Am I the only one who hated "Inception"

My face is like this when someone says they like Inception.And when I say that it's the worst film I've ever seen, their face is like the above. It doesn't make sense to me.So to anyone who hasn't seen Inception it's movie about dreaming, and not just dreaming but dreams within dreams within dreams. Yeah...I love Leonardo DiCaprio, but I think he just needs to lighten up and do a romantic comeday,...
December 10th, 2010 at 09:07pm

New to Journal Writing | Angry.

Hello there,So this is my first journal entry, and I'm writing this instead of studying for my Christmas Exams that are next week, I'm pretty sure I'll fail Business Studies, Science, Home Economics, Spanish & Religion. Lovely, that will help me get Christmas Presents from the parents. So anyhoo my name is Sarah & I'm 13. I'll be 14 in February, I really can't wait being 13 sucks.I like a...
December 8th, 2010 at 04:48pm