I REALLY need some help

Ok I'm going to get right to the piont because my eyes are burning, and I can't really see....my friend just broke up with her boyfriend, and he likes me.Today he kept holding my hand and trying to get close to me. I didn't know what to do because I never have had that happen to me before....so I couldn't tell him to stop, I was to freaked out. I like him ...just NOT that way. Now I feel like I...
September 13th, 2007 at 01:51am

what is wrong with you people?!?

I wish everyone would shut up! why is everyone making mcr day a big deal? If you like the band then it's ok to celebrate it it's just for fun and to the people saying green day should get a day then go make it.I think they both are great bands.And to the people saying theres no point and that mcr hasn't changed the world,if you liked mcr you wouldn't think that and I know I sound like a broken...
July 24th, 2007 at 05:51am

IMCRD!! it's almost here!

I can't wait! I'm listening to all the cds and watching all the videos and life on the murder scene!ANDI'm going to go around in my mcr shirt and pants with mcr buttons on them! XD...I'm thinking about making cake too...someone should make a video for it! that would be awesomeand to everyone on mibba...HAPPY INTERNATIONAL MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE DAY!
July 23rd, 2007 at 07:50am

HELP! (mcr fans)

I f you are a fan of mcr x we will bite you x has a journal called mcr fan?? sign this. so please go to it and comment so they can see how many fans there arethanks!
July 17th, 2007 at 06:15am

why does this always happen to me?

I like this guy but he likes one of my friends even though she has a boyfriend and there is this other guy that I once met and he was really cool but I haven't seen him since....sometimes life can really suck
July 5th, 2007 at 07:55am

I'm dying......

I feel like shit! my head feels like someone smashed it with a hammer. my stomach feels like it was turn out the rest of my body is shaking,and I'm freezing even though it's 80 degrees in here!..in need some pills : (
June 22nd, 2007 at 10:01pm


I just saw mcr pictures I've never seen before in one of them Rays fro was the biggest I have ever seen it. don't you just love his fro? and I don't know what was up with this Frank picture but he looked all thin and sick awww poor Frank....I should look for a new screensaver....
June 22nd, 2007 at 02:31am

that was funny

you might not find this as funny as we did but anyways....I was with my uncle,my sister Misty,and her husand Jeremy.I was wearing a hoodie because it was cold when I got there.but then it got hot and Jeremy said "you make me hot just looking at you" and I gave him this wtf? look and my uncle sad "damn that didn't sound right" and we all cracked up....awww you had to be there. yay! Casey will be...
June 22nd, 2007 at 02:01am

who here is going to this?

anyone going to projekt revolution on aug. 17th?
June 18th, 2007 at 11:52pm

could this happen?

do you think that a "punk" could date a "rapper"? could it work?
June 18th, 2007 at 11:51pm

I hate this day : (

my head hurts really bad right now.my mom is yelling at me for no reason,and I have to shop with her! I don't know if I can take it! and to top it all off none of the stories I read on here are not updated yet. *tear*
June 16th, 2007 at 11:28pm

this might be dumb but please help

what is a zwinky? and is it free?
June 16th, 2007 at 01:26am

should I keep going?

should I still write my story? is it even any good?
June 9th, 2007 at 03:39am

don't hate me because I'm beautiful lol

haha sorry I was wacthing vh1and they were talking about that commercial : )
June 9th, 2007 at 02:50am


I'm trying to see if everyone on here likes this stuff because I'm tired off people complaining "all the people on here are all the same!" so I'm trying to make a point that people aren't so please commentDo you like mcr?Do you shop at hot topic?do you wear eyeliner?do you like green day?do you only wear black?
June 4th, 2007 at 08:28pm

I'm really happy!

school will be over in 2 days and I'm going to a social distortion concert I can't wait! but as always something bad has to happen, my friend is moving and it really sucks and not only that but I might have to move too but it's not final so...thats great
May 31st, 2007 at 12:31am

is Gerard engaged?

I've heard stuff about it but I wasn't for sure if it was true
May 26th, 2007 at 07:14pm

where's Bob and Ray?

why is it that there are so many Frank Gerard and Mikey stories but only a few Bob stories and I don't think there are any Ray ones
May 16th, 2007 at 10:54pm

Social Distortions new album!

for all you Social D fans(if you aren't one you should really listen to them)they are making a new album with their greatest hits! it will come out in june and they are on tour right now! the album will also have a new song the only way this could be better is if mommies little monster was on it (I love that song)
May 6th, 2007 at 10:34pm

read and find out

I just thought that I would say that I'm going to write my second story soon but I don't know if it will go anywhere I just thought it up on my twelve hour ride from georgia back to ohio...so read it! : )
April 15th, 2007 at 01:14am