:14pm
  • Last Fantasy

    Last Fantasy (100)

    United States
    Mine wasn't special either.. Just ate dinner with my family and stay up late.
    January 1st, 2011 at 09:26pm
  • hellokerry

    hellokerry (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Ahaha. It does! :D Granted I've been up till like 6AM each night I finished them xD Rofl. But its worth it, I'm getting into writing it, I'm barely doing anything else;3 aha. & I posted some links to pictures of the characters on my profile, just because i know im a visual person, so if it helps anyone else to see what I imagined them as, then thats awesome :'D
    Oh! Yeah, I mean comment, sorry :L its just i have a fictionpress account too, and theyre called reviews there, so I get confused between the two ahaha. :3

    & I'm wonderful, thank you(: Having a bit of a lazy week before i go back to college :P Haha. & yourself? :D <3
    January 1st, 2011 at 09:07pm
  • hellokerry

    hellokerry (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Aw, thank you! :)
    & ahaha thank youuu~ :) & I saw your review, thank you so much! :'D honestly, you're reviews make me smile, they're making me write faster, tbh. ;3 And the monster's inc. thing, yes! Ahah I love the film, and I actually got the name from another TV show, but I thought about Monster's Inc. and thought that would be a cute reference;3 ahaha. <3
    January 1st, 2011 at 08:00pm
  • Last Fantasy

    Last Fantasy (100)

    United States
    So how was your New year's?
    January 1st, 2011 at 07:57pm
  • AliceHumanSacrifice.

    AliceHumanSacrifice. (100)

    I'm sad to know you're deleting, but its your choice then again<3
    You're very welcome:D
    January 1st, 2011 at 06:32pm
  • hellokerry

    hellokerry (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I'm sure lots of people do, really :D
    & yes! I'm glad you agree :') I'm strange like that, liking to meet characters later, rather than sooner haha. :'3 But I dunno, I like it in some way :) lol.
    And Happy New Year! :D Hope you have a wonderful start to the year (: <3
    January 1st, 2011 at 07:35am
  • Last Fantasy

    Last Fantasy (100)

    United States
    I'm good and you?
    Oh and
    Happy New Year's Eve and Happy 2011, hope all your dreams and aspirations come reality this year :D
    January 1st, 2011 at 06:54am
  • eternity.

    eternity. (100)

    United States
    Oh, by the way, I just updated Crossing Hearts! :D
    December 31st, 2010 at 08:58pm