Ironic death? / Comments

  • xD not strange at all.
    I tried it one didn't turn out so well...actually....I got the pick stuck in my hair xD it hurt so bad trying to get it out(!)
    June 28th, 2009 at 08:48pm
  • Ah, same.
    My cousin was supposed to get a job at Stop and shop, but he QUIT.
    Now I might get a job either at my mom's work or at Davis;s like a farm with a corn maze and animals and...stuff.
    June 27th, 2009 at 07:49pm
  • i guess it's a price to pay for being good :/

    i tried calling my friend yesterday
    no one picked up, so i guess they were either out or on vacation.

    i'm.... bored...
    and jd needs a stern talking-to
    and a kick in the crotch xD

    yupyup we'll probably be going mid to late july :P
    newyork beware, TUMI IS HEREEE

    no one heard that.
    June 27th, 2009 at 05:59pm
  • Thanks.
    My friends don't seem to think so.
    but maybe they just can't see how bad I really feel
    and maybe they think I'm just starving for attention.
    Gahh. I don't know. =/

    Yeah. Like that'll ever happen. My phone is always ringing because my friends are always texting me with their problems and if I turn it off, my parents will freak.

    You're helping. In your own way. (Hope that doesn't sound rude. I didn't mean it to.) I told my mom but she just thinks I feel this way because I'm bored. Hmph.

    thanks. (=

    Oh, boy. that would be..interesting....x]
    June 27th, 2009 at 04:23am
  • Oh.
    I'm sorry that you (think) you're getting sick.
    Hope you feel better soon. (:

    This may be a long comment. [x
    There was this guy[best friend's ex] my friend thought that liked me, but I didn't see it. Then he asked me for my number and we were kind of flirting through text messages. I told my best friend what happened and she said she was okay with it. [she still likes him] Then we were just asking each other questions because we didn't know much about each other and he asked me if I was dating anyone and I said no, he said no, I asked him if he liked anyone, he said yes, I said who? He bluntly said, 'You.' I was like 'Shit,' but I kind of liked him back and he asked me if I felt the same way and I said yes. He asked me out and I said no because I couldn’t do that to my best friend just yet( I had just told her I possible liked him and then I go out with him? Not good) and it was too quick (we had only been texting since Friday and it was Monday). The next day, I found out from my friend that my best friend may have been lying when she said she was okay with me and him and stuff so I texted her and she said she was fine but I didn’t know who to believe so I just turned off my phone to ignore it for a little while. That same day, I was having an extremely rough night and, no surprise here, I was home alone. I cried for a good thirty minutes, but I stopped after awhile because I think I scared myself into stopping when I almost threw up. Yuck. Anyway, I didn’t know if my best friend was lying or not, I couldn’t decipher any emotions but pain and confusion, there were so many thoughts running through my head that I couldn’t read any of them. I also didn’t know if I was just using the guy to get over the other one and I was just having one of those days. I told my two best, [i]best[/i] friends all of this(about the rough night) in like three text messages and I got them both freaked. One actually called me, which I was so grateful for, and the other one just said, ‘keep texting me.’ Probably because she was worried that when I didn’t text her, I might have done something like try to kill myself or whatever. And then I realized that I didn’t like him. So I told him that. I told him everything I told my best friends, except for the part where I thought I was using him, and that I don’t think I like him the same way. I was like, ‘You can understand how unbelievably sorry I am. I am so so so so so sorry. I know it can’t mean much, but it’s the only thing I can think to say. This is a really shitty thing to do to a guy as nice as you.’ He was so nice about it that it made me feel worse. I felt horrible already for hurting him, but him just taking it in the nicest way made me feel more horrible.

    And then last night I was having one of those nights where I turn my iPod up almost all the way and do nothing but try to block the world out. I felt worthless. I get these moods a lot and I hate it. I think I should go back to my therapist, but I don’t know how to tell my mom. Telling her the first time that I had thought about suicide was hard enough. Gahhh. Are every girl’s hormones this fucked up?

    Holy shit. I can't believe I just told you all of that. I'm sorry. Gahhh.
    This will be a reallyy long comment, I think it'll break my record.
    June 25th, 2009 at 05:21pm
  • Ugh, join the club.
    Boredom seems to be the theme of my summer so far.
    Got anything planned?
    June 25th, 2009 at 02:36pm
  • Nah.. Tis better now. I think I'll focus on my banged up knee instead. The scab got all slimy while I was in the pool, and I couldn't help but pick it. It was pretty gross...

    June 25th, 2009 at 11:55am
  • Haha.

    It's alright.
    Is there anything causing that absent minded-ness?

    I had a really rough night last night and one hell of an emotional week.
    How are you?
    June 25th, 2009 at 12:57am
  • sorry about the late reply. i was at the park the other day, and i wasn't on much yesterday

    =O i hope it wasn't MY whore...
    (aka my friend that i'm still pathetically hung over) its an inside joke we have xD

    i can't believe it, though. that sounds so... un-JD... :(
    i guess i don't really know him that well

    you know what? my stepdad's side of the family lives in new york, and we usually visit them over the summer. i could actually meet you there :D

    you're too nice :arms:
    you deserve much better than that.
    June 21st, 2009 at 05:27pm
  • So.. There was this thingy on the side of my thumb that looked like a wart, and I tried to pop it. Now there's a hole and gross stuff oozes out of it. ... I think its infected..

    June 19th, 2009 at 09:46am
  • haha.

    aww. why not? those losers. haha.

    okay. if you wish. (:

    fun fun.

    gehh. I'm hyper now.
    June 19th, 2009 at 12:29am
  • 's what i thought, but Bert got clean at the same time Gee did.
    i tried.
    ah well.
    whatcha up to?
    June 19th, 2009 at 12:26am
  • haha.
    I gotcha. (:

    awesome. [=
    is he a cutie? hehehe.

    nothing is new, just writing a journal entry and loving how I look today...for once. hehe.
    June 19th, 2009 at 12:15am
  • xD I wouldn't be surprised.
    If I found out Ray was my cousin, I would throw my straightener away, and not feel so horrible about the frizz xD I
    June 17th, 2009 at 11:29pm
  • i'm depressed cause sometimes it seems that there's just way too much bearing down on me, that i have way too much responsibilities, and i get really stressed out and crash. and there's some moments when it seems that the world is against me and no one loves me, and the world is so screwed up (and it is) and everyone's a bitch

    well, everyone over here. everyone on mibba is so nice :3

    thanks~ i was really getting tired of that school xD by now i've grown to hate about 90 percent of the student body :O (like i said, everyone over here's a bitch) and i'm supposed to be the kind-hearted person xD

    no, i live nowhere near him :(
    our only link now is pretty much mibba and the phone.

    what?! did JD cheat on you?! o.o
    i'm gonna kick that boy -.-
    excuse me while i hitch a ride to new york xD
    June 17th, 2009 at 08:21pm
  • no, I can't say I have. haha.
    you're welcome. (=

    Good. (=
    Which is weird...

    June 17th, 2009 at 04:47am
  • hahaha. Huggles? xP

    Cool. [=
    Have fun.
    June 17th, 2009 at 04:15am
  • You're welcome. [=
    Awesome-ness. haha.
    What's the test on?
    June 17th, 2009 at 04:08am
  • awwwwww no! :arms:
    i'm sorry :(

    uh... i broke up with the boy i was going out with last time we talked(thank god)... And I told my best friend that I liked him and we went out for a bit. broke up once after three days, went back out for about a week or two, then broke up for good. and now we've graduated middle school, aren't going to the same high school, and he hasn't been on mibba either :( i really miss him too :(

    boys suck.

    um... i've been sort of dipping in and out of depression. but, since its summer and i finally have a chance to chillax, i'm doing a lot better :)
    June 17th, 2009 at 02:55am
  • i knoooooow. lol. she looks so much better as Sookie though. like wayyyyy better. she looks so much prettier as a blond. :) although i really liked her in the first X Men. but she looks so much better as a blond. shes an amazing actress.
    June 17th, 2009 at 01:01am