Tuesday Sex for thought.

I love sex. But in all honesty, it doesn't matter if I get mine or not.I love sex because he gets his.I love him.I love his entire body, his tattoos, his face, his voice, and the way his eyes scan me.Now, him and I rarely ever get our alone time. Specifically with my brothers crawling all over the house and his constant pull to go to train fatty clients at work.Of course he respect my parents and...
December 15th, 2010 at 04:07am

Like Cogs

I have never been this way. Ever.I have always been a laid back and excited optimistic person. I've always stopped and looked at the sky, smelled the roses. I have always been one to accept the bad things that come my way and keep hoppin' on. I've never been one to feel discouraged or trapped. And I've always considered myself the luckiest girl in the world - it's nice I still believe that to this...
December 10th, 2010 at 03:33am