WelcomeToMyWorld / Comments

  • EmilyRose252525

    EmilyRose252525 (100)

    United States
    This is the first time that Ive commented but Ive been reading your storys for a long time I just started social suicide and I really liked it wasn't meant to be like this. I think you should make a squeal to it.
    April 2nd, 2011 at 04:43pm
  • hellokerry

    hellokerry (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    HEY RACH! :)
    OMGOMG! D: I CANT BELIEVE THE LAST TIME YOU SENT ME A COMMENT WAS THE 24TH! D': oh lord, i've been slacking so bad...
    IM SORRY<33 D':

    Aw, well im glad youve got no more exams :') hows life for you now? :'D
    and ahaha! thats so cute, bless, parents are awesome :') i guess they do their best (: haha.

    I KNOW<333 offt. accents. ;)
    and ahaha! I'd cry if someone said they'd never seen scrubs, thats like a travesty! xD and aw, yeah, i think i know which one youre talking about! :D aw, i loved the early ones..but i loved JD and Turk<3 their friendship, seriously Bromance<33 :') and aw, i know :( the newest season wasnt very good..i didnt like the main blonde girl >< buuut its still scrubs, so i'll love it regardless :') haha.

    Aw, thats terrible! D: i'd cry without it...and saying that, i was drinking with my friends on saturday and i lost it...twice ;_____; so i was trashed, sitting in mcdonalds with my friends who were trying to calm me down because i was in hysterics because its my baby, but my two guy friends went out and found it for me. it was like having a heart-attack D': (ahaha! you probably think im a crazy drunk now..xD)

    AW<33 THANK YOU. :') and i know, colin farrell's a right babe. ;). haha. and aw! I so remember that show! from the disney channel? xD ahaha. that used to be excellent as a kid. :') rofl. and huuuh. i wonder what i'd choose for a super power...hmm. i'll have to think about that..:') haha.

    Oh, you cant be worse than me, i've had absolutely no time to write! O: i feel so bad...but like, my motivation lately has gone... ;______; and no, youre weeeell on track, youve got more out than me and youre still writing! xD.
    and aw, thank youu<3 :D i had an awesome night out! and it was like drinking with my friends in town :) my god, i did again the weekend just gone and now..my then non-existant love life is now reaally complicated. xD. haha. and oh yeah, i suffered both mornings. my hangovers make me wanna die. :) hahaha.

    Howve you been lately then? :D been up to much fun? (:

    AWWW<3333 THANK YOU SO MUCH! I sooo appreciate it :') ive slacked off so bad, i'll definitely finish off the chapter sometime this weekend:3 maybe i'll post it valentines day as a gesture of my love<3 hahaha. :')

    Aw, no, im loving it! :'DD and oh, really? D': do you know why she hasnt said anything yet? :( and i love it to, so you better keep going! :)

    ps. youre welcome :D

    a super hero? BATMAN! <33333
    i'm getting a batman logo tramp stamp on my back when i turn 18. im such a batman fangirl...xD and you? :)
    ..thats a lame excuse. ;333 rofl.

    pps. LOL! aw, dont feell bad, i think ive done that more than once....xD
    February 10th, 2011 at 06:08pm
  • missNerd17

    missNerd17 (100)

    United States
    No Problem! I've Been Brainstorming! I'll let you know once it's fully put together!
    February 4th, 2011 at 12:43am
  • flowersareforeating

    flowersareforeating (100)

    United States
    Awe, thank you very much!
    February 1st, 2011 at 11:05pm
  • WelcomeToMyWorld

    WelcomeToMyWorld (100)

    Great Britain (UK)

    Glad we established that you won't die any time soon...
    The exam thing sucks, but I’m just glad it’s over to be honest….well for now anyways. Thanks :D
    I know right? They were complete legends and their good moods are spreading too so everyone seems okay at the moment. I really do love them despite my complaining and bitching about them.

    And thank god, someone that adores the show as much as me. I found out today that one of my best friends has never seen Scrubs, I was like “WHAT! YOU’VE NEVER SEEN IT, GET OUT ME LIFE.” joking obviously, as that would be sad. BUT anyways, she has never seen it and I’m ordering a night in, watching the reruns online and making her watch at least my favourite episodes which has to be My Lucky Charms, My Lunch, My Musical and there is other one can’t remember the name. I love in My Lunch I think? It’s the one where Dr. Cox is like a proper father figure to JD and its so sweet :D When I saw the final episodes and Dr. Cox was saying how good doctor he was, I was crying like a baby. I miss scrubs, I wish it came back. I tried to watch the new season but when that was over….

    *heavy sigh inserted here” I miss it. :P

    Yeah and also, the same friend who has never seen Scrubs has also had to take her BLACKBERRY CURVE BACK TO THE SHOP. Ahaahaha, I shouldn’t laugh she’s genuinely upset as it’s like her baby, aren’t they all? I adore mine, I couldn’t live without it. I got it a new case the other day, just though I’d tell a fellow blackberryian! :P

    HOW WEIRD BUT IN SUCH A COOL WAY. I genuinely do love your story and can’t wait to see Colin Farrell as a character, and I’m just cool like that….you know if I was to have any super power. And although I’d love to be selfish and just be super cool and be able to fly, be invisible or something. I would geinuely love to see the future, but then again if it’s bad future that would be depressing. But still…seeing the future, well good futures would be a pretty awesome power. Speaking of this, my sad mind has remembered this programme. When I was younger I use to watch That’s So Raven? Have you heard of it? Cause that’s got a psychic in it…

    Ahaaa, glad to know that the weird speaking at the same time thing is spread throughout :D I must admit though, despite it being so freaky as we were obviously thinking the same, it’s so cool that we say it without realizing. I suddenly feel powerful ;D

    And thanks, glad to hear you are too.
    AND SAD? YOU’RE AWESOME FOR WRITING. I’ve been slacking off lately and if you mean writing more chapters then you’re now officially cooler! :P I hope to see another chapter soon, I got minor writers block at the moment and I’m like “Oh where do I go from here…” but hopefully with the help of my ipod and some long hard thinking….I should over come it. Have fun next weekend, hope you don’t suffer too much in the morning :D Is it like a party or a night out? :D

    Have a cyber drink on me :P I’m so sad….ahhhh well.
    And I did thanks, hope your weekend went good too.

    AND YOUR MORE THAN WELCOME :D it was sooooooooooo goood as usual and I’m happy to hear it, comments do really help so you can gurantee you’ll have regular comments from me. And apologies for sending it twice, I guess it was that good ;)

    Beware, it’s not that good of a chapter, I really need to start getting into the main event but I’m having trouble doing it. Also, the girl I was writing this for, like it was her idea which she asked me to write, she hasn’t said anything yet, so I feel a bit…I don’t know down? But I do love the story, so I’ll keep going.

    Ps. Thanks for letting me know, I’m gonna stick to mine at the moment…but you never know for the future.

    Also random question if I hadn’t mentioned early, I’m just too lazy to go scroll up and find it.
    If you could a super hero, what would you be? :D

    BYEEE <33
    January 24th, 2011 at 08:00pm
  • hellokerry

    hellokerry (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    HAAAALLO! :)
    Aw<3 no, just extremely late in replying;3 haha.
    and i hope i dont die..that really would suck. D: lmao.

    ah, thanks! :) I'll get back into my rhythm sooner or later;3
    Oh, no, i totally get what you mean about the exam thing, i hate having to revise a ton of stuff that doesnt even coem up on the exam, cause then you feel gutted that you've wasted your time and feel like you havent done as good :( but im totally happy for you! :) I'm glad you feel as if you've done good:) i guess the revision paid off and now you dont have to think about it(:
    and awwwww~ thats so sweet of them :D damn, i bet you really DO love your parents at the moment;3 thats so kind, i mean, they clearly know you've been stressing and so that was so incredibly nice of them! :'33

    Oh yeah<3 His laugh is lovely :') yeaah;3 the guy on my profile layout is french, and lord, his voice makes me want to die ;'D haha. & OMGYES! MY LUCKY CHARMS (its so sad i know the name of the episode, but its like LITERALLY my favourite!) i adore that episode! :'D Colin Farrell in general is gorgeous, and his voice is so sexy..its kinda like.."I dunno what youre saying, but mate, it sounds lush ;)" haha!
    Funny you should mention Colin Farrell actually..cause i have a character later on that looks like him..im sure you've, like, hacked my computer and seen whats to come. ;) hahaha.

    Aw, youre totally welcome:D love spreading a bit of english comedy ;) haha. and aw, i get what you mean, i watched it with my mam the first time, and it took me 3 times to try and watch it all the way through..xDD.
    Ahaa it is! :) aw, my best friends like that with me too! xD haha. Its also weird when youre like saying something in your head, or reading something and the exact word is said on the tv...like, a word that isnt normally said or something. that freaks me out....xD

    Ahaha good idea, i'll think of it that way;3 i guess she wouldnt have bought me stuff otherwise:') and aw, well im glad youre finally relaxing! :) and im good too thanks, glad to hear you are too(:

    Sounds good to me! :D and thankssss! :) hopefully i'll just have another chill week, and tomorrow ima be writing like crazy, man ;D im so sad lmao. but im drinking next wekend, so goddammit, if i dont get another chapter out tomorrow i'll cry. xD.
    Hope you have a rad week and weekend :D (and a nice sunday, ofc. :))

    AW, THANK YOU<333 it wasnt my best, but i just wanted a cute filler chapter before this next one, which is gonna be.. maybe a little surprising, i guess (i hope). ;3 xD.
    AND THANK YOU FOR THE COMMENT<33 you even sent it twice! Lmao. :') aw, your lovely coments keep me going :')
    AND YAY. I saw you updated the other day, and i really need to go read it cause its killing me, so i'll be off to comment soon ;D

    LOL. xD

    PS yeaah :) its under the "Account" bit in your "My mibba". It says "Username" and you can change it :)
    January 23rd, 2011 at 12:38am
  • hellokerry

    hellokerry (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    SORRY IVE NOT WRITTEN BACK IN AGES D: this weeks been hell for sleep ><

    Ahah well you can always chill on day, coursework the next! :D best soution :) lol.

    Aw! Haha see, french accents are it for me ;) theyre bloody gorgeosu<3 but i love irish, i just generally cant understand what they're saying most of the time xDD.

    Ahh haha xD. Yeah, whenever they have home games :) do you? :D

    Aw, glad you had fun! :D haha.

    LOL! xD. Aw bless! hahah well i guess not everyone can be good at pool :P i know im certainly not xD but at least youre good at chipping it :'D haha.

    WASNT IT HILARIOUS? xD. I think I still have the last part to watch, but it had me in creases :'D and i know what you mean about Noel Fielding, hes not usually my cup of tea, but he was pretty funny :') and ee, jimmy carr's laugh<3333 main reason i used to watch 8 out of 10 cats so much xD

    Ahaha thats understandable, Sully's a bitofa cutie<3 ;) lol.

    Woah, seriously? Thats so reaking weird! xD. Ahah its so strange when stuff like that happens! Like, the other day, me and my friend were talking about the film Starship Troopers, and we totally geeked out and said how we hadnt seen it in ages, then on the same night it was on BBC1, and i was like "WHAT". so i facebooked him and we watched it xD hahaha.

    Oh, same! I have a tab to see the comment you put, and then another on your page where im writing my comment xD

    YEAH. everyone loves google :))

    Yeaah :) its a freaking amazing horror film though, like, its the only one ive ever saw that has an amazing plot<333 its fantastic, i highly recommend it! :') im not even a horror-person, but i can appreciate the fact its gorgeous :') LOL.

    Ahh, i havent, but ive heard of it. It just doesnt seem like my thing, sorry:33

    Aw, thanks, i did! :3 I bought a ton of things..but i feel totally guilty for spending my mams money xD haha.

    Aw, well i hope you did all those things and had lost of time to relax and stuff :D your mind cant always be on the go :) haha.

    aw, thanks! hope youve had a good week and hve an amazing weekned! :)) you have much planned? :DD


    PS yes, i have:3 ive been thinking of changing it to this for a while, hes a character from one of my favourite films, and my friend was just like "go on, man", so i did. xD. haha.
    January 22nd, 2011 at 03:29pm
  • Clock.Work

    Clock.Work (100)

    United States
    Thank you for the story comment (:
    It means a lot to me.
    January 21st, 2011 at 11:11pm
  • hellokerry

    hellokerry (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    oh! and youre totally welcome about the comment! :D I LOVED IT! It was so cute<33
    updaaate! ;DD <3
    January 16th, 2011 at 02:35am
  • hellokerry

    hellokerry (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    aw, youre totally welcome<3 :) and aha well thats awesome :D means you can either chill or do some more studying (:

    Ohh thats pretty cool :) i think welsh and irish are pretty, so thats sweet (: haha. & aw, thanks:) LOL. aw, bless;3 haha.

    Ahaha! Thats a good tactic ;D see, i'd totally do that. haha. but yeah, i get what you mean, but my guy friends are like that, so they wouldnt really do it to the girls, but they'd go on and on if one lost to another :') they're competitive idiots, i'll admit, but they're all on the rugby team, so its understandable haha.

    aw, that sounds fun! well, i hope you had a good time! :D

    yeah, even with all their faults :') haha. and yuuup :)! I mean, i've still not got around to watching it all... xD

    LOL. well, im glad to know you like him so much<3 ;D haha.
    noo, i'd take Jae<33 I love him, hes my babe. :) haha. I'd love to marry him if he was real hahah. and AW<33 THANK YOU:333 i sooo appreciate it:'D im glad youre liking it :)

    Oh god, thats terrible for her D: but i know how she feels :/ honeslty i'd rather get a night job, my cousin has one at a nightclub, and i'd totally love to get one since im always up on a night:') and i guess it messes with college and everything, but i just get home and crash out, so i guess i get a little sleep during the day:3 lol. but thanks for being understanding<3 :)

    Ahah! Tbh, many people're like that, im just weird ;) lmao.

    yeah! a couple of weeks ago, before christmas O: and oh god, i know D: and steph wasnt my favourite character, but it was still sad she died..but i mean, she had cancer, so it must've been the lesser of two evils? :'(

    I have no idea, but i guess i mussst check! :D OMG! My friend actually ran around a corner when she got off her metro when she was late to college one morning and BUMPED RIGHT INTO HIM! D: cause he was filming an episode up here, and i was like "OMG YOU LUCKY BITCH!" xD.

    Yees! :D thats probably why i've stayed on so long, but i only just started using it again in december:3 i've read on here for ages, but i've just not posted anything before SB:3

    aw, same<3 :)) its totally cool, and i love the fact it takes like 20 minutes to write out the comment to you :'D haha i didnt think i'd ever be able hold a conversation this long! xD.

    YES WE ARE<3 :))

    SAME! I love google, in all its infinte wisdom<3333 xD.

    Aw, thanks! :) and yeah, i was just out chilling with my friends (god, that sounds so gay xD) today, then im seeing what movies are on TV tonight (I think i saw Silent Hill was on at 11pm on film4, so im set! haha), then tomorrow im going to the big mall type place up here with my mam, so thats gonna be cool :) spend all her money ;) hahah.
    how about you, got much planned for tomorrow? :)

    AU REVOIRR<333
    January 15th, 2011 at 11:28pm
  • hellokerry

    hellokerry (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Omgosh! THATS AMAZING! <333 Well done :D seriously<33 I know i was ecstatic when i was told i didnt have to do math anymore (i LOATHE the subject xD) so congratulations!! :DD I'm so happy for youuu! :))

    Aw, well all that revision seriously paid off :'D aw, well done! :33

    And yes, I mean you've done awesome getting a C, so I'm sure you'll do fantastic in all your other exams! :)

    Oohh! O: thats really weird! haha. what're the chances? :') and ahah yeah, kerey is a weird way, but my friend insists and i think its just different;3 and Ceri looks like its of irish spelling or something :'D its pretty haha.

    Aw, well you deserved some fun! :) ahah pool's not that hard, ive only played a couple of times, but you pick it up easy:3 lol. and ahah well hey, 20p isnt that bad xD.

    Aw, haha, well, i totally understand, i get stressed over college and stuff, so i get it :)

    Lol! But they're your family, and i guess you gotta love family :P and haha thanks :') I guess you just have that parent that you have a lot of common with, hm? lol.

    Ahaha you dont have to rush into watching it! It's so much better when you have the spare time, cause you enjoy it more :33

    Ahaha aw, thank you<3 AND THANK YOUU~ for the lovely comment! :33 i feel like if Sully was a real person, you'd of stolen him by now ;) hahaha.
    Oh, I was. Dx and yeah, doctors say i have some weird partial-insomnia thing.. like, i can only sleep for about 4 hours a night, cause my brain just doesnt shut down. Dx. its easier for me to sleep during the day, which is weird.. haha.

    OMGOD. THATS WHAT I THOUGHT! D: I was like ".....UH. you DIED in that fire, Calvin SAW IT!" D: so that was just silly... and ive missed the past 2 weeks D: i only wanted to watch to see if they'd catch that murderer who killed India (that was really sad, i'll admit:'[), but it doesnt look like hes going to be caught anytime soon...he freaks me out ><

    YES. oh god, i cried when Max died ;_____; it was just like, for gods sake, its the man's wedding day, dont kill him! D': i loved them though<3 but i guess Rhys and Gilly kinda made up for the lack of male-friendship in the show.. :'(

    I KNOW :D I cant wait for the new season of How to look god naked. :D
    Aw. haha! :) Its cool, i watch a lot of stuff xD. and aw, sex and the city is bloody awesome :DD I have the box set, its just really relaxing and effortless, like, if youre bored, its something that you can just sit and watch and its totally entertaining :D

    Aw, youre welcome :) i think its an awesome name:3 and i totally know what you mean! you can come across some of the most amazing stories, and its just like, damn, you're amazing! haha. :)

    URGH! I know! D: people do that type of writing on facebook.. and its like, uh, no. Stop it. :/ So I'm glad the majority of mibba actually spell correctly with good punctuation<3 :)

    Ah, thats true :D and thing is, you can totally see the difference and improvement in people's writing aswell :) so i do think the encouragement and stuff helps people<3
    and ahah i know! I dont think ive ever had conversations which were so long with people over the internet before! O: so thats pretty awesome that we can just talk freely :D

    LOL! We are :DD

    Aw<3 same! :) I really enjoy talking to you, its totally cool to just chat to someone about random stuff :)


    Ah, I cant see, this computer im on doesnt support symbols from other languages :'( which is totally gay, right? urgh! But I'll trust google, since its like my god :D haha.

    Aw, bye!
    HAVE FUUUUN<333 You've earned it! :DD
    and same on yours, thaaanks! :)) <33
    January 14th, 2011 at 11:32pm
  • josten.

    josten. (100)

    United States
    Thank you so much for the story comment!
    January 14th, 2011 at 10:32pm
  • hellokerry

    hellokerry (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    HAAAAII. :)

    ahaha try google translate :'D
    aw, well im sorry to hear that D: i know its a stressful time for you right now with all the tets and stuff. :'( and im really sorry to hear about the argument with you mam.. but at least you better? :3 im glad you are!

    Oh, i know :/ for me, the applications for college were the worst, they were so stressful! but if you just take time out every once in a while, like on the weekend just chill out, it'll relax your nerves :)

    Ahah same! :D my mam has 2, so she couldnt really say no when i asked to get one :P but she was totally cool with it, which was awesome :D

    Yeah :) it kinda pays, i mean, you've gotta develop thick skin sometime in life, or everything's gonna get you down. :3

    YES! D: My mam does that, and im just like "Mam, you KNOW who chris is" and shes just like giggling, and im like "oh god." shes so embarassing! xD. and aw, your brother sounds really nice:3 i want a brother! xD lol. and haha i dunno, they probably will when they're older, that'll be weird :')

    Ahaha thats exaclty me and my mam! xD we're really weird :') and aw! your relationship with your dad is so sweet! :) your family sounds so cute :) haha.

    Ah, its totally cool, thanks:3 i have my mam, and thats pretty much all i need :) shes like my best friend, i dunno what id do without her.

    Yes! :D I havent watched all of it yet, but my mam has and she says its hilarious :D

    Ahah! well it is a fun word:3
    Aw, thank you so much! :3 i hope you like the new chapter! its a bit..different, as its from a different perspective, i guess, but i really hope you like it! :D

    Oh, i was >< and right now, ive been up for about 31 hours or something. ive never been able to sleep well, its terrible! D'x and i did have college, but i managed through it!:3 haha

    Thats me all over! haha. I never stop playing with my fringe, its a terrible habit:3

    Yeah :) i mean, lifes too short to please others, just do what you want and be happy<3

    Ohh good choices :D (i totally know what you mean about hollyoaks - i barely know half the characters now, and ive been watching it for 4 years! :/) AND I LOVE GOD WAN<3333 hes so amazingly adorable! :3 haha.
    ahh i love supernatural<3 im such a geek for it :'D and i adore sex and the city, true blood, misfits, the walking dead, just like everything, really xD haha.
    and i also love korean dramas, theres something ridiculously amazing about them, so i have a few favourites among them, oo :3 haha

    Oh wow, thats incredible! I mean, it measn so much to you, and thats really unique:3 aw, i love it, thats so sweet! :D
    ahh. yeah haha. my names kerry, but i hate it, and my friend started to spell it "kerey", and i started to aswell haha. and the "Munster" bit is because when i was little i watched the tv show/film "The Munsters" and i always wanted to be a part of theor family! They were just so cooky and lovable, and i dunno, as ive grown older, i feel even more strongly for them<3 haha. i love them, their family is just too cute and theyre amazingly family-oriented :)
    ^thats really weird i know..haha!
    (yeah, its not some weird "scene" name - ahah it'd be terrible if someone thought it was that xD)

    Hum. Im not sure really:3 I mean, i was on quizilla for a while when i was like 13, then it went all gay and my feiend was on here and told me about it :) and i do love mibba, its amazing! There really are tones of amazing stories, theyre so well written, so thats probably the main appeal :)
    im not sure other than that! haha.
    and yourself? :)

    Aw, its completely fine :D i find it easy to talk to people who i dont necessarily know well, too. thats really weird haha.

    BAAAII! <33
    January 14th, 2011 at 02:30am
  • hellokerry

    hellokerry (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    HEEEY. :)

    Yes! And how're you, other than the Exams? (I thought I'd asked, how rude of me Dx) and yeah, im like that all the time :'D so im sure you've done absolutely fine :) just wait, you'll forget about the results till the time it comes to get them, thats what i always do haha.

    LOL! No, i dont have an eight year old friend, that would be..strange to say the least. xD.

    Oh, she does :'D haha. O: oh? well at least she's not embarrassed of her parents, cause that would be even worse! :3 they actually sound pretty cool! Haha. But hey, if her parents are into them and she wants tattoos, i guess thats a really good thing for her :D

    Aw, thank you! :3 I've had my left for about 4 years now, and the right for coming up a year :) And yeah, I know what you mean, at first i wasnt sure if they looked okay, then i guess i was just like "i dont care" so i guess its a good thing people seem to say they look okay on me :'D haha.

    Aw, yeah, I get you :) well, just sweet talk you Dad and say you'll "never ask for another thing again" haha, or say its for a birthday present, but when it gets to your birthday, he'll have forgotten about it;3 lol. And oh! My mams like that! Like, my friend called the other day and she picked up, and she was all "Who's this?" and my friend was like "...its chris, wheres kerry?" and so when i got off the phone, she was all "Ohhh~" in that tone that parents do, yknow? haha. xD. bit embarrassing, but hey, i guess thats just what they do :') But thats so sweet of him! haha i'm not sure if i'd like a dad like that, but i'd love an over-protective older brother :'D lmao.

    aaahh, well i love my mam<3 its been said many times before that me and my mam share a brain :'D lmao. we're pretty much alike in everything. We have the same TV/movie/book/music preferences in practically everything and (as weird as it is xD) we have the same taste in men :') hahaha! So if theres someone, like, hot in a movie, we'd probably both comment on him. :') so i'd say she's pretty cool ;) (but then again, im biased lol). and i dont live with my dad, i kinda somewhat loathe him, but my step-dad and i have an.. on-off kinda relationship, but i'd mostly say he was pretty uncool... haha. xD.
    So are you pretty cool with your parents then, or do you wish they'd be a bit more lenient? :')

    Aw, thanks! :3
    Nope, I have 2 younger (5 and 3 years) and one older (19). But then i have a ton of step-brothers and a step sister, but i dont ever see them :') so im kinda imbetweenish i guess :)

    Ahaha! You're so lucky! I'd love an older brother. I've always just reckoned i'd get along with one better than a sister :'D

    OH MY GOSH, HE ACTUALLY IS! He started talking about the kids film "The Snowman" (which i love xD) and he was saying how it was the most depressing film ever, and how his kid was crying for 2 and a half hours after the "Snowman got killed", and it was just hilarious the way he was going on, i was in stitches :'D
    It was on channel 4! :) I think it was on again last night, but it might be on 4OD on youtube :D
    OMG SAME! xD. Its one of the few films i can watch on repeat! And i know practically every line - as every other female teenager does. ;) haha. It's legendary. :)

    Aw, youre entirely welcome<3 it was so cute! :3
    Naw, thank youuu! :D And offt, i know right? ;) Mr James Marsden is certainly one fit man. Its never a boring film with him in it ;D haha.
    & LOL! That DILF comment seems to be quite a hit. xDD.

    Ohh, i indulged myself with some sugar puffs just before actually ;D (gosh, i say that, but its 4:40am - i cant sleep, its terrible D: ).You should totally get some! :'D haha.

    Oh, I entirely know how you feel with that! My hair is so damn bad for never being right. Like, i can never get my fringe the same style as it was the day before >_____> its terrible! and aw, thank you! :3 and yes, thats my philosophy for most of the things i do :D (including the piercings/tattoos/drunken mistakes.. haha)

    Oh! Actual, i was meaning to ask you about your Mibba username :D Is there a particular reason you picked it? I was gonna ask before, but it must have just slipped my mind haha. I just think sometimes people have these quirky little reasons behind their names, and it, like, blows my mind;3 haha.
    Also, im being generic here - sorry xD, but whats your favourite TV show and film? :D I know you like scrubs (i adore it too, im so bummed they've cancelled it again! Dx) from your comment, but im such a huge fan of tv&film that i find you can get to know a person's personality by their favourite shows/films. :))

    Talk sooon :D <3333
    January 11th, 2011 at 05:46am
  • hellokerry

    hellokerry (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I already posted a picture of Delilah's daddy on my pofile last night :D i picked the yummy James Marsden to portray him, cause i was watching Enchanted the other day (first time I'd seen it, actually xD) and he smiled and i was like "WOAH - thats him!"
    Haha. He just has that gorgeous big gummy smile that was her Dad all over. ;)
    hope youre not disapointed ;3
    (And im sure i'm gonna get the next chapter out tonight! Look at me go ;D rofl!)

    January 10th, 2011 at 10:38pm
  • hellokerry

    hellokerry (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    HAAAI! :D

    I'm pretty good, actually :D college wasnt so bad today, so im in a good mood ;) oh no! D: that sounds terrible! Well i sincerly hope you've passed! I'm sure you'll have done awesome, really. Dyou not find you always think you've done worse than you have on exams? I'm always like that :') haha.

    Aha its fine! :D And the others are on my hands, its a star on each hand between where your thumb and forefinger meet :) i dont think you can see them in my pictures.. oh well xD and no! Haha i dont mean my friend is 8, i mean she has 8 tattoos :P haha. so when i got them done, she had a few already, and i was the tattoo virgin, so she came with me :) haha.

    aw, thats so sweet! :3 and im sure you'll get maybe something when you're older ;3 i plan to get another (not sure what atm:3) for my 18th this year, and i want some some lyrics somewhere :') haha.

    Oh! Yeah, my friend has that :D Oh, it'll look so pretty! :D when do you plan to get that done? & I have my lobes pierced on either ear and 2 lip piercings (snake bites;3) :)

    Aw, well we need some caring people to take care of those little buggers! :) haha good on you (: and lmao. yeah, im just not a kid person;3 my little sisters annoy the hell outta me x3 & AWWW<3333 THANK YOU SO MUCH<3 i really hope i can get a job as one, but who knows? :3

    OH MY LORD, HES BRILLIANT! I started watching it today (turns out Michael Mcintyre and Alan Carr were on the same team - i was in love xD) and i was howling as soon he started talking! You have to watch it :D I need to watch the rest of it, but he was so funny :')

    Yes :D oh, i miss old Panic! :'(

    I have, and thank you lotsandlotsandlots for commenting! im so glad you enjoy the fillers, even if not much happens:3 and you're entirely welcome! i love your story, so it gets comments~ ;)
    oh yes! i love that film! :'D god, i havent watched it in a while though :') kinda like mean girls, but not as popular :)

    oh yeah, your update was fantastic! AUSTIN<33 hes too cute :DD and haha youre welcome :)
    LOL. cornflakes are good, specially when you've dumped a ton of sugar in ;) AND SUGAR PUFFS! <33 haha!

    Oh my gosh, your hair sounds bloody amazing! O: see, im a bleach blonde.. xD im naturally dark haired and its curly, but i kill my hair with dye and straightners;3 haha. but your hair sounds gorgeous! :)
    and yeah, everyone has their lovely blonde moments ;) ahaha.

    ROFL. BYEE. xD <333
    January 10th, 2011 at 10:35pm
  • hellokerry

    hellokerry (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Ahaha im sorry! Ive just never really been able to get into them xD (its sad i just NOW realised your background says "Riot" over and over.. damn xD)
    ahah youre totally welcome ;D
    aw, thanks:3 i got it for my 17 birthday :) I have another 2 tattoos on my hands;3 haha.
    Ah, it does:) and really? O: Ive always been pretty into them:3 and aw! Haha my friend held my hand and she was laughing at me cause she has like 8, and i wasnt amused xD but im sure if your friend really wants it, she'll get one done :D i hate needles too, but i guess thats a paradox, since i have 4 piercings and 3 tattoos.. xD so i guess it doesnt matter if you're squeemish :P lol.

    Aw! :3 You should go with her anyway, cause you never know, you might want one some day and she can come with you! :)

    I will! I've just saw he was on The Big Fat Quiz of the Year, and i have it recorded (for jimmy carr, ofc<3) so i'll check it out :D and yeah man, alan carr is so funny:') haha.

    i know right! haha. & YES! I adore AFYCSO, but Pretty.Odd... i dunno, i like it, but it sounds too mellow and the lyrics arent as hellish as the first album >< i adore their lyrics in the first<3 :)
    ahah! well hes a bit wrong about them xD and yeah, a lot of work really does have to be put in :') lol.

    urgh, i cant stand them as babies either! xD. honestly, i'll just do a Bradgelina when im older and adopt ;) much easier lmao.

    job-wise? I wanna be a journalist! :3 For a film magazine, preferably :') im such a film buff, i'd get so much job satisfaction from that xD haha. What about you? :)

    Aw! Thank you so much:3 I just got out no. 6, but its not the best, because its leading to 7 where things start to get A LOT more interesting;3 haha. so i hopeyou're not too disapointed! Dx
    and i totally know what you mean :'( I didnt update in 5 days! I felt like a failure xD haha. but with my work, its really hard to find time D': just take your time, though! :) it'll be worth it ;3

    Lol! Aw, easy mistake :) haha. I get embarrassed when i do things like that, but i have maaany blonde moments xD.

    Baaaaai! :DD

    Ahaha! They are rather lovely:3 Uhm! COOKIE CRISP<3 I love them :'D and kelloggs. haha! yours? :D (other than cheerios xD) <33
    January 10th, 2011 at 04:19am
  • hellokerry

    hellokerry (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    O: I know right? I was severley creeped out. ><

    Oh, well you're fine ;) haha. and thats understandable, mant people havent heard of them :3 and no, i totally commend you for trying! :D most probably wouldnt even do that..:3 and ahah me too, but ive been into the music for so long, i can sing along to them ;) i think theres something cute about being able to sing in different languages lmao. Aw, thank you! :'D its just natural to me now (ive been listening to jrock since i was 14, and kpop when i was 15-16), so i just see it as being normal :'D ahaha. But i just adore Kpop, its so adorably catchy and cutesy (and i have a thing for korean men - theyre all so damn hot xD hahah).

    oh gosh.. youre gonna hate me now, but i somewhat loathe paramore.. xD. i think the lyrics are good, but hayley williams grinds my cogs, i must say :/ i cant stand her voice >< sorry!! D: but YAY for 30 seconds to mars! :D I have a tattoo of their logo on my foot ;3 (hows that for dedication? ahahaha) and panic! oh, their first album is absolutely gorgeous ;3 lol.

    oh no.. ahaha no, to each his own :) and no, its totally fine! Ahaha. Tbh, i just dont like english music that much >< and im not hating on england in general, cause i think we have some pretty awesome films and stuff, but our music makes me cringe slightly :/ muse, i love, and iron maiden are good, but everything else.. not so much.

    O: Oh no! that would be terrible :'( but see, i use my blackberry for music more than my ipod :'3 lol. but i get what you mean, if i lost my ipod or smashed it, i'd be devastated D:

    Aw. Well its not that far away, then you can have some wii goodness :D and yeah! I'll be 18 in july. I'm pretty psyched. ;3 but i dont care about the drinking, i can do that now, i just wanna be able to go to HMV and buy an 18 without being carded! xDD.

    LOL! Yeah, Lee Evans is absolutely hellish. :') Oh! Jimmy Carr, too! I LOVE HIM. His laugh alone makes me literally ROFL. :'D but aw, you should totally check out Alan Carr, i think his show's on a monday night, check it out :) he gets some good guest stars, too! He had jared leto not too long ago ;3
    But ive not watched Michael Mcintyre before O: is he really that funny? :)

    Really? Oh wow, thats so weird! :D (and you'd be surprised how often i hear the word cowinkidink ;3 lmao)
    Uhm. No offense to your teacher, but hes lying. A-Levels are SO much harder than GCSE's. :/ like, i got pretty good GCSE's, and this is sooo much harder >< you dont think its gonna be hard, then you get your results back and its like "WOAH". D:
    and aw! I couldnt handle working with kids, id end up killing someone xDD. But lit and lang are good, so i'd recommend them! :)

    AWWWWW. YOURE SO LOVELY! xD haha. And i saw your comment to, you're so bloody awesome! :'DD I'll try and update tomorrow, because this chapter seems to be long, and i wanna get it right :3 buuuuut more Sully in it :DD

    & YOUVE UPDATED! I saw yesterday, but i was so tired after i came home from college/cinemas, that i fell asleep and didnt read D': so i shall today and comment you :DDD <3

    haha. youre totally welcome :D!
    Ja ne! <333
    (bye in japanese ;) haha)

    (Bonjour is hello? unless thats what you meant :D haha)
    January 8th, 2011 at 02:08am
  • bashful

    bashful (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Thank you for replying! By the way, I wanted to know because I like the name Mia. The Me-ah kind :D
    January 6th, 2011 at 05:12pm
  • Eminem.

    Eminem. (100)

    United States
    Thank you for the story comment (:
    The Script is one of my favorite bands, ever.
    January 5th, 2011 at 11:35pm