Cacow :D / Comments

  • so, hi. um. i updated Goodbye to Romance. i love you for sticking with me. <3
    June 9th, 2012 at 07:28am
  • Hey~ it's been a while, but you liked my story Daughter of a Death Eater, which is on a bit of a hiatus, so I think you'll also enjoy my co-write Unmask My Deception as well. Give it a shot!
    March 9th, 2012 at 12:25pm
  • I love you. Not only for commenting on Slur [I]and[/I] Taste, but for being so freaking encouraging and sweet to me. You're so understanding and kind; I love how you not only post what you like, but also point out mistakes and give me constructive criticism. But, most of all, the fact that you said you'd read it all if I poured my heart out in my A/N. You're such a loving person; I adore you.

    And, I've [I]always[/I] had a problem with that lied/lay/lain tense kind of errors, albeit I'm a bit of a grammar nazi myself. So thank you for pointing that out; once I get on a real computer (I'm typing this on iPhone), I'll fix that. You're a sweetie.

    Hope to see more of you. <3
    October 22nd, 2011 at 10:49pm
  • Watcha mean ya saw what I did? I did nothing!
    October 9th, 2011 at 04:56pm
  • Floating was updated :)
    September 5th, 2011 at 01:18am
  • Thanks for letting me know about lass being Scottish :) I appreciate it!
    July 31st, 2011 at 10:15am
  • Dude, I like his EVERYTHING. xD His Alice in Wonderland adaptation is great. I love the song at the end. Turns out Avril Lavigne helped with it, I do believe. *is too lazy to check and make sure* You know, the one where it goes "Alice~ OOoooooh Alice~" and then a bunch of instrumental. Thought that was fucking brilliant. And Johny Depp. He's just a given in anything Tim Burton. But I think it's a good thing. Depp is pretty great. Edward Scissorhands, anyone? :D
    July 24th, 2011 at 06:22am
  • Cheers And when am I not smiling :D
    July 23rd, 2011 at 09:37pm
  • Ack! You have to see it! It's brilliant! Genius! Amazing! Best adaptation I've seen of such an old play. :3 Tim Burton is a genius.
    July 22nd, 2011 at 09:21pm
  • Ack, medical school. Hospitals make me nervous. xD

    Well, just that I want to get into a good college, I suppose. But eh. Scholarships are a good go for that idea. xD

    On a completely different note, have you seen Sweeny Todd? I've had Pirelli's Miracle Elixir stuck in my head for hours. xD Pirelli's shriek at the end is INSANE. xD Well, at the end of The Contest. It's stupid that those are two different songs. But anywho, yeah.
    July 22nd, 2011 at 06:17am
  • (in reference to the photo comment)

    Oh, very funny. :P Well, yep, that's me.
    July 21st, 2011 at 05:07pm
  • I've always been better at retaining information such as your example of how volcanoes are formed contrasted to locations or capitals or presidents or what have you. Dates are beyond me as well. History? Naaaah. Math? Yeaaah. Scored number one in an honors class. Dig that, daaaamn. :D *geek as well* Math and English for some reason. And science. But chemistry? Whatever. xD Probably going to fail that when I have it. Or fail to an extent. I plan on being valedictorian, as I seem to care about my future. :O Nerd? Naaah. Maybe. But yeah. Erm... Synthesized euphoric beat anyone? ^.^" (Just... education = life at this point. For various confidential reasons. :D)
    July 20th, 2011 at 06:22am
  • oh fuck I fixed the mistake you pointed out REAL fast. Thanks!
    July 19th, 2011 at 10:58pm
  • That makes quite a bit of sense actually. OKC is the capital of Oklahoma, but Tulsa is more popular. I'm just bad with geography. I was afraid I was getting my capitals mixed up. :O
    July 19th, 2011 at 06:28pm
  • Eh, I don't think the 'a' thing is really nation-sensitive; more like just different areas and people. I have friends that write their 'a's with the loopy, and then there are people like me that are lazy and just put a stick there. So eh. Screw 'a'. xD

    That's exactly like the con I went to. Manga, anime, gaming- but we had venues and whatnot. Also aspiring artists that set up a table in the artists' block. I bought awesome stuff there. :3 Capital? Er, Edinburgh, right? That's the capital of Scotland? *fails* :|
    July 19th, 2011 at 05:41am

    I write my lowercase a's like that. Is that what you're talking about? (And that picture is pretty not cool. I did a Bing search to try and find the way I write my a's and they were all with the loopy on the top... so eh.)

    Ack! Cons are so fun. x3 Well, you know, considering I've only been to one. I can't wait for next year. I'm gonna nerd out and cosplay! :D Haha. xD What kind of cons are over there? The one I went to was called Tokyo in Tulsa. Tulsa being the biggest city besides Oklahoma City, but eh, screw OKC. xD
    July 18th, 2011 at 07:39pm
  • No, no! Never fear leaving long comments. It makes for great discussion! ^.^

    And I must say, all of what you told me is really rather incredible. It makes me want to see everything even more. xD I'm amazed you know so much about the culture around you! Like, GOSH DANG. Holy shit. xD I wish I lived over there. If you've ever seen a movie with a small-town American girl trapped in the rural, then that's my life in a nutshell. :| Though I've yet to have a movie made after me. Which would be pretty freakin' awesome. Just sayin'. Anywho, "A"? What do you mean, British people write their "A"'s differently? Whaaaaa?

    Ah, learning. My friends call me a nerd too, so it's all good. Considering I just got back from a comic con, that doesn't really help my case otherwise. :| But it was fun! I got some Japanese candy. :3 It tastes weird. Some stuff called "Cream Colon". O.O What? But yeah. I love different culture! Gah! Just can't get over it. xD Here I go repeating myself. Bleeeh. I plan to go to college right after high school though, and travel afterwards after I've gotten my degree. Though that plan is a bit iffy as it is right now.

    I can't say I'm too enlightened on this subject, to be honest with you. I plan to be though! And though there are the ignorant asswipes over here, I'm glad you think I'm otherwise. ^.^ I try to be as open-minded as possible, as often as possible. Though I do slip sometimes, mainly with the crazy fads going on right now. Ah, fads.
    July 18th, 2011 at 06:19pm
  • Thank you for the descriptive comment- it was quite useful~
    July 18th, 2011 at 12:49am
  • Thanks so much for your comment on Slur! And I would very much appreciate it if you pointed out some mistakes I may have missed; it makes me happy that some readers actually care. (: I honestly don't mind AT ALL if you comment on every chapter, dear! It makes me happy! (:
    July 14th, 2011 at 06:57pm
  • I know! I can't wait until I graduate. That way I can travel all over the world and meet people from different places. Bit of a cultural fanatic, myself. xD I love sites like this, especially since everyone's into writing, that or just reading what other people write. Inspiration. I just adore seeing all the people from around the world here. Maybe I'm a freak? Haha, I saw one person was from Macedonia and I was like "HOLYSHITOMGFUCK. No way." xD I just... I love it so much. You don't know. x3

    And that's amazing! Unfortunately, I can only speak English as of right now. But I plan on learning. Haha, is it strange that I love to learn?

    Isolation? I'd think America is rather isolated as it is. You get your close-minded nitwits that know nothing about other countries or cultures all the time over here. America is fairly ignorant. I've lived in the same small town my entire life, and most of the population is caucasion. We have a couple blacks, a few hispanic, but our cultural difference is tremendously lacking. Of course, if I went to a bigger city, say, New York or something, I'm sure there'd be a larger ethnic variation. Where you live, is there a big difference? A mixture of different European descents? And have you ever met an American? I've never met anyone face to face from another country before. I'd assume it'd be easier in Europe what with how close the countries are. Like you compared all the countries to our states; but the states are all interconnected and there's really no boundary, society-wise, really.
    July 13th, 2011 at 09:02pm