You Obnoxious Little...

I'm so sick of seeing people getting picked at.Today I was looking through stuff on Mibba (poems, new users, journals, etc) and the amount of cyper bullying here surprised me.I was totally caught off guard.It just reminds me how low some people truly are.If your too pretty, your fake. Granted that's true sometimes, but not always.If your opinions don't match up with the majority of the users you...
May 9th, 2011 at 07:45am

Skipped School, Goodbye Dad?

Yesterday I realized that if I attended school today I would have to go on a Track meet and I would fail my Physics class because I didn't do ANY of my work. Plus I've been getting stomach aches that kill. So when I woke up this morning I shut off my alarms, ignored my friend who kept calling for a ride, and my boyfriends texts about how he wouldn't be at school. Oh and my best friend asking me if...
May 5th, 2011 at 11:26pm

Glenn Beck Talk (and COMMUNISM!)

I rarely ever watch T.V., it is something I do when I feel like doing absolutely nothing else. And usually, even then I'm usually having conversations with my amazing, obsessively republican, elderly grandparents who in an essence, are my idols. If I had any that is, I don't actually believe in having 'idols' but that is a conversation for another time!I just recently wrote a paper in my English...
April 29th, 2011 at 07:22am

Alaska, Family Trips, Doctors

Everywhere I look there is something on Alaska. I don't like it, it's seriously starting to bother me because if you know anything about the people in Alaska it's that they are extremely independent and usually like to be left alone- not show off to the world. How do I know? Because I am one. But more and more people are noticing Alaska, more people are moving here, it has shows about it now. It's...
February 22nd, 2011 at 06:47am

News Stations,

I'm sitting here in my living room and Fox News is really starting to piss me off. I don't know why my grandparents watch this... I want to go back to those days before this past decade when people reported news, and not their opinions. I don't care whether or not these people are right or wrong- I just want the news. I don't want the same stories and their opinions on them over and over. I can...
January 14th, 2011 at 02:19am

Damned Are The "Christians" In Their Own Religion

I was sitting in the library today with two people I've known for quite some time, one a good friend of mine and the other an annoying little bloke who likes to think I'm his friend. After being invited to another close friend's party he stated how he would not be able to attend because of a church event he'd been planning on going to since the middle of this past summer. I, laughingly, agreed...
January 5th, 2011 at 02:08am