AxelRoxSox / Comments

  • ScantilyClad

    ScantilyClad (100)

    Mibba hates us. I swear it!

    Gah, I love them too, because there's a theme, but there are so many things you can do with it. It's always fun to find writers who are doing something that not everyone else is doing, or are copying someone else. Highschool ones can be a real hit and miss. There have been some worth reading, but most of the time one of the main characters is a cutter, or is abused or whatever. I'll admit the one I'm working on is guilty of a couple of those, but it's not the centre of the storyline like other writers do. It's like one half of it is about the characters romancing eachother and then the other half is all 'woe is me, cut cut cut, blah blah blah' and you can tell by the way they write it that they have never been in those places before and as a result over dramatize it. Ughhh. Oh gosh, I think I had a rant. I do apologise! haha :)

    THAT'S THE ONE! Oh my god you need to finish it. I was literally in tears by the end. I've NEVER full blown cried over a story that wasn't Harry Potter or Memoirs of a Geisha. I have to whore that thing out in my next update so I can spread the amazing. I think I'm fangirling over fanfiction. Haha :3

    Yeahh, I'm sure if you scroll back a few convos you'll find it. But lol, who can be assed doing that?

    Lol, 'loud and annoying' is a different part of my personality. Though that was the best way to describe me when I was a junior in highschool.

    You're not the first to make psych-ward suggestions regarding me... lol idk what that says about me, but I'm not whining :P
    August 20th, 2011 at 11:22am
  • Indigo Umbrella

    Indigo Umbrella (215)

    United States
    He is kind of cute. Except today he was playing on my feet and started biting my toe. Then I winced and pulled away and he panicked and sliced the beejesus out of my feet.
    August 20th, 2011 at 02:54am
  • Indigo Umbrella

    Indigo Umbrella (215)

    United States
    I know. I was such a badass. I love sleeping. You just don’t get any when you own a satanic kitten and have a toddler. Toddlers don’t sleep after sunup. And I can’t nap. If I nap I sleep for days and nothing will coax me from the bed except fire or freezing cold water. :D
    August 20th, 2011 at 02:22am
  • Indigo Umbrella

    Indigo Umbrella (215)

    United States
    Lol. I think I was asleep most of high school. I woke up in the morning always late, fell asleep in the middle of class, went home and napped for a few hours, then woke up to eat, and then returned to sleeping. That’s pretty much all I did. :D
    August 20th, 2011 at 01:20am
  • Indigo Umbrella

    Indigo Umbrella (215)

    United States
    You can sleep when you’re old. I personally woke up at four in the morning. And I have been waking up at four in the morning for going on a week now. Thanks to this lovely little black kitten who likes to knead my face out of love every morning but has yet to understand the claw sheathing and unsheathing techniques. And also does not understand that being pushed off of the bed means I do not want you to return to the bed a moment later and continue kneading my face as if the removal was by accident.
    Gah! Frustrated rant.
    August 19th, 2011 at 04:42pm
  • ScantilyClad

    ScantilyClad (100)

    Yeah, hard-core seriousness just wouldn't work in a Killjoys fic. Why would you have all that colour in the scenery but none in their personalities and relationships? Thankfully most of the fanbase understands that haha :)

    OH MY GOD. I was reading one, it's finished now, called Wanderers of Ruin (it's on my reccomended list on tumblr) oh my god, the author would take months to update, and that whole story is so beautiful, heartbreaking and intense. I'd constantly be going back to the story page to see if I'd missed an update or to reread my favourite chapters. If you haven't read it, holy shit you need to. Totally worth it, it's fucking amazing, I wish I could write like that author does.

    And it is pretty schweet, I think i mentioned it before but I've decided that I should probably stop talking about what happens to keep the suspense building inbetween the stories. Bahh I'm getting excited about it now :)

    And oh man, I love my inner perve. I'm a rather polite and docile individual... but when she takes over, I become hilariously vile and I love her. Now I just sound like i've got some sort of split personality disorder haha.
    August 19th, 2011 at 02:36pm
  • ScantilyClad

    ScantilyClad (100)

    And possibly the biggest joke happening in this story. I swear The Vipers Bite is picking up jokes among the readers kinda like MCR does with the MCRmy. I feel so fucking accomplished haha. Best. Readers. Ever <3 :)

    Ugh, I know I know. There are some stories I read where it's so tempting just to beg and grovel for more, but I'd never aggressively pester someone for it. It's just so rude and disheartening. I almost quit on my first MCR fic because of it. I'm actually in the process of rewriting it. It might be what I write when I finish both TVB and The Nameless. It's also the only story I've ever written that comes with a kick ass sequel. Hellz yeaaa. :)

    And the best part is, the only reason I'm rewriting it is because I have lovely readers like you :3 asjadkgkhkfljkl *insert three pages worth of joyus keyboardmashing*

    Oh god, I shouldn't snigger at that analogy... but I did. Ha, I think I like your inner perve. ;D
    August 19th, 2011 at 10:25am
  • Indigo Umbrella

    Indigo Umbrella (215)

    United States
    Well yay! Get some sleep and I’ll have the next update out tomorrow. :D And thank you. >.<
    August 19th, 2011 at 05:13am
  • ScantilyClad

    ScantilyClad (100)

    kekeke, it's become my biggest unintentional trend. Almost sex-scenes and cockblocking buddies :P I really am just the worst sometimes haha.

    And thankyou for being patient. omg I've never had patient readers before. I used to get so many 'OMFG HURRY UP AND FUCKING UPDATE' comments on all my old stories, which was one of many reasons I ended up going on a mibba break.

    I promise to do my best to reward patience with great chapters, epic fight scenes and very soon, an actual moment between Gee and El that DOESN'T end in cockblocking. ;) Oh hay inner perve, wassup witchu? :P
    August 16th, 2011 at 07:37am
  • ScantilyClad

    ScantilyClad (100)

    Ahh, gotta love Frankie-Cockblocking-Iero :P "The Cockblocks Intrusion" Oh god. I have to write a cheesy comedy smut fic now, you know that right? (and lol, I almost spelled 'fic' as 'fuck' totally relevant!) Gimme a week to come up with a plot and I might be able to mush out a hilarious one shot in a night... or a really bad one, depending entirely on what I choose to drink that night... ;D haha.
    July 31st, 2011 at 11:57am
  • ALICEonCLOUDnine

    ALICEonCLOUDnine (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Thanks for the story comment, and the compliments about my writing style. I dislike how Mikey seems to end up the bad guy, so I thought I'd have some fun switching about the stereotyped dynamics. Thank you for reading, probably won't get another update in for at least another two weeks: going on a family holiday to Wales (yeah, Wales... O.o) with no internet. Plan to write a lot whilst isolated. xxx
    July 27th, 2011 at 01:51am
  • ScantilyClad

    ScantilyClad (100)

    Lol, omg, my laptop is the same. I go to write a comment on someone's page and then is goes 'Lol, nah, lets refresh the page... ERROR BITCH' and I'm all like ;__; 'wut? fuck you.'

    kekeke, I am the manipulator of inner perves >=] I shall use my powers for evil... because there's nothing 'good' or 'heroic' about playing with perves... which is not a bad thing if you ask me ;)
    July 20th, 2011 at 04:52am
  • ScantilyClad

    ScantilyClad (100)

    lawwwl, I love you and your dodgy triple comments <3 :P

    Don't worry, I think the next time I tag a chapter mature content, your inner perve might be satisfied ;D

    And lol, agnes will pop up in the events leading to that moment too. You'll just have to wait and see tho :3
    July 19th, 2011 at 08:01am
  • ScantilyClad

    ScantilyClad (100)

    Aha, thankyouuu :3 I'm looking foreward to the next one too. Mutiny is fun, like, lots of fun. :D

    And lol, I feel like I have to sometimes, I'm so shit at replying to everyone and updating on time >.< haha
    June 30th, 2011 at 02:10am
  • ALICEonCLOUDnine

    ALICEonCLOUDnine (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Ahh yeeah :) all makes sense! I have an early birthday so I tend to forget that some people have really late ones sometimes. Sorry! :D What subjects have you taken at A Level? x
    June 22nd, 2011 at 12:43am
  • ALICEonCLOUDnine

    ALICEonCLOUDnine (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Don't worry! I've been awol for a few days too because of exams. :)

    Good luck with your last exam. I'm free on Thursday FOREVER.... and hopefully I can get the right results for uni because I'm not paying £9000 for more educational hell!

    Looking forward to more, but no pressure. :) xx
    June 21st, 2011 at 09:10pm
  • ScantilyClad

    ScantilyClad (100)

    uggghh, they're so good. I can never afford them though ;__; I'm always shit broke, no matter how much I manage to save. I do keep ticket stubs though. The only one I don't have is from when I took my sister to Simple Plan. It fell out of my pocket while I was stoping a huge, drunk man from starting a fight pit. I don't care though. Simple Plan are pretty crap haha.

    Yup. I was so upset. I'd spent so much on that ticket only to have them replaced with Jimmy Eat World. It's like saying to a fat kid 'In this many months i'm going to give you the biggest tastiest toblerone chocolate bar you've ever seen' and then say to them a month before they get it 'lol nope, here's a bite sized mars bar and a lollipop your sister found down the back of the couch'. It's safe to say I felt pretty ripped off.

    but omg, hate to admit it but I'd pick bullet over Linkin Park any day. I'm glad they didn't pull out on you, but if it had been me I'd have had my fingers crossed hoping it were true lol.

    I'd never wear my cons to a festival. small gigs yeah but festivals = boots all the way. There's just something about them that makes me feel way more anchored to the ground which is something I need at festivals. When I'm drunk/tired I'm very easy to shove around haha.

    Oh man, doc martens are so worth it. but they need to be the old ones that were made in the UK before the took the business out to asia. You can tell they're made in the UK because the back of the heel is smaller. Though you're more likely to find them in a second hand store than an actual shoe shop over here. It's hard as to find them. They're also hard work to wear in. mine used to be my school shoes, so I spent from year 9 to year 12 getting them to where they are. so many blisters, but totally worth it. They'll last for most of your life.
    June 18th, 2011 at 01:42pm
  • ScantilyClad

    ScantilyClad (100)

    Aw man, energy drinks and booze seperately make me need to pee alot. thus why I avoid mixing them together haha. Your sister sounds fun :P :) Ugh, but that's what happens at festivals. If you're going to pee, do it at the beginning of the day and then save it until you leave the venue. honestly, I'd rather use a train station loo than toilets at a festival at the end of the day. Last time I was at the RNA showgrounds for Soundwave they were the worst I'd ever seen them. So. Fucking. Foul. I swear someone had actually vomited in the corner and wiped period on the wall. Like what in the actual fuck posseses people to do that?

    Yeah, if I buy a shirt at an actual store it's only 15-30 bucks, mainly sitting around the 20 mark. But tour shirts are better, they're kinda like battle scars but don't mark your skin... WHY YOU SO EXPENSIVE? >.<

    Ugh I've met some real crazies at festivals. Don't even get me started -_-"

    Haha, the only time I caught anyone wearing mcr gear other than myself was the year MCR pulled out. but the crowd that year pissed me off so bad. Most of them didn't even know the bands playing, and some of them pretended to and others were just girls there because their boyfriends were and omg the whining. THE FUCKING WHINING. I wanted to napalm fucking everything.

    I'm never afraid of huge crowds. I love moshpits, the harder and messier the better, but walking around the grounds, people giving me death stares and whispering to their friends as I passed was insanely unnerving. Though sore feet-mudbath-drunk is pretty much the perfect description of any festival at the end of the day. Lol there's no escaping that. Even when I wore my Doc Martens. Most amazing pair of boots in the world, the only time my feet hurt while wearing them was after a festival.
    June 17th, 2011 at 10:02am
  • ScantilyClad

    ScantilyClad (100)

    Blahh, I never drink soda at festivals. Makes me need to pee more. The bottles of water are always more expensive ;__; the troubling tales of a water whore haha.

    Last time I was at a festival and trying to buy a shirt, they were charging like 50 bucks each. It was stupid. I wanted a From First To Last shirt so bad, but I only had about $80 to last me the day. D: I guess it depends on the festival and where the merch comes from.

    Ugh, MCR haters are idiots. Infact, anyone who hates on someone for loving a band is an idiot, especially if they get offended if someone else hates on them for loving a different band. I don't get what's so great about bullying other for loving something. I mean sure, alot of the fanbase are overprotective nut cases who send death threats to anyone who disagrees even the slightest, but that still doesn't make it okay.

    You are brave. I wore an MCR bag to the first festival I went to. I had to stash it in the locker rooms because it was getting to the point where people legitimately looked like they were going to beat the crap out of me for it.

    I was only about 15 or 16 at the time and kinda new to the whole 'live music' thing. I was so fucking terrified. :<
    June 16th, 2011 at 08:12am
  • ScantilyClad

    ScantilyClad (100)

    Lol dw about commenting. I get plenty anyway :P

    And sorry about replying late to yer comment. I was going to when I posted that chapter, but then my short attention span took over and I felt the need to chase my dog around the yard /don'task

    But that sounds totally awesome :D I'd Loooooooove to see the Pretty Reckless over here. TMom is so adorable haha.

    It's pretty hard to get out of spending a shitload of money. Especially since most venues don't take in large bottles of water. Your own food only stays nice for so long and of course they charge up the ass for tour shirts - bastards. haha

    Glad you had a good time though :D
    June 15th, 2011 at 06:13am