monster muncher

okay so i'm alan. i'm 15, bisexual and taken. i live in England and i quite like the rain :) i play the drums and skateboard, pretty much my whole life. i love milkshakes, chocolate milkshakes! yummyyy. my favourite colour is navy, favourite number eleven, pokémon! i have a lot of favourite bands but some are escape the fate, avenged sevenfold, pierce the veil, black veil brides, asking alexandria and breath carolina. i like drawing and reading; AND KFC! orange tango is yum. and one day, gummy bears will rule the world! you were warned.

my best friend: she's amazing, my buttercup :) gummybear!

i love her: she's hot and always makes me smile :) raping time.

bumface: ooh i love this hot loonitune! LOVEYOUBABY, haha jk.

im nice, leave me a comment?

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