A Very Special Day

A very special day is coming up.So special.It involves making one of the greatest people on Mibba (Serena)'s day. All it will involve is a little help on your part.Pratically no work at all.PM me for the details.This will make Serena the happiest person on the earth, and I really want you in on it.ONE CONDITIONYOU DO NOT DISCUSS THIS WITH SERENA. SHE ALREADY HAS ENOUGH CLUES. Thank you...
March 19th, 2008 at 05:37am

The Little Wax Boy.

From: a friendTo Jack: Who is perfect and bright, just as he is.The Little Wax BoyOnce upon a perfect winter there was a boy made completely of wax, smooth and white and completely perfect. He had no name, no past, only memories of the dancing warmth of flames and the peculiar sensation of melting and dripping and measuring that tiny inch smaller with each and every day..He stood tall, tall and...
March 11th, 2008 at 03:59am


Chel.Isa.Katie.Emma.Shalisa.Serena.Tas.Fatma.Kristen.Druscilla.Mikey.Alice.Susmita.Kayla.Anneliese.Ryan.There are no way in order.You are all awesome in your own way.I fucking love every single one of you.
March 3rd, 2008 at 07:11pm

SV For BV.

There is someone on Mibba who is inspiring.I'm not going to say her name, but the title of the journal should say it all.She has been through such shit in her lifetime, yet she is still here, because she has faith.Faith in a certain man who has done great things.And she will definitley follow in his footsteps. She has already inspired me to keep on going.I lost my chance, and my faith. But knowing...
March 3rd, 2008 at 01:18pm

Truly Something Amazing.

Don't try to live so wiseTheres quite a few people on Mibba. 35 454 to be exact. And it's growing daily. It's a community who look out for each other, love each other, and write for each other. Don't cry 'cause you're so rightBut there are the odd few, who make a fucking difference. Isa, Serena, Tas, Fatma, Mikey, Kristen, Druscilla. These are people who are going to change the world. I'm not...
March 2nd, 2008 at 04:52pm

Humans. Should. ***ing. Die.

I'm serious. I've lost what little faith I had left in humanity. Seriously. There is no other creature on the earth which hurts other people, and other animals so much.Apart from very few humans who manage to do the right thing. Like Ghandi and Steve Irwin.He did not embarrass Australia. Yes, the world may think we are all larrakins who shout "Crikey!" whenever we see a moving animal. Is that not...
February 25th, 2008 at 06:15pm

It's A Need, Honey, Not A Want.

The feeling of being wanted, is an odd one.But the feeling of being needed is an even odder one.Knowing that anything you say//do may affect the life of someone precious to you. The wrong word uttered, an inappropriate tone, even no answer at all.There are indeed several people who I need to survive. I need them so much it's not funny. I monitor what they say, and I desperately try to ignore the...
February 24th, 2008 at 01:30pm


It's a funny thing, when you lose something very dear to you. Or when someone you love stops speaking to you .Recently, both of these things happened to me, in the same week.I used to be a Story Editor on Mibba, up until a few days ago, when I started spamming, and received no official warning to stop, Just a post asking me to, which I only noticed because someone else pointed it out to me. Due to...
January 13th, 2008 at 07:05pm


I bought a diary a few weeks ago. I used to write in it every single day, and I didn't miss one day.Than, after a few weeks I lost interest in my diary. I have no idea why. Then, in an act of pure unkownness, I get a black permanant marker, and put across it: I HAVE MIBBA NOWIt was weird. And I'm creeped out by it. But I still think Mibba pwns my diary. It really does.--My family officially hates...
January 3rd, 2008 at 09:23pm

This ***ing Family

Great. I can't fucking take anymore of this. I either need to get the fuck out, or just die. My parents decide to go away on holidays for christmas, and leave me alone.No. Wait, let;s not leave him alone. Let's send him to his horrible, beastly relatives! But wait! Let's fuck around with him, and decide he has to stay at home with his fucking sister!Even better. If theres one thing I like more...
December 20th, 2007 at 06:51pm


Have you ever fallen for someone who you thought was it?I have. Gosh, I fall easily, everyone knows it. You show the slightest hint that you swing my way, I'm head over heels. And this time, That actually happened. But to hear from an incredibly bitchy friend, who has a bad reputation, that they said they would never like me, because "I'm dumb and ugly" Heartbreak much? I just don't know what//who...
October 31st, 2007 at 09:40pm