Sick Girl. / Comments

  • the never ending song of DOOOOOOOOOMMMMMM. it's crazy, luckily for my band, the graduating classes are fairly small! plus my teacher slows it down a ton!

    yeah, this girl, and she is my friend and all, just thinks she's great at everything, she's amazing at flute and she just picked up saxophone and is now saying she's gonna give lessons to kids on sax... well she can't play sax so there's no waaayyy she could give lessons.

    drumline's cool, but low brass is wayyyyy cooler! =)
    May 24th, 2008 at 01:27am
  • ELLO!
    April 30th, 2008 at 07:32am
  • Hey, I heard you're a vegan. I'm a vegetarian and I'm wondering if I should go vegan or not. I got the vegan footwear, but as for food I'm clueless. What are some of the things you eat to maintain a healthy lifestyle?

    And yeah, I'm serous.
    April 26th, 2008 at 06:58am
  • lol hi! how are you?
    April 14th, 2008 at 04:10am
  • anata no zubon wa soogon desu. jippaa o jikken suru nee?
    April 10th, 2008 at 04:47am
  • Haha, my phone lies, I'm obviously shit at maths wooo!!!!!
    But yeah, he's old =P
    How are you?
    April 9th, 2008 at 02:56pm
  • Darla Darling! (rotfl)
    how ish you??
    April 5th, 2008 at 02:29pm
  • what are you talking about????
    April 5th, 2008 at 06:19am
  • Our school has that same problem with the freshman. Well, actually, it's more the 7th/8th graders. (our school goes 7-12th) They think that since they're finally at the "high-school" that they have the power to boss older kids around. -eyeroll- Psh. Please. They barely have enough power to tie my shoes. And they're slip-ons. :file: They're almost as bad as my history class. (which I can't stand at all). I swear they think acting drunk is cool. We were watching a movie about Rasputin today, and the one girl was sitting in her chair...then just fell. She ended up on the ground and started laughing because she fell off the chair onto the floor. And it's not even like she was leaning on it or stretching to get something...she just fell. ._. Stupid. And another girl "cat-calls" our teacher. (That "psst psst psst" thing you do when you want a cat to some over.) =/ I can't even believe he actually responds to it. But he's stupid too. -_-
    But I'm happy with my group of friends. We're all so different. Two are gay with each other. My best friend, Syd, reads books like there's no tomorrow. Alex is in advanced classes, but she can't even tell the time properly. Steph got married and pregnant last year (She's expecting her baby, Isabella, aruond the end of May -awes- We just went to her babby shower.). And more! haha. It's kind of a strange group. :]
    Yeah, The Used are on the Get A Life Tour. I can't wait. Only two weeks until I see them. In Love I'ma be a very happy girl that day.
    I've never done Tae Kwon Do. o_O Is is interesting/fun?
    Ah, an Irish girl. :] Almost everyone at my school is either Italian, Irish, or German...witha few Polaks too. I'ma minority. :D yay Russians!
    I love Russia. I want to visit there some day. I know a little bit of the Russian language, but it's kind of hard since the alphabet is completely different. =/ And I also know that most Russians are short-ish and a little "plumper" if you will. oh! And Christmas is January 7-9 for the Orthodox church. :]
    I hate these PSSAs. Well, technically we're taking Bechmark tests, but still, they suck. I have to sit with my homeroom in the school's cooking room for over 2 hours a day now. And the tests we got today for the Math section had "2008 Benchmarks" written on it...only the date was originally 2006 but it was scratched out and replaced with 2008. We remembered all of the answers from 8th grade. Oi vey.
    I took the SATs in middle school! Uhh, I think I got a 940 in 7th grade and something like a 1490 (or around there) in 8th with a 6 on the essay. But I have to take them next year anyway. =/
    Awes, I hope you feel better. I just got a cold, but it's not too bad.
    Gah! I shoudl inform you of my wonderful Spanish project. We had to do a fashion show. :D It was really stupid, but it involves no work and takes up the 30 minute class. I wore one of my dance competition outfits (I got the "baile/dance" category). It kind of freaked everyone out since I normally just wear t-shirts and jeans, and then I come into Spanich with a blue sparkely/feathery dress and tap shoes. :]
    I went shopping with my mama today. :] I got some CDs. (Radiohead, Jack's Manniquin, and The Raconteurs). The new Raconteurs one is amazing. It's so crazy yet awesome. I got Sweeney Todd too. Oh! And fabric markers...that should be fun. I'ma make a shirt to wear to The Used concert for the "Sincerely Yours, Forever" stories and such. Then i think I'll use the markers on my shoes after I finish the shirt. (My shoes are slip-ons that look like bare-feet) :tehe: I'll "paint" the "toe nails".
    I think she made me go more to get practice in with driving rather than to atually go shopping. (I go for my driver's test on Saturday!) I can't wait. I think I'll pass...hopefully. But I think the guy who'll give me the test is, how my papa put it, a "homeboy". He lives kind of near me. And makes amazing apple cider. It's so delicious. -dies- I have a math competition right before that though. =/ from 10-11 my math teacher has me in this competition, and then at 2:30 I take my test. :D I'm quite excited still.
    I've recently become obsessed with Anthony Burgess. >_> (wow, random.) He wrote "A Clockwork Orange". But I started reading his other books and they're very interesting. The one that I'm working on now is about a man who has a brain tumor, and decides to run-away fromt he hospital the night before his surgery for an unknown reason. I just started it though, so...yeah.
    I'm running out of things to type. :[
    I think it's because I'm extremely tired at the moment...which i think is a sign to wrap this up.
    April 3rd, 2008 at 06:12am
  • :cheese:
    I'm sorry it took me so long to reply! :[ I had the comment typed out on my NotePad, but I kept forgetting it was there! I'm sorry. Well, here's what was typed out:

    Haha, well they TRIED to do the wave. It ended in about 15 guys in my grade having to eat lunch with the principal for a month, and assigned seats for the rest of the year because they supposedly started the whole thing (Even though it was definitely one of the teachers) =/
    We've all pretty much gotten used to the dog checks...except for a few new kids. (4 of the local Catholic schools closed to form one big school, so we got a bunch of kids from Catholic schools...they're not so used to it.) We just get random scares that take us off gaurd sometimes though. Like, when I was in 8th grade, apparently a man was running around the area with a gun thretening to shoot some of the students that went to my school, so we weren't allowed to leave our classrooms or go near any windows. It was pretty scary. We had to stay in our 2nd period class for over 3 hours. (But it was ok, our student teacher was leaving that day, so we had food from him XD) And supposedly there were snipers on the roof to try and find him if he came near the school. And last year we had a shooting threat. Apparently someone who lived near-by was missing a gun and everyone thought his nephew had it (who goes to my school). So then we had a lock-down then too...And you were only allowed to leave if a parent came to get you, then you had to be taken down by a teacher to the office. Kind of intense. We had metal detectors for the first half of this year belt kept setting it off, so I'd have to go over and use a hand held metal detector to make sure it was just my belt. XD I put one of my tap shoes' taps in my sneakers rto see if it would set off the detector. It did. Then I told the officers it was belt and they just let me go. :] And we can't use backpacks anymore...only clear bags. I think we had a bomb scare too. =/ Like, someone wrote a date and a time on the bathroom stall in the boys room, so they closed school that day. o_O school sounds so bad's usually not.
    We have lots of gay people at our school. (wow, what a change of topics) But non of them really like each other that much except for my two friends Amanda and Kara. XD
    I can't wait for The Used. They're basically my favourite band, so I'm so amazed and excited that they're coming to Scranton of all places. :] I have the newest Chiodos CD. I got a shirt from them at Warped Tour, and I got a card with it to order it online for I got it the day before it released. haha.
    I stilll want Fuse. I listen to VH1 most of the time...except, now both MTV and VH1 show basically no music unless it's 3 AM. =/
    I tap dance. Well, mostly tap-dance. I do pantomime (which is like lip-synching) and jazz too. I love it. I've been dancing since I was 6 though. So, going on 11 years of it. I have a competition coming up in May for dance too. I think I' m in about 5 dances? I'm not sure, it's on my profile though. Usually I have 7 or 8, but I was out for a while because of a surgery, so i wasn't able to practice any solos. So I only have duos (me and my friend Anne), groups (8 girls), and lines (13 girls). I can't wait until May. :D
    My friend got the New Panic album. Well, I got it for her then had to smuggle it into her house so her mom didn't know she spent all her lunch money for the week on it. -eyeroll- We listened to it as we played Life: Twists And Turns at her little brothers' party. The "Folkin' Around" (I think) kind creeped us out a bit. It was an ok CD, but I'm just not into them as much as other people are. :]
    My Easter was ok. I was with my Papa's side of the family, which I usually don't really see. And all of my cousins were in skinny jeans, so that threw me for a loop. They're not skinny jean type people. I have Easter again at the end of April. I always celebrate Russian Orthodox Easter with my Mom's side of the family. :] (I'm full Russian so, yeah...kinda have to celebrate it) haha. It's fun though. We get to speak Russian. (A bit).

    Again, sorry it took so incredibly long for me to reply, it was a busy week...and now the PSSAa are starting up again. -_- They get on my nerves. Stupid state assessments.
    March 31st, 2008 at 09:34am
  • no. im back on now. and i didnt block you....
    i told you i went camping in the mountains with my friends....
    March 31st, 2008 at 03:23am
  • hi thank you
    what do you play?
    I play bass clarinet :D
    March 30th, 2008 at 07:01pm
  • And btw, maybe you guys will have a new daddy so watch out. XDD
    March 30th, 2008 at 06:49am
  • My baby!
    I'm so so proud of yew.
    Yew are so friendly with your other sisters and I'm glad to know that you are doing well with them ^_^

    March 30th, 2008 at 06:49am
  • im over it now but its just annoyin the crap outta me, GAH its annoying
    March 29th, 2008 at 11:12pm
  • Ello, Ello!

    I actually had no idea who my family was, pretty much. I've only met my mum! And I think I have an aunt who I've never met and my daddy may not be my real daddy.

    But huzzah! *huggles* Hello, sis. Am I the youngest sibling so far? Unless there's younger ones whom I haven't met yet....
    March 29th, 2008 at 08:16pm
  • You're welcome! I'm doing.....nothing....well eating oreos. What's up with you?
    March 28th, 2008 at 08:13pm
  • *lol* but i wasn't trying to be funny!
    March 28th, 2008 at 01:06pm
  • like how is mine entertaining? urs is sooo much better!
    March 28th, 2008 at 09:26am
  • Im decent
    March 28th, 2008 at 07:38am