Okay so in a moment of depression I was bored enough to pierce my ear, again. Yah it was quite fun. Yah it looked kind of cool. Now its swollen and my ear ring won't go into it. I put alcohol on it to lower the swelling and clean any infection it might have. My, oh, my. Why would I do something so stupid and reckless? Im usually much better than that! But it felt so good to get the needle through....
January 19th, 2011 at 05:57pm

Confusion to the Extreme

Im kind of sick of the talk about death. It gets under my skin. I want to die old and in my sleep but all the talk about murder, its scaring me. Is it childish to be scared or death? I dont think so. I found the guy that I think is the one so why am I happy when everyone talks about the things that upset me so. Yes I have depression. Yes I have problems. I know this. Why must I let people ruin my...
January 14th, 2011 at 06:06pm


I am in such a good mood today. I recieved my birthday rats and I have my new look working for me. Back from break feeling fresh and new. I have to wonder if iI have terrible mood swings though. I could swear that yesterday I didnt want to go to school. And then other days I'm depressed and some I'm so excited. I need insite about this type of thing but I have no one to talk to about it so I'm...
January 4th, 2011 at 05:59pm


Okay so maybe Im not the smartest person but why should i feel stupid? I have hopes and dreams. But things stop me from getting to my goals. I love. Everyone does no matter what people say. Love. They say, "teenagers, kids, do not know what it is." How do they know? I dont think they do. No one really, truly, knows what love is. Its something only God knows. His is something unwavering and ours...
December 14th, 2010 at 06:13pm


I want to be free. my grams is being insane crazy. I guess thats where i get it from but still. I cant believe she suspected me of being ho-ish. Oh well. I'll get over it but still. It hurts to think im thought of in that way. I love her. I love alot of people. Why is it always the people who say that they'll never even think of hurting you, the ones that always do? I think that maybe its...
December 10th, 2010 at 05:58pm


okay so i have really bad writers block an im afraid its permanet. i have written so many stories its not even funny but i have found that lately i dont have anything to express. im not the only one this has happened to, obviously, but i think i may never be able to write. im going to try now but i dont know. it might not be good. apologies.so i thought it may be about night walkers. like vampires...
December 6th, 2010 at 05:48pm

New Me

so i was reading someone else journal entry and they said they wanted to change. well......i did and i dont know if i like it so much. hmm. its complicated. i love myself. i love how my friends treat me but i feel like im just here. i float off into myown world and then i think that maybe my friends arent really my friends but just people who are there to make me feel better.its true that while...
December 2nd, 2010 at 06:28pm