afraidofthedark- / Comments

  • no problem. haha thanks :)
    yeah haha, i think at one point like half my class were all faking illnesses or "allergic reactions to chlorine". omfg it was so incredibly obvious but we thought we were so sneaky xD asdfghjkl you were lucky! oh, are you good at sports? it's cruel to make 11 year olds walk 15 minutes in the wind and torrential fucking rain to get to the bloody leisure centre.
    haha that's good. paramore always put on such a great show. did you see the Pressure flip? god it's awesome! i agree :)
    urgh it sounds ridiculous. i don't think anything like that has happened at my school before. there was a girl who dyed her hair black, blonde, ginger, brunette and then bleached it, in like the space of 8 months. by then her hair was like falling out in clumps and she had like patches where her hair had fallen out and the teachers had a word with her but that's it.
    ah that would look awesome. is your natural colour quite light then?
    awh that's nice :) do you think you'll miss your family when you're at uni or be glad to be away and have your own space?
    i went to like a gathering/party/thing last night and it went abit mental. y'know when some people get too drunk and start getting really embarrassing >.< and then today a family dinner, but there were too many people and it got all competitive and people started fighting for somewhere to sit and no one wanted to move incase someone took their seat. yeah :/ xx
    September 11th, 2011 at 07:49pm
  • just commented and subbed! sorry about the late reply, i've been without my laptop this weekend and my phone can't really take the mibba layout without freezing up haha
    urgh i can't believe they made you swim in year 8! we stopped after year 6 but i managed to get out of it that year :') did you have to walk to the leisure centre too?
    oh what did you think of them? i'm so glad i got to see them before Josh and Zac left.
    wot. that's so stupid! it's not like your hair colour was contagious and you were going to spread your red hair to all the other kids. what a douchebag. haha :') it would've been so awkward! that's so pointless!
    haha it's blonde now, right?
    ohh i see. woah that's alot of walking.
    yeah me too, it was just so awkward to watch :/
    how was your weekend? xx
    September 11th, 2011 at 05:40pm
  • yep pretty much. haha oh i know what you mean
    you're so modest :)
    did you? i'll go check it out now!
    haha. woah he's been reading alot.
    ah right :') urgh that doesn't sound too great. swimming to start the week when it's freezing doesn't sound like a great start to the week.
    like hayley williams red (do you like Paramore?) or like tinted kinda red? lmao "chav kids" :') what? that's shit, it's not like you had random bits of red in your hair. you got put in isolation for a day?! how does that work? urgh it sounds ridiculous. and i thought my school was ridiculous!
    ahah good one :') if i was sitting behind you in an exam i'd probably be pretty distracted by your hair haha
    haha awh :3 will you have a room mate?
    oh in college is the timetable structure like school? like do you have to go in in the morning and stay until the end of the day or can you go in only when you have lessons and then go home after?
    it is :/ i hope so. i hope what happened with that whole suicide thing a few years ago doesn't happen again. in one interview the interviewer kept asking and prying and Gerard and Ray just kept saying "we're not gonna talk about that" and it was just brutal to watch xx
    September 9th, 2011 at 08:25pm
  • haha i definitely prefer comedy/action/thriller over pretty much every other film genre :')
    awh hehe, sorry! :) wot. if your stories are shitty, mine are just sprouting absolute crap. be proud faye! :)
    woah and are you going to read them all?! at least 800 haha i'm the same
    they really are. that would've been an absolute shit start to a week and the worst monday morning ever. unless you like PE! no way! really? what colour did you die it?
    i'm not surprised, you've got plenty more books to get through :'3 oh packing, the bane of my existance. good luck with that :') will you be going home on weekends, d'you think?
    Bob <3 yeah i know what you mean. i wonder what he was stealing though. i mean, i thought musicians didn't think it was about the money. poor MCR, to have been to happy about Reading/Leeds and then this. exactly. xx
    September 8th, 2011 at 09:38pm
  • personally i don't think it's that great, but i've never really been into alot of "chick-flick" films, so i wouldn't say you're missing out on anything :')
    woah! that's alot of reading to be done haha are you a fast reader?
    oohh even though it's not a frerard it sounds good already :') i swear you could write anything, twisted or not, and it'd be perf. gah i'm addicted to your stories! haha
    aha thanks, i'll try :) i hope it flies by for me too :'3
    so far it's not too bad. but my timetable is awful! everyday i have a language and maths or english :( and the year 11 common room is like as far as possible from the main block and science block! oh and the head of KS4 told me off for having a hole in my jumper....hopefully the rest of the week will be better. sorry about this rant, how was your day?
    i know! i couldn't actually believe it when i heard. i'll always love Bob more though, but Mike was a good replacement for him i thought. yeah me too, i guess i'm kinda disappointed too, and some of the hate people send him is abit extreme :/ xx
    September 7th, 2011 at 06:21pm
  • i will :)
    yep, he's in angus thongs and perfect snogging too but tbh i'm not actually that in to that film. haha yeah!
    oh cool, that's a good idea. yeah i've seen all the films but not read the books. i think the size kinda puts me off abit. i can't wait to see The Hobbit.
    aw thanks, but i'm no nicer than you are :)
    ah good good, can't wait to read it. oh i see, i'm intrigued to read what it's about now :')
    ah cool, just packing my shit and getting ready for school tomorrow :( i really don't know how i'm going to make it through year 11.
    OH and did you hear about what happened to Mike Pedicone? xx
    September 6th, 2011 at 08:49pm
  • haha same here, either Revenge or TBP.
    hmmm i think it's a good idea, i'll probably ask my career/form tutor what they think too, but honestly you've given me more of a heads up on what to do than anyone else! oh okay i shall, thanks :)
    yeah it's him! you should, it's a really great film! haha
    ooh it sounds good, is it like a film or program or something awell? haha i'm glad you're enjoying it :) have you read the Lord of the Rings books?
    ah awesome, i can't wait to read the rest of it, i swear it's one of my favourite Frerard stories and i'm not just saying that :')
    is the something else a Frerard too? ;3
    been up to much today? xx
    September 6th, 2011 at 07:26pm
  • oh i see. awh haha :3 yeah i know right! haha
    oh cool, urm Revenge is my favourite, then TBP, then DD and then Bullets.
    :) oh okay, so English for A level? ah thanks.
    hahah yeah me too, i'd probably spend more time admiring it them actually wearing it tbh :D no way that's awesome! is that the green one? it sounds awesome :)
    yeah i hadn't either until people kept telling me about it :')
    i finished watching it pretty late last night and fell asleep after, which is why i didn't reply, sorry! asdfghjkl it's actually really good. aaron johnson is the main character and he is just perfect. it's about people who trust this guy they meet in a chatroom too much, and he manipulates them to try and sort of destroy them and lead them into suicide. it's pretty dark but nothing too gory or anything. it's really good, i'd recommend it :) they way they shot it was pretty interesting too because of the setting and how they make the difference between what was going on inside the chatroom and in real life. yeah, it was really good :)
    oh i think i've heard of that before. what's it about?
    haha, did you find anything good on tv to watch? :')
    oh and are you still going to finish ILWAOTV? :'3 xx
    September 5th, 2011 at 12:53pm
  • haha :) really? out of the few people i know that like similar kind of music to me, they all adore A7X! i don't think i've listened to them enough to give an opinion though haha but this guy i met at Download fest (sorry, i keep banging on about it!) saw them before The Rev passed away, and he got crushed on the barrier and got taken backstage and somehow met the whole band and got The Rev's drumsticks too!
    ah thanks, i've followed you too :) ah they are all great songs. Revenge has so many great songs. which is your favourite album?
    oh wow, that sounds pretty cool. yeah i'd love to travel when i'm older. urm, i'd love to be able to do something in journalism. before fashion journalism sounded great but now music sounds pretty cool too. PR would be nice aswell.
    haha yep :3 yeah i agree, after all the shipping and stuff i think it's way too expensive. tbh i probably wouldn't wear it that much either! i'd just....have it :') really? awesome, which one did you get?
    that's good, urm not really, just rearranged some posters and now i'm just about to watch the film The Chatroom. so many people keep telling me to watch it and keep raving about it so i thought i'd give it a go. have you seen it?
    what about you? xx
    September 4th, 2011 at 09:20pm
  • haha :) i really don't like festival toilets. i swear they're the worst thing ever.
    awh i'm sorry you couldn't go :/ hopefully you'll get to see A7X soon. oh and Happy Belated Birthday!
    Yeah i know what you mean. that's good then. it's hard to find people like that because you never really know who's two faced or will turn around and stab you in the back.
    awesome, and mine's :)
    i guess you can tell I'm Not Okay is my favourite MCR song haha. what's yours?
    oh wow, that sounds pretty cool. ah i get it.
    so what do you want to be when you're older? :3
    ohh i see. that's good, yeah i know what you mean. my teachers now keep saying that too.
    so it'll still end at normal school time? what time were your earliest lessons?
    yeah i thought that too! yep, it'd be cool to live there.
    that's alright, i'm about an hour & a half from birmingham but it all depends on whether i can get a ride there!
    awh hopefully next tour then :/ i'm really annoyed i couldn't go to Merthyr Rock! it's like TBO, YG, Skindred and i'm not sure but i think Lost Prophets are playing too. but i think Wales is pushing it abit too far haha
    MCR actually have the best merch! the Party Poison jacket looks awesome! oh cool :)
    yeah me too, last year was definitely one of the best line ups.
    oh i see, i know it's pretty late, but i hope you had a good day out :3 xx
    September 4th, 2011 at 07:14pm
  • oh right, you're probably right but i can imagine how funny he'd be if he was drunk xD
    ah this is why i was so lucky download festival is really near me! we managed to go back home each day and shower up and get to sleep in our own beds each night. i don't really do camping either haha
    i'm glad :) it all sounds pretty exciting, i hope you enjoy it.
    yeah exactly, i used to trust people way too easily but now i know the world isn't full of rainbows and unicorns and shit and that you can't always expect people to be what you thought they'd be.
    i hope so, it'll be nice to just kind of "grow up" and just be what i am.
    haha okay :3 really?! wow, small world indeed! :) do you have tumblr?
    yeah it does. i think that's what i would like to happen at the moment, just anything to get away from my current school tbh!
    wow what's film studies like? oh a coursework sketchbook, we've got those for GCSE too. coursework after an exam? haha :3
    oh 20 people's not too many, a few people keep telling me about how many people there are and that there's no chance of learning in classes that big and the teacher won't help blah blah blah. so it's not true?
    oh so do you just take notes in each class?
    so you had like night classes? wow! haha yeah i suppose so :3
    that's cool then. sometimes i wonder how many gigs i'd be able to go to if i lived in one of the big cities like Manchester or Birmingham or something! awh haha :) how far are you from leeds?
    what? ah that sucks, i'm sorry D: are you a KIGH fan?
    awh YG are the best :) they do! i spend too much on band merch instead of actual gigs and stuff haha
    oh cool, and i'm from the East Midlands :) i hope you don't take this as offensive or anything, but do you have an accent?!
    ah that's awesome, i wish they'd do a tour like that again!
    sorry if there are a lot of mistakes in this, it's too early and i don't know why i'm awake right now haha

    it's okay! xx
    September 4th, 2011 at 10:17am
  • awh poor Sean :') really?! i thought TBO boys were into their partying! i guess not haha
    oh i'm glad they enjoyed it :) my friend went and she was watching a band and right next to her was Josh from You Me At Six watching this band play aswell! i was pretty jealous when i heard about that. it'd be nice to get the chance to go to any festival next year with a decent line up.
    oh well i hope you're having a better time now and forget all about those people who you fell out with. they don't know what they're missing out on :)
    i think through years of school with all these people, i've learnt that not all people are nice. not all people are like me and share my opinion and point of view. i discovered that i'm not like some people and i'm different but i have to accept it and not try to be like those people, regardless of how popular or "liked" they are. slowly i'm just learning to be me. how cliche is that?! i think i need time away from some people so i can adjust what i've been believing for all these years because now i know that it wasn't me and i don't want to believe that anymore and it was just me wanting to be someone else. i hope that makes sense. i'm sorry about all this ranting it all just kind of came out!
    i've just realised that i've been completely hogging your comments page, i'm sorry! i hope you're not sick of me! haha. it's strange how i've know you for only a few months but i've spoken to you so much. thank you for listening and putting up with me :3
    wow hearing about college just makes me want year 11 to go by even faster now! i really would love to go to college but my dad wants me to stay on for sixth form, but my school really isn't that great, if you know what i mean.
    is there alot more homework or work in general? how many people are there in a class? man i'd love free periods. a lot of my friends had them a lot last year but i unfortunately picked all the wrong subjects and i didn't get any frees. haha you can lie in? :)
    is college like just a room of students and then just someone who lectures?
    Gus' brown hair looked great in winter kiss, i gotta say. have a great time seeing YG and Blitz Kids next month and let me know all about it! :)
    haha another bonus of going to college i guess but responsibility is pretty important too.
    i know! i can't believe i did that too, but i was just so out of it! it was like a 2 hour drive from the venue back to my house and because of the post-gig buzz, i couldn't sleep til like half three. and for some stupid reason i got up at like half six to try and revise for the goddamn chemistry test but it didn't work anyway. i literally was so drained i couldn't even sit up properly.
    Ben is awesome! he is, and you've met him?! lucky! did you meet the others too? this might sound really random, but my YG hoodie came today :3 i'm real happy and i'm wearing it right now; it's so warm!
    oh cool, so i'm guessing you're from up north? if you don't mind me saying.
    ah i see. the K! tour had such great bands! :) xx

    p.s i'm sorry this is so long!
    September 4th, 2011 at 12:10am
  • it is a great song. haha he's great :') did he throw up cause he was wasted?
    awh haha :) i don't like using elbows cause i don't wanna like hurt anyone or piss anyone off.
    i really hope they have some good bands, but i think you're right. fingers crossed though!
    oh i see, yeah i suppose, it's such a long time to be off!
    haha really?! was it all the revision and exams and stuff?
    yeah i know what you mean i can't wait to leave and go to college, i don't think i've ever wanted to be done with school more than now. i really can't wait to leave that place.
    this might sound like a totally stupid question but i actually have no idea about what it's like in college, so what's it like compared to school?
    they really are! wow lucky :) contrary to what alot of other people think, i actually quite like Gustav's blonde hair! i prefer it brunette/black but blonde is alright on him :3
    i'm not allowed to go to concerts on a weekday if i've got school the day after. last year i went to see Paramore on a tuesday and the next day i kinda passed out during a chemistry test and my teachers weren't too pleased, who then proceeded to tell my parents who went kinda haywire and then no more gigs on weekdays for me :/ which really sucks cause most gigs that are on weekends are halfway across the country and it's impossible to get there D:
    ah it's so good! you really need to see it! i think i love Ben even more if that's possible! ahah :'3
    really? that's awesome, which date? are you a fan of them? xx
    September 3rd, 2011 at 06:31pm
  • aah i love that part :) oh odd, i'd have thought they would considering it was their latest single but i think i prefer Never By Your Side anyway :3 haha oh yeah, wasn't that the show where someone threw something at Sean?
    man i can imagine! yeah i know what you mean :) oh haha
    it was just WOW when he came on stage with them. him and Ray looked like legends playing their riffs side by side together. i so wish i could've been in the crowd. it really would've.
    oh wow 3rd from the front is pretty cool anyway! haha killer skill that is :')
    yeah, i really hope i get to go next year, or any major fest really. whichever has the best line up! :)
    since May?! holy crap! and you go back in 2 weeks? that's like 3 and 1/2 months off! woah lucky :3
    yeah i'm going back next wednesday :/ into year 11 which is so weird. seems like yesterday i was that nerdy little year 7!
    no way, you're going to see Young Guns! so lucky! i really wanted to see them on tour but the dates don't work out :/ but i'm glad i saw them in june, they were pretty awesome :) have you seen their DVD thing?
    yeah two aswell, Black Veil Brides in October and All Time Low in January :) xx
    September 2nd, 2011 at 09:22pm
  • no problem! oh wow :) did they do the get down and jump up when the beat drops thing in Save Ourselves? didn't they play The Storm? that video is so good haha :')
    man it sounded 100x better than Download fest, i think i definately went to the wrong festival this year haha!
    woah MCR played House of Wolves? they didn't televise that :/ S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W must've been pretty awesome live, it's such a great but sad song.
    ohh i see :) that's good then! i still can't belive you were on the barrier for most of the day! did you like elbow your way to get there?!
    oh yeah i know what you mean, i missed them on the TV aswell which annoyed me but oh well, one day :')
    going to start saving up soon, cause i really want to go to reading/leeds/sonisphere/slamdunk fest next year :)
    how long have you been off? that's good, and oh congrats! wow uni! good luck! :)
    any other gigs coming up soon? xx
    September 1st, 2011 at 03:29pm
  • i'm glad you had such a great time :3
    all day?! you must have ribs of steel or something haha feel better soon!
    asdfghjkl oh Sean......what songs did they play? gah, so jelly!
    oh i heard about that, my friend who went said it was pretty amazing too.
    oh i saw MCR on the TV, they played it like an hour after the live show i was incredible just watching it on the TV! it must have been so good live. the crowd when they sang along to The Black Parade, I'm Not Okay and Helena sounded amazing. oh, was the sound tower like next to the stage?
    did you see p!atd?!
    haha after all that, i'm not suprised!
    no worries :) things are great thanks, just sad that the summer has gone so fast and is nearly over :(
    how about you? how does it feel to be out of college? oh how's all the applying to uni going? xx
    September 1st, 2011 at 02:18pm
    August 31st, 2011 at 11:45pm
  • that's good :) sounds awesome. wow! so you've left college now?! hehe it's okay :3
    yeah some of them are GCSE's. R.E ethics, english, maths and science >___<
    haha so college is even more stressful?! i don't know how i'm going to cope...
    awh haha. uni seems pretty cool though :') how's it going applying to uni?
    yeah, me too! i love Brendon's glasses and dancing. Spencer is really cute in it xxx
    May 21st, 2011 at 03:55pm
  • that's good :) haha it's okay, just don't forget about ILWATV :')
    awh, how's college going anyway? how did your art project go?
    things are pretty stressful tbh! so much revision and exams coming up. i've got r.e ethics next monday and another english module :/ then more science modules, maths module and french/german/geography exams next week >__< urgh i'm so bad at orals.
    hehe sorry about the rant!
    have you seen the new p!atd video?! xx
    May 18th, 2011 at 09:31pm
  • hey there stranger :') how've you been? xx
    May 16th, 2011 at 06:12pm