I'm a Cheater.

I cheated on my boyfriend because I'm bored with him. I'm kind of a horrible person. It's worse because I want to break up with him, but I can't because I'm too scared of breaking his fucking heart. This boy worships me. He's told my friends and his friends that I'm perfect in every way, and that he loves me so much. We met on Tinder. TINDER. I wish he would've realized what I was there for....
September 27th, 2015 at 08:08pm

I'm Going to Explicitly Describe Why I Like Sex.

Yeah, this started out as a poem, but it just couldn't get there, y'know? Plus, I'd rather write as though I were telling a story for this one. But, here it goes.Oh god, I had a lovely time last night. The best fucking time. I don't care how much my friends tell me I'm a fucking whore. It was amazing and beautiful and lovely and I have the scars to prove it. Let me tell you, this guy I know,...
April 14th, 2014 at 12:32am


I just sat in the shower crying for about ten minutes, something I haven't done in a year or perhaps two. It was the kind of crying that happens when you begin to argue with your mother in a store over the fact that a certain pair of jeans may make you appear too masculine (That's an issue for another day, though). No, it is not the adult, shed-one-perfect-tear-without-making-a-sound, crying. My...
October 27th, 2013 at 04:46am

I Am Not A Good Person.

For some reason, people seem to think I am a good person. I am not a good person. I'm not exactly proud of this fact, but it's just something I am. Here's why:I'm lazy, stubborn, a bit homicidal, obsessive, cold, uncaring, unloving, sociopathic, impolite, self-centered, narcissistic, selfish, horny, creepy, annoying, gore-loving, and a total freak in every sense of the word. I want to work in...
October 2nd, 2013 at 03:02am

My Kind Of Night

For a while now, I've just been thinking of how I'd like to make out with someone. Or even just kiss someone. Anyone at all. I just wanted physical contact. Well, I got my wish many times over tonight. I went to a graduation party.There were a lot of new faces at the party. Guests included my friends, Rachel, Abby, Jenna, Mikey, and Matt, and some strangers, Adrienne, Katie, Rianna, Dan, Paul, and...
July 1st, 2013 at 05:56am

About: Summer Clothes, Societal Standards, and How I'm Female

Okay, descriptive title. But yeah, I went shopping for shorts today with my mom and dad. As we went from store to store, I was wondering why all the girl shorts were so short and low cut. Seriously, most of the shorts I saw would be better off if they were marketed as underwear. We'd gone to six stores and I had not found one pair that fit me correctly (I'm a bit on the chubby side, after all)....
June 17th, 2013 at 05:53am

Ugh.:A Tale of Walking to an Ice Cream Shop

I arrived home from the two mile round-trip walk to a local ice cream shop approximately ten minutes ago. I have decided to write down the thoughts I had during the trip.Okay, walking somewhere. How bad could it be?Wow it's kind of warm outside.Okay that was a mosquito. Ew.Man I'm pale. I should get out more.It's a bit too warm for my pleasure.Jesus Lorenzo it's hot as dicks out here.So this is...
June 9th, 2013 at 08:23pm

Internet Search Party: Find This Game, Please!

Now that I have somehow managed to grab your attention, I need help looking for a certain flash game I haven't played in years. I can't remember the name, hence my inability to find it, but I can describe parts of it. Here are some things I can remember:1. It involved a man that is extremely lonely and is telling you his life story.2. He had a wife, who I believe was named Katherine.3. At the end...
May 31st, 2013 at 03:20am

Things Are Happening

It's late at night (well, technically it's really early in the morning) and I want to write about what I'm feeling. I'm feeling very... well, I'm feeling. That's the main point. I seemed to have fucked some shit up pretty bad, so that's a thing. I've been dating a guy named Michael, who is 21 years old, for 6 days, and I'm pretty much sick of him. His constant pestering of me on every social...
March 28th, 2013 at 05:31am

I Hurt.

I hurt. My stomach hurts from eating less and less. My body hurts from the amount of exercising I've been doing lately. My lungs hurt from simply breathing so hard for so long. My hands hurt from the multiple cuts and scrapes that seem to have appeared overnight. My scalp hurts from the times I've had to dig my nails in to keep myself from crying. My eyes hurt from the times it didn't work. My...
March 11th, 2013 at 03:16am

Bad Things Happened to Me and it's Because I'm a Bad Person in General

That title is like a Fall Out Boy song, and this is an extremely long blog post. If you manage to read it all the way through, you get super special sparkles and all of my like. I would love some feedback and/or advice. I promise, it's actually quite interesting. Anyway, yeah, I fucked up at some point in the past two days because I can't say no to anyone. Like, if a person comes up to me and says...
February 18th, 2013 at 05:40am

What Am I Even Doing With My Life

There's something wrong with my brain. There has to be. This isn't how normal people act. Normal people know what they want and they know if they can get it or not. Right? I don't know what I want and I don't know how to find out. All I know is that about half the time, I'm the happiest motherfucker this side of the universe. The other half, I'm in a spiraling downfall of depression and darkness....
December 4th, 2012 at 01:14am

Society and Why I Hate it

Society. It works for some people. Structure is often needed for people to function properly. If you are in need of a different environment to flourish, you are often cast aside. For most people, small tweaks to personality and appearance are needed in order to fit in with the "adult" world (That's right, this is a teenager ranting about how everything is unfair). For others, major improvements...
November 16th, 2012 at 12:34am

Oh Look, Another Rant

I am not happy, not in the least. Nothing is going right. I'm never going to amount to anything. All of my friends are normal. I'm a social retard. I can't take it. I'd have killed myself already, but I'm too much of a pussy to actually do it. I find one thing to look forward to and stick to it. That is why I'm alive. It can be a concert, a package, an album, an instrument. I need just one thing....
October 23rd, 2012 at 01:15am

The Monotony

Everyday life. Mundane, average, boring. Good, right? WRONG. I don't know how much longer I can take the same thing every day. I've already started to go the slightest bit insane. By insane, I mean more insane than I actually was. I live for the off prospect that something, anything, will be interesting. All I need is a little bit of something new every day. Most of the people I know have either...
October 16th, 2012 at 04:48am

A Guy Named Ethan

Oh, the woes of being a teenager. You see, I seem to have taking a liking to a guy named Ethan. Said guy likes comic books, and video games, and super heros, and is an all around good person. Sure, we're both about as awkward as a person can get (Especially when we are shoved together and told to tango by a certain friend of ours), but I find that it makes life a little bit more interesting. There...
September 11th, 2012 at 04:50am

The Best Super Power

Inspired by episode 99 of Good Mythical Morning (A morning show created by Rhett and Link, better known for "T-shirt Wars".), I've been thinking about what would be the most awesome super power of all time. After a two month long, soul-searching journey, I've come up with an answer. The ability to stop time. It'd be best to have it happen just by doing a simple action, like clapping in a specific...
July 23rd, 2012 at 03:34am

Too Much To Write About.

I don't have enough time to do what I like. I have what seems like plenty of time to other people, but I don't have nearly enough. I'm in the process of writing approximately seven stories if you do not count the plot lines I've been developing in my head for the past six months. I already write at least one chapter of one story a day, but I want to do so much more. I just don't have time. I want...
July 10th, 2012 at 03:22am

Confusion in Canada

Sharing a small hotel room with my parents is not as fun as I thought it would be. I didn't even think it would be fun to begin with. I don't have any privacy, and even when I go outside there's too many people. I can't stand all these people. I have to be alone. I can't read without silence, I can't write without silence, and I don't want my parents to see me cry for reasons that they cannot find...
June 25th, 2012 at 04:04am

Canada: Day 1

I woke up at 6:30 in the morning on a Friday to realize that I wasn’t, in fact, going to school. I was going to a whole other place: Canada. As I packed up my supply of five novels and one novella-download, all written at least in part by John Green, as well as my computer, I decided I would miss my room. My messy, cozy, blue-painted room covered in posters. At least I could bring one of my...
June 23rd, 2012 at 04:03am