everybody's livin' like they're crazy in love

Hello. I'm Katelyn. I've been alive for fifteen years, been a writer for two. Anything else isn't really any of your damn business, is it? Seriously though, if you need anything, let me know. Shoot me a comment or a message, I'll almost always answer. Anything to procrastinate. I'll do a comment swap anytime, just pm me with the story you want me to read, and I'll reply.

bold. italics. underline. strikethrough.

hit me up

i'm a dizzy mess and everything is so above me

date: April 20, 2012
time: 5:21
mood: bored. and sleepy. *yawn*
doing: mibbaing.
music: all time low
thoughts: i should probably be working on my chapter about now. . . .
updates: this layout.

from the floor i found the life i lead to day

The Scars to Prove It
characters: Fred & Farren.
chapter: #17; Lovebirds
status: active.

characters: a few.
chapter: #1; Ancient Greece.
status: hiatus.

Breathe Again
characters: none
chapter: #1; Breathe Again
status: complete

it was the very last time, then we said goodbye to the beach

layout by allyssa@lieslikelullabies. | picture credit.
lyrics: the beach by all time low.