fangirl1999 / Comments

  • kmblue

    kmblue (100)

    United States
    @ fangirl1999
    I've gone back to work so it's now work, physical therapy, hanging with friends, yoga/working out, then thinking about writing.
    August 2nd, 2013 at 04:10pm
  • fangirl1999

    fangirl1999 (100)

    United States
    @ kmblue
    I'm glad that you're enjoying them! Enough to reread, too. This morning I reread the two chapters I posted and a bunch more of the Richie fic. I need to inspire myself to work on chapter 2. Part of it is written. Maybe this weekend. I haven't been in much of a writing mood recently, more reading and watching movies.
    August 2nd, 2013 at 02:50am
  • kmblue

    kmblue (100)

    United States
    I should be writing my Carter fic but I've been rereading your Landeskog fic and reading your Richie fic. Hopefully these fics will reignite my muse.
    August 2nd, 2013 at 02:46am
  • fangirl1999

    fangirl1999 (100)

    United States
    @ kmblue
    I've been writing A LOT of sex into the Richie story. LOL. I kinda wonder if it's losing it's way. What can I say, I guess the sex is a big part of their relationship. I keep thinking up new scenes to write, which isn't helping me finish chapter 1 to get it posted. Oh well I do this for fun so what matters is that I'm enjoying myself.

    Yeah, I have a lot more written to that Varly story, but it turned kinda sad because I wrote in the whole Lokomotiv plane crash.
    July 21st, 2013 at 09:01am
  • kmblue

    kmblue (100)

    United States
    @ fangirl1999
    I understand. Now that I'm able to have a life again, I'm back to updating on a slow schedule. I mean, it would be cool to write all the time but I really enjoy having a life.

    TBH, I reread one of your Varlamov stories just for the sex. LOL
    July 20th, 2013 at 06:34pm
  • kmblue

    kmblue (100)

    United States
    @ fangirl1999
    I understand. Now that I'm able to have a life again, I'm back to updating on a slow schedule. I mean, it would be cool to write all the time but I really enjoy having a life.

    TBH, I reread one of your Varlamov stories just for the sex. LOL
    July 20th, 2013 at 06:34pm
  • fangirl1999

    fangirl1999 (100)

    United States
    @ kmblue
    I guess I could end the Landy story now, but I had a little more planned, like the Halloween party and writing until Gabe and Ally left Stockholm in December. But that's a lot more writing, unless I skip around in time. Sigh. I always get tired/bored/lost and don't finish my stories, not sure why people are even willing to read them anymore! I do need to do better than that though for Gabe.

    I'm excited for the Richie story too, it's always fun to have a new story that interests you a lot so you write like crazy. The best part is that I stumbled into an ending for once so I just have to get the story that far. I have wanted to write about him at some point for a while but I wasn't sure what approach I wanted to take, if he was the same character from my Giroux story. The contest that I tried to enter gave me a great idea though to start fresh with him.

    I have a Carter story that is almost done that I just never went back to finish after posting chapter 1. I think I just need to write maybe 1-2 chapters after to take place after chapter 1 and the rest of it is mostly done. Hmm if only I had no other life than writing, I might actually finish things.
    July 20th, 2013 at 07:31am
  • kmblue

    kmblue (100)

    United States
    @ fangirl1999
    You could conceivably end the Landy fic there if you want. I'm excited about Richie fic, love that boy.
    July 20th, 2013 at 07:20am
  • fangirl1999

    fangirl1999 (100)

    United States
    @ kmblue
    Good question. No clue because I haven't been working on Landy at all. I have been working on a Mike Richards story for a contest. I decided to make it a lot longer and drop out of the contest because I couldn't finish it properly in time. I'll probably finish that up before I go back to Landy. I got kinda bored with that story. That happens to me, I never finish anything. Sigh.
    July 18th, 2013 at 08:57am
  • kmblue

    kmblue (100)

    United States
    So... when are you going to update??
    July 18th, 2013 at 04:25am
  • fangirl1999

    fangirl1999 (100)

    United States
    @ deciding
    It's interesting to learn about the difference between games in the US and Canada. I never really thought about it before but that is probably the typical ignorant American attitude to assume that Canada is like us until shown otherwise.

    People get so drunk here at football games, I actually don't like it, it goes past being funny to disturbing sometimes. I've seen fights and all sorts of idiotic behavior, confrontations and stupidity, and drunks passed out all over. One girl even hung out in her panties in the parking lot at the post game tailgate, with thousands of people streaming by as they slowly left the stadium. I go to the games to watch the game and experience it, so I don't know why some people go to get totally plastered, some even before the game starts, because they will remember none of it. I like my sports too much for that.

    People do drink at hockey games here but not very many get really drunk and obnoxious, it just doesn't happen much. I live in DC so that's where I've gone to NFL and NHL games (although I've gone to a few pro games in Minnesota). I also went to hockey games growing up in Minnesota but they don't sell beer at high school sporting events.

    I didn't mean that Delia should change necessarily but that my opinion of her might change some depending on her actions. I wouldn't stop reading a story that's well written just because I dislike a character. As long as they don't do something completely hideous such as molest children, I'll keep reading until the bitter end.
    July 16th, 2013 at 04:31am
  • deciding

    deciding (100)

    United States
    I'll go ahead and say, from my own experience, that Canadian NHL fans are different than American ones. I think a comparison of American NFL fans and Canadian NHL fans might be spot on. Canadians drink a lot. Canadians drink a lot at hockey games (not just NHL). I noticed that there were a few people that always stocked up on beer during the second intermission before the concessions stop selling it. I have actually been to an Oilers game in Edmonton and the two people beside me were drunk by the time it ended.

    Of course I understand what you are saying about female fans and knowledgeable fans. I certainly think that I am both of those, and I am just silent for the majority of any game I go to.

    Furthermore, I don't think any two NHL markets are the same. I've been to games at 4 arenas. 2 are in the same state and 2 are in the same province but I feel that the experience with the crowd is different at each. Really though, a hockey game is a random, singular event. Like if you added up every single thing that happened at a game, they would only hold true for that particular game. So what you've seen and experienced over a collection of games is different than what Delia saw and experienced at one game.

    Hmm. I don't really think Delia will redeem herself. And that's because I don't think there's any reason for her to redeem herself. For her to suddenly change would be out of character. She's abrasive, compulsive, strong-willed, and blunt. I didn't mean that I want readers to dislike her but she just is what she is. She doesn't aim to please. If you end up realizing that you hate her and you don't want to read anymore, I understand.
    July 15th, 2013 at 07:53am
  • fangirl1999

    fangirl1999 (100)

    United States
    @ deciding
    I honestly barely see puck bunnies at the games. Most women are just normal fans watching the game. Sure there are some there that aren't fans that are there with their men or because they got free tickets or for business socializing, but most seem to be regular people dressed in jerseys and t-shirts and not in slutty clothing. I understand that Delia is not really a normal person. I was just confused because she perceived all women there as either puck bunnies or women spouting off facts about the players, which isn't really something I've seen. I don't know maybe the fans act a lot different in Canada than they do in the US. But there are very knowledgeable fans at the games but they don't really recite all these facts about the players. I guess she must have noticed a few weirdos. And possibly an American fan would think the Canadian fans are strange if that is common at games in Canada. I also have gone to a lot of NFL games the past few years and the fans are much crazier there compared to the NHL games. But people drink a lot more at football games. Maybe our football crazy fans are more like the Canadian NHL fans.

    Yes, if you were trying to make the readers dislike Delia and realize she wasn't perfect, I think you have accomplished that. But I think I already started disliking her a bit in the previous chapter. I will keep reading to see if she redeems herself or slides further in the dislike category.
    July 14th, 2013 at 11:28am
  • deciding

    deciding (100)

    United States
    In Delia's defense, the first things she says about the women at the hockey game is that she is intimidated by them. Her qualms with the puck bunnies (she doesn't refer to them as that because she probably wouldn't know that they're called that) I think are understandable. As for the female fans, I don't read her tone as insulting them as much as she is completely surprised that anyone (not just women) knows that many details about the players. Remember, Delia isn't a sweet girl or a nice girl, and she doesn't feel inclined to like hockey just because of her non-relationship with Ben. She's a musician and she's grown up in a music subculture that has taught her to think and question, which I don't think is a bad thing. "Normal" people to her would probably be different than what is "normal" to "normal people". Delia probably isn't "normal" herself.

    I will say this. I've been to NHL games in both the US and Canada and I do think it's a different experience. And being a Canadian obviously doesn't mean that a woman is going to be a 'better' hockey fan. At all the hockey games I've gone to in Canada, and some in the US, there are women that go only to be seen or because the players are 'hot'. Not every woman is a fan and not every woman is there for the hockey. That's totally fine by me - I think people should do whatever they want. But the way Delia's character is built, she may see it as phony. You mentioned that 95% of the female fans you see are normal people and Delia ignored all the normal people. I don't think Delia ignored the normal people but I imagine that the 5% stood out to her more. I think it's reasonable that in a crowd of 17,000 people, the most normal ones are not likely going to be the ones who catch a newbie's attention.

    It's great to get feedback on what someone thinks about what Delia thinks. I'm happy to get this reaction from you, too, because I never intended for her to be a completely likable character. I wanted her to be as close to real as I could make her, and if she has noticeable flaws, then I think she's trending in the direction of real. Thank you for your comment!
    July 14th, 2013 at 11:11am
  • fangirl1999

    fangirl1999 (100)

    United States
    @ deciding
    I meant denial in reference to my characters in my stories more so than yours. Anyway yes you have struck fear in me so I would say I am interested!!!
    July 8th, 2013 at 08:55am
  • deciding

    deciding (100)

    United States
    Pregnant? Abortion? Whoa, whoa, let's not get ahead of ourselves here! And on denial - to this point in the story Delia and Ben have known each other for ~5 weeks. I don't know if, based on the way they've just begun to let each other in, that's enough time for them to fall. Maybe not denial as much as lack of realization. If you're afraid, then you're interested, and for that I am happy!
    July 7th, 2013 at 10:06pm
  • fangirl1999

    fangirl1999 (100)

    United States
    @ deciding
    Yes that is a good point about the reader understanding more than the narrator. I don't think I do that too much. Well some but I guess it's more obvious that the girl is in denial. I'm kind of afraid where you are taking us with this story. I am see Delia getting preggo by accident now that they don't use condoms and getting an abortion because a baby doesn't fit her lifestyle and breaking Ben's hear:( Can't wait for more though!
    July 7th, 2013 at 08:14pm
  • deciding

    deciding (100)

    United States
    I agree with everything you said. The thing with the first person point of view is that the narrator is not necessarily a reliable narrator, and the readers may see what is happening before the main character recognizes it. I really like that actually and try to use it to my advantage in my storytelling. And you're right - Delia may not be the right girl for Ben. Thank you so much for recommending the story and commenting again! :)
    July 7th, 2013 at 08:07pm
  • deciding

    deciding (100)

    United States
    Thank you for commenting on Call It Off! I really appreciate it. I was really worried about that chapter and it took me so long to write. I'm so grateful to receive positive feedback for it. Phew!
    July 1st, 2013 at 09:39am
  • kendra-rae

    kendra-rae (100)

    You don't suck, just life and other things become more important and what not and I will def be looking at that Mike Richards story!!!
    June 30th, 2013 at 11:02am