Eggs Can Calm.

Journal of.... Sudden Thought?04~ • † • ~What's your way of calming your anger?Do you listen to music?Draw?Take your anger out on the piano?Scream at your pillow?Scream at your dog?Scream at your cat? Hamster?Scream at you pen, pencil, ruler? Computer?Rip up newspaper?It's all good if you aren't hurting yourself or someone else.I find that when I get angry, I tend to feel very energetic and...
December 23rd, 2011 at 12:25am

To Make, Or Not To Make?

Journal of.... Sudden Thought?03~ • † • ~So I've like taken a massive year-brake from coding layouts and all that for Mibbians and their profiles, and I've been quite inspired to do some but I don't know if I should start... I mean, I can't be stuffed, but that's the hardest part of everything - starting. Even this journal required some clicking too.So yeah.I mean.... *le sigh* I would be...
December 5th, 2011 at 07:01am

So It's Storming.

Journal of.... Sudden Thought?02~ • † • ~So yes. It's storming. Like one big continuous pouring out-of-the-bucket rain.Apparently it's some dangerous storm with floods and hailstones that are supposed to come, and that's funny cause we don't get such storms in the area of whereabouts I live. You'd think Australia is one hot desert.Ha.No.That's closer to the center of Australia.We've had a...
October 30th, 2011 at 12:42pm

Inevitably, It's Going To Happen

Journal of.... Sudden Thought?01~ • † • ~I don't know why I'm typing this, but I suddenly felt the need to speak.A thought had randomly occurred to me whilst I was eating a biscuit, and had probably occurred to you guys too. It's about parents, and teens, right and wrong, this and that, the DOs and DONTs.Though I understand why some parents might do this, I find it silly in some...
October 18th, 2011 at 09:07am