Post Secondary: Opinions?

For those who don't know what post secondary is: It is when you go to college and high school, either with the choice of high school and college credit, or just college credit.About to be a junior in high school, I've chosen to do it. Just so I can get of college earlier and what not. However, I'm having doubts. Will I ruin my social life at my high school or just be placed were I was all ready? I...
June 29th, 2011 at 12:35am

Poetry Trends: Too dark?

Poetry. Something my generation seems to know a lot about. All the topics I read on any zine site I belong too seems to have the same pattern: Dark, deep materials.Now, just before school let out, my English teacher pointed this out to me. She told my class that for what she sees, our generation has experienced too much, and it causes this. This is coming from a women who has been a teacher for...
June 23rd, 2011 at 02:20am