Counseling questions?

So Tomorrow's my First Day of counseling *Claps* :/I'm wondering if anyone has gone to counseling (Because there parents made them) For Depression and not acting how a Teen "Should" Act and respond to things.For the people who can answer these questions, I love you.*How is the first day going to go down?*Has anyone took depression meds before? If so, what are the side affects? What happens when ur...
July 18th, 2011 at 04:51am

School cutters?

Hey everyone I was wondering how your schools deal with "cutters" because my school doesn't do Sh*t about it.I cut, not as much as I once did but I do and one day my family found out and forced me to talk to a school counselor about it. So the next day I went to a school counselor, met with him, yes him once and we made up a date to meet again. When that day came, I arrived at his office and...
January 25th, 2011 at 07:49am

Poem question?

Heyy guys I have a question?How do I get more people to read my poems?I heard about some way, but I don't rly understand it and kinda forgot lolIf anyone knows of a way to get more poem comments, let me know ok??My first poems got like 20+ viewers and stuff but now that Ive written more I only have like 5- viewers. Its soo depressing!!!! I'm wondering why its like that...Well id really appreciate...
January 2nd, 2011 at 11:02pm


Support teens who are struggling with cutting!Draw purple X's On your hands on New Years eve!Myself and other teens are struggling with depression and cutting,Many people may believe that cutting is just for attention but its actually a realsickness, cutting becomes addictive and more and more teens are turning to it.I've been cutting for about 1 and a half years, struggling to quite for a while...
December 31st, 2010 at 12:00am

I hate myself so ***ing much right now

I hate myself so fucking much right nowI hate myself so fucking much right nowI hate myself so fucking much right nowI hate myself so fucking much right nowI hate myself so fucking much right now I dont care if i get kicked off of fucking Mibba for swearing, I dont care if some bitches without lives come and yell at my for my spellingI hate myself so fucking much right nowI hate myself so fucking...
December 29th, 2010 at 03:42pm


I'd like more people to comment/read my poems. I think they are rly good, and alot of people could probably relate. If I read a comment u put on my poems i most likely check Ur poems out too. And comment. I read alot of poems that have zero comments but are rly good. I can imagine someone putting there heart and effort into the poem but nobody bothered to comment and say how good it is. I like to...
December 24th, 2010 at 05:10pm


Okay so today was amazing.I spent the day at my best friends house then went ice skating at 9 to 11 with my boyfriend and some pretty hot guys for my friend. It was pretty fun. We went home that night and ended up staying awake till around 3 in the morning. The next day we met my boyfriend and his friend at the mall, it was a little awkward at first...but then we warmed up to each other, my...
December 12th, 2010 at 04:40am


Don't expect people to except youLife is harsh, You will always come across challengesYou cant trust anyone in life not even yourselfDon't let anyone rule your lifeLife has karma, and karma is a bitchYou cant expect someone to keep their word, even if they doDon't turn away something that makes you happyLive laugh loveLove someone more then you love yourselfDon't act like you know it all, because...
November 14th, 2010 at 05:26am


So I'm going shopping today, all day with my mother. That may seem rly fun or whatever but you probs think otherwise if u have read my poem "mommy, its all Ur fault" Id rather die then spend a whole day with her. I suppose Its good that I get some new pricey clothes from her. But that wont even begin to make up for the pain and suffer she has caused. I'm gonna go now...and get dressed. wish me...
November 13th, 2010 at 02:42pm


Listen bitch you know who you are. I may be new to mibba but that doesn't mean u can bitch me around. I'm amazing and lovey but When you fuck with me, I turn into one mean ass bitch. Leave my writing alone, keep Ur comments to yourself and fuck off. k? :)Don't try bitching me out on this please I have better things to do.really I'm just pissed and need to be left alone. unless your gonna not be a...
November 12th, 2010 at 11:40pm


I dont know how this works at all.But i feel like i could write forever.whatever stops me from the blade right?Im pretty messed up, hoping to find some ppl who are just as messed up as I amyea, that would be nice.I'd really love to find someone who I can trust, who I can talk to and who wont judge this emo girlI guess i cant promise I wont be stubbernI supose you will just have to deal.Anyone who...
November 12th, 2010 at 08:17pm