fangirl1999 / Comments

  • I absolutely can't wait! Oh man, your stories keep me wanting more more more!
    November 30th, 2013 at 08:36am
  • @ therealdealneal
    Thanks! Glad that you enjoy my writing so much. It really takes a lot of effort and time to do a good job with it and come up with ideas and research things.
    November 27th, 2013 at 01:23am
  • That would totally suck! I really can't wait to see where your story goes. It's always so darn interesting and might I add, completely hot Wink
    November 26th, 2013 at 06:43pm
  • aww, you're the best. you kind of nailed what I have in mind for the sequel! :) haha thanks so much for the feedback! <3

    oh, and the next chapter is up! :D haha
    October 24th, 2013 at 01:31am
  • @ gloryboxxx
    I just read the chapter. It made me sad to see how messed up Vicky is now. Jon is so messed up, too. What a pair. I can't wait to see what happens next!
    October 21st, 2013 at 03:31am
  • Hello again! Thank you for commenting on the final chapter of Call It Off! It was sad for me, too. I get pretty attached to the characters and it pains me to let them down, even when it's my idea in the first place to do that to them.

    I felt that Delia was so strong-willed throughout the story, and her not going after Ben was just in line with who she is. Also, if you read closely I think you'll see that that moment was for Ben. To give him power. He'd just told her he was in love with her, and she said she wouldn't change her mind, so what else could he do? She was going to walk out of his life and hurt him, so he beat her to it. I thought he deserved to have at least that.

    Realization, in Delia's case, is not instantaneous and cannot be rushed. Delia didn't want to try long distance because she doesn't think she can handle it, and that's her prerogative. Everyone is different. The schedule of a touring band is not consistent and in the offseason Ben has to train. I don't think the promise of a few days or a few weeks at a time to see each other throughout the year is what Delia wants. And if Ben thought about it long enough, I think he'd see that that's not what he really wants either. Time apart will tell if their needs and wants can be modified.

    Thanks so much for reading!
    October 21st, 2013 at 02:00am
  • Heart you <3
    October 21st, 2013 at 01:58am
  • I feel like a lot of the readers don't want Vicky to get back with Jon either... but let's see what happens next! it took me long enough to update, but the new chapter is finally up! thanks so much for reading and commenting! <3
    October 20th, 2013 at 09:32pm
  • @ artfulaardvark
    I didn't care for the tone of that article. I thought you should know that you were featured so prominently, which I found a little creepy. At least he could have let you know he was publishing personal details on you. Some people are discussing this article at
    if you care to join.
    October 11th, 2013 at 05:01pm
  • @ soupy
    Thanks for your comment! I remember you being a faithful reader and frequent commenter on my G story. I didn't realize that you also read the Landeskog story, so I'm glad that you enjoyed it. I appreciate the compliment on my writing. It's nice to know that other people don't think I fit the stereotype that author used. In truth I think most of these hockey players probably aren't very good to date and I wouldn't want to be involved with them. I just like romances, always have since I was a young teen. Why not write about what you know, which is hockey. I don't think the author of that article realized that many fan fic writers are actually serious hockey fans.

    I know I'm horrible because I never finish writing anything. I am trying to be better about that. I haven't written much in recent months. I did go back and work on some stories that are mostly written but not quite finished in hopes of finishing something or other. I do want to finish the Landy story someday, I do have ideas where to take that one. I did get a little stuck on the G story but I could probably figure that one out too if I had some time. Sadly my mind always gets bored and moves onto something else. I have so many almost finished stories, most of which aren't even posted. Sometimes I decide not to post anything so I don't disappoint people until I finish the story, other times it helps encourage me to write more. Or at least it did until I started posted the Richards story. That's what I worked on most of the summer and it's actually mostly written, except for a few chapters at the beginning. It would be nice to finish that one.

    Right now I've just been following 2 hockey teams and watching football which takes most of my free time, plus reading. Hopefully I can get back into writing mode and finish some stories off.
    October 11th, 2013 at 04:43pm
  • Holy crap I had no idea. That article is slightly embarrassing and interesting and I kind of face palmed a little bit. Oh well! Hahah thanks for letting me know! :)
    October 11th, 2013 at 04:19pm
  • I read your comment about the "critiquing" of Philly fanfics on Mibba. I saw the article in "Crossing Broad" earlier today and I too, was a little miffed about the author's condescending attitude and overgeneralization of the writers and their story content here on Mibba. There are some incredibly talented writers on this site (of which you are one) and to assert that they are all horny teenaged girls is really missing the boat.

    But in your comment, you referenced your own G story - that you went on to say you didn't finish. That brought up a question for me to you - I really enjoyed your G story and wondered if you would ever consider going back and finishing it? I have wondered where Ashley and Claude went from there.

    The other story I really liked was your Landy story - Ally and he were just starting to get things together.

    I know these stories take a lot of time and dedication - and that sometimes real life intervenes - but just know if you ever decide to pick either of these stories back up again, you will definitely have a faithful reader in me!
    October 11th, 2013 at 09:26am
  • Hi! You read my story Thinking of You (which I actually renamed Friendly Affections, but anyway) and I was wondering if you would try the first chapter of my new story? I want to know if anyway is interested in me continuing it or not.


    October 4th, 2013 at 08:53am
  • so glad to see how much you're enjoying the new updates! thanks for commenting! :)
    October 1st, 2013 at 06:43am
  • thanks for the comment, babe! :)
    September 11th, 2013 at 06:58am
  • Their night isn't over yet. The smut is in the next chapter. :)
    August 11th, 2013 at 12:19am
  • @ deciding
    Zach is the biggest drama queen. I hope they asked him to "act" some because if he really does and thinks all the things he is shown doing, oh boy. Yes, this season feels a little more scripted and less natural. I do think it's interesting to see the new characters struggling to get a place with the company, and what goes on with casting. I miss seeing Ronnie, Rex's little bro. I liked the plot line with him and his gf last season. I wondered if he was still there but I saw his name on the casting list as they panned over it. I don't like Alison but I think it's a little weird that she is considering totally giving up ballet. Couldn't she move to a closer city with a ballet like Chicago, Cleveland, Buffalo and have an easier commute to see him? Oh well I guess we'll see how it plays out. Hmm I just googled and there does appear to be a Detroit Ballet of some sort. I am glad that she and Rex stopped their relationship, that was bad news.

    I don't know how you write on your phone. I hate writing anything on my phone because so much of it is the wrong words. I probably need to change some settings.

    If only I was so disciplined to force myself to finish a story before I start the next one! I am great about getting ideas for stories but never finishing them completely.

    Thanks for your comment on my Richards story. It can be tricky to write a male point of view as a female, but I thought that a guy would think like I wrote him thinking about Taylor in that instance. I really need to work on the next chapter. Hopefully I can make some progress this weekend.

    I don't have a problem paying the price for the ballet season tickets (I am sure they are long since sold out by now though), it's just I don't know anyone that would want to pay that much for a full season. I know people that would go to one ballet so that's probably what I'll do.
    August 10th, 2013 at 01:01am
  • I'm not necessarily done writing a story when I start posting it but pretty far ahead. Like right now I am working on writing the last chapter of Call It Off but am about to post Chapter 10, and there are a handful of chapters in between it and the end. I write each chapter on a Word-type app on my phone and when I'm done I pull the document up and my computer and comb through it quickly, fixing little mistakes, and copying it over to the file that has every chapter in it. I might look at the chapter again while I'm writing another one but no serious editing until it's time to post that chapter, at which point I've detached myself from it and have no reservations about being harsh. As I get older I think I've come to see just how valuable editing and revising are. I think I might even spend a longer time on that than the actual writing part!

    To your point about getting stuck, I think one of the reasons I have a lot written in advance of posting is so that I have a clear direction. I force myself to only write one story at a time and force myself not to start posting until I can see the end, knowing exactly what is going to happen. It really helps me. I always have the opposite problem of writer's block. I have too many ideas and not enough time to write them.

    Yes, I remember. I've been watching the new season of Breaking Pointe. It feels so...staged. Like the show fabricates tension that isn't really there so they can fill 42 minutes worth of each episode. They definitely know they're on a reality show! Ian talks like he's 30. Zach is soooooo dramatic. The show really makes me laugh and that's exactly why I am watching every episode of it. Actually it kinda makes me miss writing about ballet in Kaylie's story. Are you a student? I think most major companies have deals for seats when you show a student ID. Maybe you could still see a program or two.
    August 10th, 2013 at 12:43am
  • @ deciding
    Do you write your stories far in advance and have them finished by the time you post? I usually write and edit for typos, wrong words, missed words right away, but you are right about waiting awhile to for more serious editing. It's hard to be too critical right after you write something. Also sometimes I get a little stuck and know I don't like how something is written but can't figure it out when looking at it so soon afterwards.

    Well I will admit to getting slightly bored with the in depth description of the recording process in the last chapter. That's just not my interest or something I know much about. But I realize that you put everything in for a reason, so I kept reading to figure it out. I am invested in the story so I'm not going to stop now!

    I do agree, it can be a tricky balance of writing for yourself versus what the readers will like. But we are writing and posting for free, so it's not like we have to worry too much about pleasing readers.

    I'm looking forward to reading about their non-date!

    Oh, I don't know if you recall but several months back we talked some about the ballet. The new season of the documentary series Breaking Pointe is on now and I am quite enjoying it so far! They are doing some version of Cinderella which I think has maybe only been done once before in this country. Sadly I don't have season tickets to the ballet anymore for the season starting in the fall. My friend that I bought them with through her membership died unexpectedly from cancer and I don't really have any other friends willing to commit to a season's worth of ballet, plus I'm not a member so I couldn't get the good seats. But I hope to still go to see one of two of the best companies this season.
    August 5th, 2013 at 07:39am
  • I can promise you that I have always and will always write for myself before anyone else. It's also my goal to write the best story I am capable of. I usually wait at least a month before doing any heavy editing because I feel that I can look at it with a more honest, critical eye. If I don't wait, then I'm too attached to it to be as harsh as I need to be, and that wouldn't leave me with a chapter I'm happy with in the long run because I could have done better if I put my feelings aside. I'd be lying if I said I didn't care what readers thought. Of course I don't want to bore them. I guess what it comes down to though is that I don't want to bore anyone but I don't aim to please them, I aim to please myself.

    The interaction between Delia and Ben, I thought, was like one of those moments when you're thinking "I'm so happy I could kiss you right now!" and Delia just did it. But I do agree with you that she's starting to see that Ben means something to her. I think she also intentionally doesn't ask questions that she doesn't want to know the answers to, since she is determined not to fall for him.

    Thank you for your comment, as always!
    August 3rd, 2013 at 11:10pm