bad day? HELL YEAH!!

So my bad day went from great, to fine, to okay, to bad, to worse, and then to downright awful. know why? of course you don't so i'll tell you. Today my sister and i were playing tag in the house but i didn't watch where i was going and my foot jammed into the corner of a door. i thought i was dying and my toe swelled and i thought it broke. Later that day, a couple hours after i did THAT i was in...
June 30th, 2011 at 10:30pm

Madison, Wisconsin

First time Ive been east of Colorado and I feel like I'm dying because of either allergies or a small cold... I don't know...I kinda threw up earlier so Im pretty sure it's a cold. Lol oh well. It's still plenty of fun seeing all the tall buildings and gorgeous lakes. Not looking forward to the plane ride back though. From Wisconsin to Denver, then from Denver to Durango. sure can...
April 30th, 2011 at 04:28am

another wierd story...CATS

so, my other journals have been wierdish. and here i am adding another just so happens that my cat, Zahra, is a complete utter dork and i think she realizes it. I have three indoor cats; Zahra (my kitty), Islandis or isis for short (my sisters kitty), and Asteria/ Aster (my moms kitty) who are complete babies and spoiled brats. I love them though. they are sooo funny. yesterday when i was...
April 15th, 2011 at 05:48pm

dreams....they are so wierd

so i had a REEAALLY wierd dream last night where my friend ruby was being force fed baby food by her mom and then it switched to me trying to find her but couldn't remember if she had taken the car or her bike. then the scenery changed and i was doing a wierd pen commercial in gwen stefani's body with this old gay, cartoon guy. (for the record, i have no objection toward gay guys, just stating the...
March 2nd, 2011 at 06:39pm

This is really nostalgic...

So last night at midnight after i was done doing my biology homework, i had a craving to watch old fashion animation. so i went to google and looked up kinda old, kinda new shows and i found 'Totally Spies'! i know some of you probably don't even know what this show is about but i used to watch it all the time when i was younger and i was soooooo exstatic to finally watch the show again. when i...
February 23rd, 2011 at 03:53pm

My life as I see it? FOOD A plate of crap deep fried for millions of people to eat everyday, except of course the few exceptions who get to eat steak and a salad we know as money.My food? A plate of crap, soup and a glass of muddy water. The plate of crap? everyday life. The soup? plain broth and onion skin: nosy people who can't help but get into our buisness who think they know...
December 30th, 2010 at 06:14am

Persistent kid....

So...i went back to school today and tried to talk to Sarah, but instead ran into Jessie....creepy, i told him he needed to be sarahs boyfriend more than me and that he needed to get over me and stick with what he has cause he won't find anyone better. So, i left it at that, but he kept following me everywhere...even when i told him to go away, he would stand there and smile at me...
December 7th, 2010 at 04:59am


so, i ended up spending the whole weekend at my friend Fay's house and we stayed up really late. her alarm clock didn't go off and neither did my cell, so when i woke up and saw what time it was, i yelled, "Fay! wake up!" and the transition between her being asleep and awake was non-existent.One second she was snoring lightly, the next she was up and throwing pants on. i didn't even get to say the...
December 6th, 2010 at 04:17pm

Watch out!

so i came and spent the night with my best friend (not the one i had a fight with) and we went to walk her guard dogs out in a big fiield. i live in colorado, so there is plenty of open space...anyway, i was walking along the snow covered ground, mucking up the mud that the snow made, when Fay (my best friend), turned around and threw a snowball in my was cold.....................and i was...
December 6th, 2010 at 12:00am

Oh! cool........? I Think.......What is it?

so today is saturday where i live and my life is still as confusing as ever, but it became better when my foster mom showed up with a new digital camera wrapped up for christmas.I was super excited because i love photography and so i decided to take it into town and try it out. on my way there however, i ran into an old friend of mine and we talked in a nearby cafe and then he brought up Marks...
December 4th, 2010 at 10:01pm

GEH!! Annoying

so.....apparently my last journal wasn't that interesting, but, hey, it was the best i could think up on a moments notice.So.....anyway, i went back to school today to confront Mark and this is what he said:"Sorry, Emily, but i won't listen to your lies and excuses. we are done."and i said:"you're only saying that because you like Sarah, u imbecile!"Pause..."no, i don't, and whoever said that is...
December 4th, 2010 at 04:39am


Have you ever been in a situation where your best friend's boyfriend secretly likes you, but you already have a boyfriend who you find out used to date your best friend and still has feelings for her, but she likes her boyfriend and i like mine. (so i won't be giving him up to her!) i won't be using real names in here.anyway, i'm at school and Jessy(Guy who likes me), Sarah(Jessy's girlfriend),...
December 3rd, 2010 at 05:10am

Am I Strong?

My life has been difficult all my life. i don't know why this website was created, or if this is the right way to use it, but here goes.My mom has been a drunk and junkie and so has my dad since before i was mom couldn't take care of me when i was born, so i lived with my aunt and uncle for half a year, then i moved to Aurora, Co and lived there for 7 years. While i was there, the nice...
December 2nd, 2010 at 08:26am