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when the lights go out, we'll be safe and sound

[date]1st December
[mood] Angry. But still excited
[music] Science and Faith -The script. AMAZING ALBUM
[updated] , .
[working on] &&

The name is Evelina, 17 years old. Well, not exactly 17, but you get the point. Born in Sweden, lives in Sweden, wants to move out of Sweden. Im not a very normal person and I dont want to fit in. People find me pretty annoying and loud, but Im just being me. I mean, why go through life trying to be someone else?


Whenever, wherever.



layout coding: opium december. @ liesforaliar layouts
header: Orignial: LeighCorr
New One: Made by me. content:

My stories

TITLE: title
STATUS: oneshot. incomplete.
LAST UPDATED: june 2009
SUMMARY: summary summary summary

TITLE: title
STATUS: chaptered. hiatus.
LAST UPDATED: june 2009
SUMMARY: summary summary summary

TITLE: title
STATUS: chaptered. hiatus.
LAST UPDATED: june 2009
SUMMARY: summary summary summary

give me some love