afraidofthedark- / Comments

  • fenix flame

    fenix flame (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    oh that's not too bad (:
    wtf? why would you go to all that effort? how'd they even get in?
    awh Sean is so sweet! but that guy who hit the girl is a twat. why would you hit a girl? ohmygod i would have loved to have seen them run xD and drag that idot out.
    oh i saw that picture, and i wondered what was going on :/ geez people really do go mental. why would you bite Sean though? he's so great. hehe fangirling for a second right now ^.^
    lol! haha i bet it did. i went to a gig last year and some person fainted and all the security were swarming everywhere and i was just like wtf is going on? and then people thought she'd been attacked and it was so crazy!
    oh wow that's awesome! weren't you on the barrier for MCR aswell?! were you waiting outside?
    yep, the whole year!
    next week's not too far away, only 3 more days! :') eep i can't wait!
    ah i think that's what i'm doing for my GCSE exams. haha!
    that's good, haha i'm sure it will do!
    how long will you have off?
    it was Gerard's birthday on saturday! i can't believe he's like 34! haha :') xxx
    April 12th, 2011 at 06:32pm
  • fenix flame

    fenix flame (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    aaah that's great! ouch! you okay?! i burnt myself on the iron doing textiles last year >.<
    i know, same!
    aw wow it sounds awesome! awh that's really cool :)
    wtf? why would you throw a shoe at Sean? w h a t ? how'd he react? oh dear, a fight doesn't sound too great. some of TBO dragged them out?! not the security?! woah!
    haha :) aw, where abouts were you in the venue?
    ah it sounds better than what my friends are doing in art for GCSE atm. for nearly a whole year, all they've done is plain charcoal drawings. no colour or anything and my friend's getting pretty fed up :') she wishes she took textiles now!
    yeah me too :/ but i'm off on holidays now so hopefully my replies won't be so late!
    things are alright, thanks. just a lot of revision though :/ lots of exams coming up soon. gah i hate exams. so much stress.
    For your GCSEs did you do the exams all at once? like all the GCSE papers at once? or did you do it in modules? sorry about all these questions! hehe ^.^
    how's things with you? <3 xxx
    April 9th, 2011 at 11:53pm
  • fenix flame

    fenix flame (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    yeah i suppose (: oh wow, it sounds awesome! especially the corset thing, very nice :) how's it all going?
    it really is and i agree! have you seen the Planetary video?!
    oh so you're seeing them tomorrow?! oh that is exciting! have fun!
    awh haha :3 did you mainly do drawing and stuff?
    yeah i get what you mean >.< same. i think i've only ever listened to it all the way through once and that was when i first got it and stuff :/
    oh and sorry about the late reply, so much crazy ass stuff going on recently -.- xxxx
    April 6th, 2011 at 10:57pm
  • fenix flame

    fenix flame (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    15 hours of art AND textiles?! holy crap, and i thought just textiles was hard O.O
    awh :( what are you doing for your exams?
    haha lol! ah party poison is such an epic song aswell! this ain't a party, get off the dance floor.... i have that in my head now :L
    i remember when i was first listening to DD and i listened to it all the way through and it got to Vampire Money and i just flipped out. I was flailing an around my room like i was on coffee xD so crazy.
    it is! i love that :D ikr! aren't you seeing them soon?
    oh haha that's lucky then!
    i can tell! a 15 hour exam is definately alot of work. did you take it for gcse?
    well you got it pretty accurate! my school's not a boarding school but i feel just like Gerard and Frank in your story when i'm at school xD
    not that i'm attracted to a vampire, but i really don't want to be there! haha :')
    really that's pretty cool, they're playing Download too.
    aw i hope you catch up with your sleep, being tired sucks. especially if you've got art and textiles exams to do :/
    it is! but tbh Pretty Odd wasn't exactly their best album >.< xxxx
    April 2nd, 2011 at 08:54pm
  • fenix flame

    fenix flame (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    it's chilled, it's fine. aw i hope it went/goes well! i know what it's like, i'm doing a 4 hour controlled english assessment and i'm only half way through >.< urgh it's so painful.
    sounds good! yayayay Vampires update soon!
    Yeah same, and i agree. i like having the real thing and the excitment you get when you first listen to it and all that stuff. when the first track comes on i'm just like completely freaking out haha!
    they are! have you seen that video where Sean trips/falls over this wall trying to play basketball? omfg it's actually hysterical! haha did they not check for ID or anything?! alot of placed are clamping down on stuff like that. in manchester at alot of the gigs they check for ID and stuff and they only let you in for the main band that's playing and then kick you out straight after if you're under age or something. sucks cause that happened to my friend and she missed the support acts :/
    urm it's alright thanks, just busy busy busy with GCSEs and stuff. coursework is a pain and textiles requires so much time! I've also got my R.E exam soon and i really hate R.E >.< my school is catholic so R.E is compulsary, which always reminds me of Gerard and Frank's Catholic school in your story Vampires xD.
    Bring Me The Horizon are actually playing near me in May, and i'm dead excited so i'm trying to get tickets for that.
    How are you?
    Oh and have you heard Vices & Virtues by p!atd? xxx
    April 2nd, 2011 at 12:21am
  • fenix flame

    fenix flame (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    it's okay :) it sounds good so far, and lmao :'3
    thank you! and yeah it was only meant to be a kinda brief intro, the real story thing starts in the next chapter, which i guess i should've posted by now....gah still need to spellcheck and proof read it >.< and haha sure i can do that, sorry! thank you so much for taking the time to read it! i really appriciate it :3
    osdjlkaieo that's so awesome! haha :') and yeah it does :/ aaah The Blackout are playing too?! jaselaeoae i'm so excited for Hope!
    you do?! they ARE amazing! i'm glad someone else likes them! all my friends are like ....O.o....... when i listen to them.
    haha lol xD <33 xx
    March 25th, 2011 at 09:47pm
  • fenix flame

    fenix flame (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    haha bad habbit or not, it's awesome! i love all your stories and it's pretty awesome thinking of any new stories :')
    this might sound extremely cheeky and needy, but would you mind checking out my latest story? It's "heaven ain't got no vacancy" and i was just wondering what you thought, cause i haven't got much feedback for it and i don't know whether people are interested and if i should carry on with it? :/ sorry about this, and i totally get if you're too busy with work :3
    ikr! it's like "Moikey" lol xDD love it. yeah me too (:
    i know, it's really irritating how they got no recognition or acknowledgment for their awards, when they really deserve it. instead it was all focused on Dave Grohl -______-
    that's good, and it's okay (: awesome, let me know how it goes?! you'll do fine! i know it :3
    yeah i did! MCR are playing! haha are you going? and i know it'll sound really odd but The Midnight Beast are playing too and they're like the most anti-rock/punk band i listen to and they're pretty awesome! my guilty pleasure :') ahah <3 xx
    March 23rd, 2011 at 11:03pm
  • fenix flame

    fenix flame (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    haha thanks! :')
    oh i can't wait til it's finished! i really wanna know what happens next! :L
    i can imagine it would be! at the moment i'm actually obsessed with the lyrics "get your finger on the trigger tap the barrel of a gun, hair back motherfucker jet black so cool" it's unreal! it's all over my work books xDD
    i knowwww! i love the beginning where it's "well are you ready Ray? ...." and whenever i hear someone say "are you ready?" or something along those lines, i have the biggest urge to break out into Vampire Money :'3 hehe
    i agree. i don't really listen to Look Alive Sunshine, The Traffic and Goodnite, Dr Death cause they're not really songs but i still love them!
    yeah on tbp i wasn't really a fan of Mama when i first heard it, although it's grown on me now, cause it was kinda different to My Chem's normal stuff.
    i know, it would've been so awesome! they were so crazy back then. well crazier.
    yeah i did! but it was kinda a let down :/ cause MCR played Na na na and Vampire Money, but they only showed Na Na Na on air and even though they won a few awards, they didn't show any part of them winning :/ it was all about friggen Dave Grohl and the Foo Fighters...meh.....
    and yeah, them in suits nomnomnom!
    how'd your interview go? <3 xx
    March 21st, 2011 at 07:59pm
  • fenix flame

    fenix flame (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    i sorted it out! ... well kinda :') i just need to centre it and then it should be fine.
    ikr?! i spent most of the afternoon trying to fix the layout instead of writing an update for a story >.<
    haha you'll be fine, just think positive! i always think i talk too fast when i do public speaking and stuff too! :L
    yeah, exactly. that's what happens with me :3 i used to be so obsessed with S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W when i first heard Danger Days : ....... then i couldn't stop listening to Vampire Money!
    i agree, it is pretty underated, but i heard it's absolutely amazing when they play it live :)
    oh and thanks! :)
    did you see them on the NME awards earlier this year? xxxx
    March 19th, 2011 at 10:09pm
  • fenix flame

    fenix flame (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    sorry about my mibba page, i was trying to change the layout and it all went costa rica >.< trying to fix it but failing miserably!
    yeah! same, and i know what you mean! it is crazy!
    oh that's cool :) uni interview?! wow sounds important! good luck! i'm sure you'll do fine (:
    haha sounds awesome!
    are they? not heard that yet! it would be!
    ermmm would have to be..... Vampires Will Never Hurt You, Thank You For The Venom/I'm Not Okay, Famous Last Words/This Is How I Disappear, and then Party Poison/Summertime. >.< i can't narrow it down to only one song each, it's so hard! they're such a great band!
    and again it'll have to be Revenge or Black Parade. I really am shocking at making decisions! haha :')
    btw i sent you a friend request on here, is that okay? :) xxx
    March 19th, 2011 at 05:39pm
  • fenix flame

    fenix flame (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    oh i get it :)
    hgmalksp the blackout are so good! sean smith :') nomnomnom their accents
    of course they supported MCR this year didn't they!
    oh yeah, i have heard of young guns :3 they are pretty amazing
    definately a vampire xD speaking of which, when will the next update for "In love with all these vampires" be?! ;)
    awh same! i really wanted to go to reading or leeds last year but i couldn't cause i was on a school trip -______-
    yeah the line up for download last year was pretty passion, glamour of the kill, the blackout, 30stm, young guns. would've been so amazing!
    so what other bands do you like? fav MCR song from each album? fav album? :) <3 xxx
    March 18th, 2011 at 10:44pm
  • fenix flame

    fenix flame (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    yeah! naw i remember when they used to play Prison back in the day
    there'd be some Frerard action xDD
    haha i'm only like 5"3 give or take an inch :')
    yeah April's not too far away, the time will fly by :) if you don't mind me asking, who are you seeing?
    oh i see :) what band were you originally seeing?
    haha yeah i love how at gigs the whole standing area like becomes a giant mosh pit!
    ikr! but he is looking damn fit for 39 ....
    yeah :/ me too, oh that's a good idea, if only i had friends with the same music interests!
    thank you! :) i hope so too! yeah that'd be so awesome! yeah i hope so!
    they're playing t in the park though! that festival has such an amazing line up!
    My Chem, blink-182, jimmy eat world, all time low, you me at six jkwqpl soo good!
    i'm not sure if you like some of those other bands but it still looks so awesome! haha :'D
    such a shame it's all the way in scottland :(
    but apparently My Chem are headlining another UK festival, and everyone's saying it might be Reading or Leeds!
    they might play Download but apparently it's not very likely cause they got real badly bottled in 07 when they played :/ which is a shame cause i'm actually going to download this year!
    March 18th, 2011 at 07:27pm
  • fenix flame

    fenix flame (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    ah it sounds awesome! i can't wait to read it all :)
    jkwqplcxm that's like my favourite My Chem song! and that part is one of my favourite lyrics! eep! did they play Prison?
    aaah frankie is sooo adorable! fucking love him to bits <3
    we're all fangirls deep down :')
    haha how tall are you? wow that's early!
    yeah, i hate post concert depression :( such a bummer....
    ahw thanks, and i hope so!
    you saw them on your own?! wow you're brave! (have you ever noticed that whenever Jared dyes his hair, his eyebrows and beard match? o.O hehe random :L)
    well i live about 1/2 hours away from all the big cities, by car, and the only way i can get there is by train or something and it's so expensive and on the train the journey back at night always takes about 3-6 hours and i'd end up getting home at about 5am :/
    but whenever i DO go to gigs i manage to get a lift, so that's good :)
    just a shame no one wanted to see MCR with me this year :( <3 xxx
    March 17th, 2011 at 08:39pm
  • fenix flame

    fenix flame (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    it's okay! a great story and author deserves some praise <3
    ngl, i'm gonna miss reading it, and oh which one?! :')
    aha i see, and i found it! if you hadn't pointed that out i would never have found it xDD
    aaaah aren't they always though?! it sounds so good just hearing about it!
    ohmyf*cking god you're so lucky! my friend went and Frank winked/smiled at her! whenever i go to gigs and stuff i'm hardly ever near the front/barrier cause i'm so god damn short and tiny -_________-
    and no i haven't :'(
    most of my friends don't really like the same music as me, so i'm limited to who wants to go with me and i don't live in a popular place where alot of bands visit and stuff so mostly i can't get to the gigs >.<
    sucks :'( <3 xxx
    March 14th, 2011 at 08:09pm
  • Indigo Umbrella

    Indigo Umbrella (215)

    United States
    :D Well thank you!
    March 8th, 2011 at 12:55am
  • SheepCat

    SheepCat (100)

    United States
    I just put up my site for my line Insomniax Inc.!
    It would mean the world to me if you checked it out!
    More exciting things will be up soon, so please keep checking back!

    xoxo TaylerLynn
    March 24th, 2010 at 06:58am
  • gamblewithDESIRE.

    gamblewithDESIRE. (100)

    United States
    That's crazy. I suppose great minds think alike, haha.
    October 28th, 2008 at 12:35am
  • gamblewithDESIRE.

    gamblewithDESIRE. (100)

    United States
    That's nifty. I waas gonna be Mrs. Lovett from Sweeney Todd but then I saw The Dark Knight and changed my mind. :] Besides, this would just be easier.
    October 28th, 2008 at 12:00am
  • gamblewithDESIRE.

    gamblewithDESIRE. (100)

    United States
    Oof, that sounds pretty bitchin'. I'm thinking about being the female Joker. :] I'm gonna wear like, a green dress, purple coat, black stockings/tights, and boots.
    October 27th, 2008 at 11:43pm
  • gamblewithDESIRE.

    gamblewithDESIRE. (100)

    United States
    Ooh, I'm excited too. Are you dressing up at all?
    October 27th, 2008 at 11:15pm