
Well, my family and I are SOO! excited!!THE PHILLIES WON THE WORLD SERIES!!!My mom just left for WalMart to see if they have shirts for the winning. Tshe ran around the house SCREAMING her head off. it was funnyand people are setting off fireworks and crap all around the house, and in th neighbors yard.PLUS, if there is a parade on Friday, i get to miss school!!!EEEXTRA happiness. ^-^And of COURSE...
October 30th, 2008 at 03:11am

Memorization, Self-confidence, and Public Speaking

Alright, i need help.1~~ I cant memorize a thing to save my life. and i have one more night to memorize somthing for my spanish class(its three paragraphs). And yeah, i have been trying all week. and i only have the first paragraph memorized. Help memorizing?2~~I have no self-confidence what-so-ever. i dont want to speak in front of anyone in this class.... and I was teased so much by some of...
October 16th, 2008 at 04:08am

Writing better??

Whats a good way to teach myself to write better?I always feel very.... ugh, i dunno the word..... but i dont usually like what i write. I know that other people like it, i think..... XP but i want to teach myself to write better. Like, be more descriptive and crud like that. I love writing, and have a lot of fun doing it. But i dont want people to critisize(the bad kind) and say it sucks juicebox...
October 15th, 2008 at 11:23pm

Haircut!! and music

I AM SUPER HYPER RIGHT NOW!!!!Okay, maybe not now, but i was last night when i had my hair done super awsomely. XDANYWAYS. im kinda bored with my music. okay, maybe now BORED, but i wanna listen to some new music. Any suggestions? i wouldbe more likelyto listen to more upbeat stuff.Like, Cascada's music is really upbeat and fun. Thats what im looking for =]OR if you have any bands like My Chemical...
October 14th, 2008 at 02:54am


i just found out someone from my school passed away over the weekend. Its really upsetting. But i dont know how to deal with it... i mean, we weren't close, like, we were aquantances(i know i didnt spell that right... XP) i felt like crying... but it was kinda, like, more shock than his actual death(i hope that doesn't sound too bad...) but it was following one or two other deaths, in about...
October 6th, 2008 at 10:05pm

School Lanyards. Suckish

again, just thought i should share. Today we gots these lanyards, with out school ID cards on them, and we have to wear them every stinking day. Im not complaining, really, i understand that its for our protection and whatnot.... but its so ANNOYING. I mean, guess what happens if we forget it, say, in our LOCKER... detention. I guess we would be able to get it(obviously). but, again, annoying. WE...
October 1st, 2008 at 11:19pm

School, school, school..... bleh

Kays, i was VERY busy busy busy this weekend and shtuff, and school is just starting tomarrow(the 2nd). I will update as much as i possibly can, which could now be any time of the week on account of my littlest brother now being in first grade. XP So i'll be here with my laptop for at least an hour mon-fri. Happyness? yesh :) Homework cutting in? Yesh :( but i dont do all my HW all of the...
September 1st, 2008 at 11:43pm


OMGod!! i just saw the trailer for the 6th movie a few seconds ago..... AAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!sorry. im a bit, whatyou could call..... obsessive? but beleive me, im not as obsessed as my friends Katie.... shes LOADS of fun, connecting anything and everything with HP. but i love her anyhoo. lol. im just so excited!!! people out there who read this, comment if you agree with me!! HARRY POTTER RULES!!...
July 30th, 2008 at 06:00am