You'll be my savior, and I'll be your downfall.

Right now, I'm really working on getting my shit together. Glueing all the pieces before they fall apart, y'know?
Also too, don't be surprised if I seem uninteresting or unwilling to talk to you. I'm autistic, so I guess that just comes with my personality, sadly.
So yeah, about me, right?
I'm a hardcore nerd. I love school to death, and can't pick a favorite or least favorite subject.
I have more downfalls than I can count (and I'm good at math, so that says something), and these people love me anyways.
Luna, Amanda, Kat and Poppy.
So, yeah. Any questions, ask. I'll try my best to answer. I'm nice, I swear, just not much of a conversationalist.
Random factoid: I plan on being a neurosurgeon.
I'm officially a Big Bang Theory, and Criminal Minds addict.