About Me
I refuse to be loved halfway
||Name: Louisa || Age: 21 || Birthday: June 18 ||

I'm Louisa and I'm from Minnesota. I love hockey and watch it as much as I can. My NHL team is Pittsburgh Penguins, but I'm a sucker for UND Fighting Sioux. I'm a great one for asking question, yet I'm working toward a degree in psychology. Stop by and chat sometime. P.S. Not all Minnesotans have accents.

They who? | It starts with us. | The time is now. | this is it. | Earth song

Live for today, but look forward to tomorrow and remember to smile.
Bottomless pit of life
Description: She has a life everyone wants, but she isn't happy.
Characters: Sopia Elliot
Chapters: 1
Status: Done

Unchained Melody
Description: Love in Pittsburgh
Characters: Brogan White / Marc Staal
Chapters: 5/-
Status: Hiatus

Come Fly With Me
Description: Escaping the past; Running for the future
Characters: Elara / Jared Staal
Chapters: 4/-
Status: Hiatus

Fear is temporary; regrets are forever

Date: January 16, 2012

Music:Marry the Night - Lady Gaga

Mood: annoyed

Last Story Update: UM

Food&Drink:teddy grams and water

Current: [-] Writing | [X] Reading | [-] Chores | [X] School | [-] Banners/Layouts | [-] Chatting | [-] Other | [-] Sleeping

Status: [-] Online || [X] Offline

Quote of the Day:I refuse to be loved halfway.

Story of the Week: TitleAuthor

Contest: Title

I'm gonna marry the night

Beneath the mask, there's an idea; and ideas are bulletproof.
Content by aurora lily
Layout coding provided by Secret Fairytale@Fairytale Wings
Pictures: X ;; Resource: X