BaCkfrom_dead01 / Comments

  • I'm studying French and German at university :)
    Yeah, I celebrate christmas - I can't wait for it! But we don't celebrate thanksgiving in the UK. I'm going home in 2 weeks! Woo! I can't wait for my mum to think about dinner instead of me haha
    December 2nd, 2011 at 09:36pm
  • no dude, i totally get what you mean. i have a homework date today and i only got two hours of sleep from the halloween party i went to last night. i just wanna sleep and say fuck you to the homework lol

    i don't think it makes you a traitor, although there are some excellent stories on here that you're missing! saturday detention for once. then lil m has posted a few new stories :) you should check them out

    i'm not doing much on here right now. trying to write my stories but i'm usually writing for my creative writing classes and i can't exactly turn in something like ff soooooo i've been doing original fiction. if you wanna read some of it, there's a link on my page. i've edited it since i put it up but you'll get the idea. still me, just no famous people lol

    oh by the way, my sister's going to be moving to edgewater in north bergen, don't you live near there? or was that only in prisoner?

    October 23rd, 2011 at 07:42pm
  • No I have not seen that video before. Frank is adorable. I probably have the most in common with him musically, idk if it's because he's the youngest or just because he has better taste LOL. But yeah that's pretty awesome. I love Blink and I love it when I love bands that MCR loves xDDD

    And I would apologize for taking so long but you always take so long so there xp jk I'm sorry xD
    October 22nd, 2011 at 06:09pm
  • I totally agree. I don't think things will calm down this semester. Can't wait til finals. :(

    I'm here for you, if you need to talk or just vent about classes and stuff.
    October 22nd, 2011 at 07:03am
  • It's okay to dislike Frank, that's the route I'm heading.

    I split the last chapter, to give you the happy smut before the... well it's up, and ready to read, and... maybe you might want to kill me. But I found it so hard to write, it's taken me months that chapter, and its still not right! It's plot wise but also reaction wise, because I couldn't... get... Gerard right. He wasn't coming over well, and he won't for a few chapters. And I did something I hate doing, but it has to happen, has to fit, and now I kind of hate myself...
    October 21st, 2011 at 10:44pm
  • No, never hate Frank, probably just feel sorry for him and his bad decisions. But I won't say any more. I was trying to write the next chapter of Gerard's Game this morning and it just wasn't working, the next chapter is a little too much for me, I don't think I can do it justice.
    October 16th, 2011 at 10:16pm
  • Yes ma'am!
    They were great, and I might've cried a little lol.
    But yeah, I definitely needed to see them because school has been extremely hellish. but I just keep reminding myself that next semester will be better hopefully.
    How are things going on your end??
    October 7th, 2011 at 06:28am
  • It's really strange actually. I'm not used to having to think of what to have for dinner every day or keep a check of how much money I've got. I am enjoying myself and I've made some friends, but I really miss my friends from back home.
    But I'm enjoying my course :)
    October 6th, 2011 at 12:22pm
  • hey yourself! only three seconds :( waaaaaaaaaaaaah lol

    hahaha yes i did earlier today in fact. did this just randomly pop up somewhere? cause it sounds like he filmed this before starting on their tour with them.

    i miss you please come back for longer!!!

    October 6th, 2011 at 06:19am
  • Hey, you left a really long comment on my story "I Will Not Kiss You" like, well over a month ago, and on my profile as well, and I'm so sorry I haven't replied sooner. However, thank you SO much for commenting on it. It's comments like yours that make me want to keep writing =] And the fact that you addressed so many issues in the story really made me happy, because a lot of them are details that I want people to pick up on. So, thank you so much, and I'm so sorry this is really late.
    September 13th, 2011 at 12:25am
  • There's a difference between doing what I want and doing what I can x[ Want: Creative Writing and Music. Can: uhm English?

    Pre-Pedicone era xD yeah that guy's an idiot. Bob is love though <3 and yeah Blink fans just clash with MCR fans, it's really stupid. When I went and MCR started all the Blink fans were kinda just standing there and Planetary came on and we all kinda went crazy and the blink fans looked at us like lol wtf is wrong with you? Blink and MCR are awesome and the tour was great but I just don't think they're good for touring together, they're fans are so different.
    September 10th, 2011 at 03:59pm
  • To be honest, I actually hadn't seen that. Haha! So thanks for telling me where it is :D

    I just got into university and I'm leaving in 8 days, scary! But I'm hoping I'll have lots of time to write/there will be a creative writing course that I can join and do something there.

    Yeah, hopefully. And that's pretty cool! I hope it all goes well :)
    September 10th, 2011 at 02:40pm
  • Guess what?!?! I'm going!!! :D
    I'm so stoked!! :))))
    I just have to get a suitable digital camera, so that I can take some pics for memories. Ooooohhh science is so tough. You can do it though because you are a freaking genius! Well it's gonna be hard because I'm taking courses that I realize that I don't want to take. I'm just gonna hope those classes turn into electives. But yeah I'm taking 18 hours too. We can do it!!
    September 10th, 2011 at 07:39am
  • i just read her update a little bit ago and now i just read her comment about the story comment you left her hahaha. that's an interesting idea that you have about frank trying to lure him away. i wasn't even thinking that, you are really good lol. such a smartie!! but yeah, i'm trying to figure it out too. i hope she doesn't end it like romeo and juliet cause i'll be sooo upset, but it would be interesting. and her's has more mystery than sunshine did

    that they do! i had to take one last summer and i was just like ugggggggh. i got an A in it though so it ended up being worth it :)

    hahahahaha see i told you it wasn't much :p and yeah, i'll hold you to it lol

    umm which one? i looked and saw that i said that they need to get over themselves, but i don't remember why i said that lol. she must've said something about the concert she had recently gone to.

    September 9th, 2011 at 10:19pm
  • I really do love how you review though, long and in depth and seemingly while you’re reading, so all those emotions come across wonderfully. Okay, so if I start trying to leave the story, you’ll badger me into sticking with it, right? We’ll make a pact, lol.

    I’ll be looking forward to all your comments, even if they’re mega-mega-comments after a long time.

    I hope that after that last chapter, you’re not too scared to read on, because yeah, I am leading you into a false sense of security, sorry, do forgive me. If this really is Romeo and Juliet it’s not going to look too good for Frank or Gerard… :s

    I love how you see all the points I was trying to make without making it obvious. Like Frank did only come over to see about Julia… he didn’t expect sex. Awww, Frankie’s not a welp, he’s just… okay, he’s totally a welp.

    Gerard’s not guilty about disposing of her at all, but he is guilty about going against Frank, especially because Frank placed so much trust in him. Spoiler alert! Frank was going to use whether Gerard had killed her or not to make an important decision. And now that he thinks Gerard is innocent he’s going to go against somebody. Eck!

    And I love how you think Frank is trying to lure Gerard away. I was trying to make it subtle, even Gerard doesn’t notice, but you’ve got it! You’re so amazing, and you got it!

    I’m glad you enjoyed the end of the chapter too, I haven’t written detailed sex in quite some time, so I’m glad it was suitable.

    No, thank YOU for the comment :D
    September 9th, 2011 at 09:42pm
  • Hi!
    I totally understand the full dedication mode. I haven't done anything fun in like forever, but hopefully this will all pay off. I'm trying to get the money together to go to the Blink 182/ MCR concert. School went okay. It's going to be a tough year. How about you? How are your classes?
    September 5th, 2011 at 04:31am
  • lol but it has happened to me a few times xD

    Yeah I'm on the fence :/ I'm gonna talk to my academic advisor. He has an MFA in Creative Writing and was complaining about the fact that Paris Hilton has a book out before him -__- lol I might take some engineering classes.

    lol idk I've been MIA too since starting school xDDD nm but I might've updated my story a few times whaat?
    September 4th, 2011 at 09:13pm
  • wow just read the comment below me and i got spoilers lol. but it's not giving anything away which is good. i love her story :)

    anyways, how did you end up doing, did you find out? hope you did/do well and you're taking more summer classes next summer? waaaaaaaaaaah lol that sucks :p

    hahaha i'm 22, not that much older. 3 or 4 depending on birthdays. i'm actually going into my 5th year because i had to retake two classes cause they didn't transfer and that pushed me back a whole semster. in the spring i start student teaching, if all goes right, and i'll be graduating spring 2012

    September 3rd, 2011 at 08:53pm
  • Thanks so much for the comment on Gerard’s Game, it really cheered me up because I’m really ill at the moment, so thanks for brightening my otherwise grey day :D

    Its amazing that you’re still here reading when twice I’ve messed around with this story and left it longer than six fucking months to update! So thank you so much for sticking with me, it really means everything to me.

    Can you keep a secret? Or perhaps you don’t want a spoiler… hmmm… feel free to ignore next sentence if that’s the case. Frank was at Ray’s bedside on an order. But I won’t say from whom or for what, mwhahaha. Frank’s a great character to fuck with your guys minds, because he is apparently sweetness and light but now you all think he’s a threat, and it’s just brilliant playing with my readers like that! Sorry, but its what I enjoy about writing, leading people on wild goose chases :D

    I wasn’t quite sure what Frank was saying to unconscious (or not so) Ray, but I thought he’d make a good sound board for Frank’s confusion. He told him a lot more, but Ray didn’t want to say in front of Mikey. Oh, even more spoilers! And yes, Tinkerbell, Ciancianedda, that’s been Frank’s nickname between Mikey and Ray for quite a while. Always makes me laugh.

    Frank didn’t really have any motives in the beginning, he was just in it for the fun, but his affection towards Gerard wasn’t acting in the beginning, but I can’t say what it is now… Oh even more spoilers! Sorry! Gerard always gets his revenge, that’s his favourite game, and I already have quite an amazing idea for Greg’s death, it’s a Way brother tag-team take down again, except this time they’re not trying to blame the murder on anyone so they get to have a lot of fun, mwhahaha. Yeah, keeping Frank’s promises really don’t end up well for Gerard, ha.

    Frank left because he felt guilty. Eck spoiler again! But I won’t say anymore, my lips are sealed!

    I’m glad you liked the little kiss. I wanted to really sure how different it was and yet how much nothing had changed. It wasn’t rough, but Frank was completely immersed in it as usual, left him speechless, and Gerard was once again in control. That’s just how their relationship is.

    The brothers Way are working on their differences, but its going to take some time, killing together again is going to help though. Ah, that’s such a fucked up thing.

    I can safely say that Pam has nothing to do with the Iero’s. So it’s all right for Mikey, for now, just to get his kicks.

    “But really, you sound--I mean, Gerard sounds like Gerard” that just made my day, so awesome! I work hard on his voice, on what makes Gerard Gerard, and I’m so glad that it’s still there.

    Thanks for the epic comment. Really made my day. I’m off to write the next chapter! Oh, and that ‘maybe’ he told Frank? Well it’s a definite yes. :D
    September 3rd, 2011 at 04:25pm
  • Hey!! How are you???
    I just started school again.
    Pretty excited about this semester though.
    August 23rd, 2011 at 03:16am