A Soundtrack to a Book

Well, lately I've been hardly working on editing what I have so far of my novel.But that doesn't mean I haven't been working on it.Instead, I've been writing music. That's right; for my book I've chosen to write a soundtrack to go along with the different themes. All of the songs are to be written and performed by me, and I'm really loving this project.This all came when I realized how boring...
May 22nd, 2012 at 02:38am

I've Done Nothing Productive All Day

And Twilight Sparkle knows that feelI started off watching yesterday's new episode of MLP:FiMI had seen it yesterday, but it was at a viewing party, so I couldn't hear a damned thing :PI honestly thought it wasn't anything special, though what could upstage Pinkie's Smile song?And this right hereThen I watched 4 straight hours of Chuck while drinking a chai coffee, eating two hot pockets, and...
March 5th, 2012 at 04:03am

The Fragrance of Dark Coffee

You know, up until lately, I've absolutely hated coffee black. I could barely stand it any other way either....I guess I just saw coffee as some stupid crutch adults put their lives on to get through the day. Nobody really gave me any other way to think of it to be honest. It wasn't until I played Phoenix Wright: Trials and Tribulations that I saw something more beautiful.This guy right here...
February 25th, 2012 at 11:23pm

Godot's Lament (A short story for all of the Phoenix Wright fans out there)

Suddenly reality rushes to me. I never remembered losing track of it; I don't remember going to bed the night before... And now that I think of it, I don't remember going to bed for a long long time. I'm unsure what time it is.I open my eyes, yet the world I see is hardly there. As I try to focus, as I try to shut and open them over and over again, nothing more than a faint dark assortment of grey...
February 22nd, 2012 at 03:28am

-Le Sigh-

As I type this, one friend I consider family, a friend I used to have feelings for, and one person I have an ultimate respect for are all tripping balls.Choose your friends wisely, I guess. It's shit like this that makes me question why they are mine. Those things go against everything I stand for, and they're things those people (THOSE people. I guess my subconscious can't stand them right now)...
January 15th, 2012 at 05:15am

Feels Good Man ^.^

Okay so here's another journal to harp on how fucking awesome life is right now.I recently got a job working at an Elementary school for after school care and I love it. I love the kids and I love my coworkers, even my boss is freaking awesome. I swear, I'd still work there even if they didn't pay me.Another great thing that has recently come into my life is the oppurtunity to go to New York this...
January 11th, 2012 at 03:30am

Mother 3

I know, Fluttershy, I'm right there with you.For those of you who stumbled in here not knowing what Mother 3 is, it's a game... But for many, including me, it's much more than that. Mother 3 is a perfect example of a tragedy. It's the perfect example of the human condition and how real it is. It's a story of a civilization which managed to escape from the eventual destruction mankind brought upon...
December 8th, 2011 at 02:04am

Greetings From the Winners' Circle

THAT'S RIGHT!After a month of grinding a cheese grater against my brain, I've finally hit 50,000 words.You have no idea how good this feels to finally be done with NaNoWriMo, and I'm honestly so happy I did it.Though, I'm a bit happier I finished. I strapped on the bass, and jammed out to my victory song, Tempus Fugit.Time for December, when I get to edit all of this crap :PSo, any of you guys hit...
November 29th, 2011 at 01:54am

A Different Life

For some reason everything that's happened before this school year feels like a different life. My exes, my trips, my friendship... They all seemed to have vanished in the mist.A few friends have stayed though... My best friends and I'm so thankful for themThe point is that I feel like I'm living a different life now. I don't know what separated this one from the past, but for some reason... I...
November 25th, 2011 at 06:12pm

The Last Leg of NaNoWriMo

Hello fellow writers!First off, I just want to say this NaNoWriMo was my first and it sure has been an adventure; constantly planning and writing, and I have to say I've loved it. I've always had problems with motivation, but this has been the kick in the pants I need to get going.For all of the people who have been through this ordeal with me, I have the utmost respect for you, it really is a...
November 22nd, 2011 at 04:01am

Coming up on 3 years (I love Rush)

It's coming up to my third year of fandom of the greatest band ever, RUSHSome people have loved them for decades, perhaps even the beginning, but three years of continued appreciation for one band is rare for me, so it just goes to show how great they are.Rush has been there for me always, inspiring me, motivating me, and provoking deep thoughts within me.It's what got me playing bass, and I've...
November 16th, 2011 at 04:24am

Was it painful for anyone else their first time? (NaNoWriMo)

JUST finished my first 1,666 words for today. This is my first NaNoWriMo and I have to say, by then end I was psyching myself out so badly that it was becoming nearly impossible to write anything because I had so much writer's block. I get that NaNoWriMo is motivation to write but it gets really tough, but I SHALL GET THROUGH THIS... And if I don't I shall be very upset with myself. To be honest I...
November 2nd, 2011 at 03:24am

What am I supposed to think?

As much as I want to say this was an awesome night, I'm not sure... Right now I justdon't know what to think.Tonight was my first "High School" party. Now, I've been to and hosted partiesbefore, but they were the G-rated type, this was full on drunk people, people gettinghigh, and everyone pretty much smoking.I'm not the person that ever goes to a "High School" party.The only reason I went at all...
October 30th, 2011 at 04:30am

Dear Mr. Stacy

Anger is never without reason, but seldom with a good one. I have to say that when you called me ungrateful last week, it made me pretty angry. I wasn’t just angry at the fact that you read what I said completely out of context, but the fact that you abused your authority stance in denying me the chance to stand up for myself. I must say that I have respected your journals. Though I may have...
October 25th, 2011 at 03:22am

Luna Eclipse

Seriously that episode was amazing! I'm a sucker for holiday episodes but that takes the cake. Did you see Derpy!? They said they were putting her in more, but that was just awesome, I love how they actually make her a big part of the show. Also, I just loved the humor. Who DIDN'T think Fluttershy was adorable?Let's get down to the serious business though, Luna was mean. Nobody can deny that Luna...
October 22nd, 2011 at 06:51pm

All of these journals are so sad, here's a happy one

Seriously I never thought life could be so wonderful to me. I guess all of my happiness started when I left my ex, Natasha. Things just seemed so much more real and I felt so much freer. Not only did I start rekindling old friendships, but I was able to become more self expressive. I was able to find myself. I won't lie, ponies have gotten me a lot of happiness. Not only was I able to start a club...
October 17th, 2011 at 04:59am

20 minutes of fame? (My Little Pony related)

Well, I started the My Little Pony club at my school to great success, and my friend's brother works for the radio station at the school, which has professional grade equipment and some of the best broadcasting power and quality, and he managed to get me on for an interview!InterviewIt was so exciting, I got to talk about something I loved for an hour and a half, so here's the audio clips from the...
October 14th, 2011 at 01:54am

Something Magic happened on Friendship is Magic Day

Today a friend thanked me. Honestly I don't mind being thanked or getting credit for something I've done but it's what he thanked me for and how he thanked me. He thanked me for getting him into My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. He said "It's been a boon for me for a while now, really amazing."Honestly I really just tell my friends to watch it because I think it's a great show, but I know...
October 11th, 2011 at 05:20am

Friendship is Magic Day

Today was great!Not only did I meet a TEACHER who loves the show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, but just overall it was great.Anyway, lately I've been obsessed with Malcolm in the Middle. I found out it was on Netflix so yeah >.> I'm on episode 47.I've also been obsessed with Minecraft. It's like Terraria on steroids, but it could use some work.Back to ponies, which are my favorite...
October 11th, 2011 at 02:58am


I posted a journal about half an hour ago. In the journal was the most honest thing I've ever written about myself, and it did me a lot of good to write it. The problem is people just wouldn't understand. There are so many stigmas already... And I couldn't have people I know see it yet... So I put it here... To immediate hate. Which makes me question myself. Am I really so pathetic? I opened...
October 6th, 2011 at 05:15am