BaCkfrom_dead01 / Comments

  • (100)

    United States
    I did lol you're on mah friend's list. Feel special ^_^
    February 15th, 2011 at 07:41am
  • (100)

    United States
    Thank youuu, thank you very much xD

    Wow. I can't comprehend this philosophy xD I'm so used to [metaphorically] flipping my mom off. I'm fascinated by this =O But that's cool. I kind of wish I was like that. Less trouble and stuff.

    lmao wooowww.. Do they think you're crazy? xD I know my mom would lose her shit. Which is why I a) never have physical copies of my writing, b) not-so-subtly hide what I'm typing, and c) hide things on my phone when my mom asks to use it xD Seriously. I have Word on my phone so I type some stories there on transit and my mom's like "ooh, free nights...lemmeuseyaphone" and I'm like "close file, close file!" xDDD

    Your parents sound cool xD Couldn't make a perverted joke around here ever. That's reeeally funny. That's so cool xDD

    Just remembered a time...when I was watching LOTMS...and my mom stopped to watch it with me...and I was like, "Look, that's Gerard Way. The guy I talk to you about." And she's like, "You're right, he is cute." And then they show him kissing Bert McCracken and she's like, "Too bad he's gay..." Funnnyyy.

    Awww but what about the weekend?? They have a Saturday show! lol I'm not looking forward to it that much this year but I want EVERYONE I know to go just because it might be my last year going. I swear you'll have fun...whenever you decide to go ^_^

    Yeah lol. It's so ESL for us to call it the Mikey Sexual Bagel too...wouldn't it make more grammatical sense to call it the Sexual Mikey Bagel?

    I would now like to reiterate the fact that I love to rebel and present the fact that I've been going to inner city schools all my life where the minorities are the overwhelming majority. [i]All they listen to is hip hop[/i], but hip hop makes no sense to me. (Except for maybe some things from the 90s...and Eminem, Lupe Fiasco, and Jay-Z lol) And yes Pierce the Veil is an AMAZING band you should listen to their song Disasterology. Eargasm. 'Nuff said.

    haha what lesson were you gonna teach him? ;] And aww thank you so much ^_^ Two words: Practice and Patience. Would you like to put it on your profile? I'll send you the coding in a heartbeat.

    Aww ^_^ lol I totally have to now xD I don't know if I have already...have I? If not, I'll get to it.

    February 15th, 2011 at 07:41am
  • septicemia.

    septicemia. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    When I'm done with a couple of my current stories I might give non-fanfiction a go :]
    February 13th, 2011 at 11:01am
  • Donnie Darko.

    Donnie Darko. (100)

    United States
    Whoa, that's intense!
    that's crazy though.
    and because the classes are loaded with a lot of work.
    February 13th, 2011 at 08:30am
  • WaayTooObsessed

    WaayTooObsessed (100)

    United States
    i think there might be a gate or something, otherwise i will be pushing through. usually i hate those types of people but this is completely different. this is my favorite band ever!! i will not be stopped hahaha :p

    i will learn all the words so i can scream it at their faces. and it will be an epic win!!

    well i'm not very artsy so we'll see what happens. and yeah, don't laugh at my challenges!! :p but i guess it's ok, it's pretty bad isn't it?

    oh and i don't know if you read them or not, but i did update!! :)

    February 13th, 2011 at 05:21am
  • WaayTooObsessed

    WaayTooObsessed (100)

    United States
    hahah shut up. i don't know every single word yet and i would love it if i knew it so i could be on aim for gerard! though i'm not sure i'll be anywhere near him. i think my sister got us seats (she had to order the tickets for me cause i was at a middle school for observations for my class- and i forget to tell her to get pit tickets) but i'm hoping that there's a way for us to just push through, or hope the gate or something hahaha. cause i doubt anyone will be sitting down.

    yeah, i'm not artsy though, at all. can't even draw a straight line with the ruler because it always shifts. but i might try that this summer. find all my ticket stubs and writst bands and print out pictures. it would be cute!

    February 4th, 2011 at 11:07pm
  • Donnie Darko.

    Donnie Darko. (100)

    United States
    I'm glad you are enjoying things, and I wish we had a course like that.
    I would totally take!
    but yeah,
    the class has gotten a lot better, and I'm not so nervous. But this semester is going to be kinda tough. a lot more than i thought it would.
    February 4th, 2011 at 03:52pm
  • (100)

    United States
    So many things to say about that first paragraph 0.0
    -So did they let you do stuff? Or did you never feel compelled to do something that they may not have approved of? 'Cause I've always been inspired to rebel. To escape, you know. To be defiant.
    -I would never let my mom read my fanfiction 0.0 holy crap how did they react to that, how'd it happen?
    -I wouldn't be like that either. I can't see myself partying while in college...or ever. I'm an awkward hermit. Organizations are cool though ^_^
    Feel free to not answer those questions if you don't want to xD

    Ahh so much to say about this one too xD The center usually (I'm sorry, did I say usually? I meant ALWAYS!) gets clogged up first. Me and my friend went off to the left, in front of Frank so that we could be against the baracade instead of in the worst of the mosh. (He didn't spit on us lol I'm not sure if he spit at all. But we did get a great view of that "Frerard Moment".) You have to go to a concert xD You should go to the Bamboozle! You can hang you with me and/or Kelly =] Be warned: the Bamboozle is intense. I wouldn't suggest it as a first concert. It was mine and...well, I had a ton of fun but CHRIST was I sore xDD

    OH GOOD! xD Ever had a cream-cheese-and-bacon bagel? My friend first tried it a few days before the Roseland. And we were all, you know...high on MCR due to uber excitement (lol) so she was trying to descrive how good it was and she was like "oh's's like having Mikey rubbing your shoulders...and whispering dirty things to Star Wars boxers! Oh and then he feels you up..." lmao Because it's SO GOOD and it's's like having it should be called the Mikey Foreplay Bagel xDDD but yeah. I go to the store and she's like hey let's share a Mikey Sexual Bagel xDD

    Oh wow xD Was not expecting that at all ^_^ well cool. Are you really into hip hop? I haven't heard any of those (in their entirety) and I...actually, I've never heard any hip hop or hip hop-esque album in its entirety o.0 My favorite last year was Selfish Machines by Pierce the Veil.

    lol you definitely didn't xD that's fine. It was a lot. You've gotta learn to keep up though...I tend to talk a LOT.

    I do have to bring this up though:

    Also...another link =] Wanna see a new layout I made? I kinda love it:

    I think I'm gonna add you to my friends' list. I think we've had a sufficient amount of excessive conversation at this point xD
    February 4th, 2011 at 03:09am
  • septicemia.

    septicemia. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Sometimes when I have an idea in my head I do get out of bed and find my notebook. But it's just such a struggle to bring myself out of my warm bed! Haha. It's so annoying. I hate forgetting it all in the morning.

    That definitely makes sense. I want to really show who the characters are, and not just leave it entirely up to the readers' imagination. I'm finding it quite hard and I want to be able to describe every little bit. I kind of just want to get away from 'typical fanfiction' and move forwards into... something more sophisticated, maybe? I'm not sure. I'll probably always be stuck in the fanfiction-mode
    February 3rd, 2011 at 03:38pm
  • WaayTooObsessed

    WaayTooObsessed (100)

    United States
    hahaha i figured as much. but i'll be over soon. may's coming fast, hopefully. my mcr concert's in may! i still have to learn the lyrics!!

    i know what you mean. i've been trying to write this chapter for the sequel. i started it at the end of break and i haven't finished! like i'll read over everything i have and by the time i get to this chapter i don't feel like writing anymore. it's horrible. but i like the way the story reads, which is good. i don't think i'd be able to write it if i hated it. and your comment made me laugh. the girl in the picture is important. i'll just leave it at that :p

    oooh that's cool. i saw parts of that movie, but i fell asleep during parts of it cause we started it at 2am in the morning. i was in high school at the time, so i wasn't used to being up that late. i think it was 9th or 10th grade lol. but that's good that you got the book!

    haha that'd be an interesting idea. lord knows i take enough pictures and i save my tickets and wristbands. i write the date and the bands that played there. i actually stole that idea from my roommate from last year. it's a good one!

    January 31st, 2011 at 08:55pm
  • (100)

    United States
    This page is owned by Estephany. As you can tell, I've extensively marked my territory. So this is mine. (lol)
    January 31st, 2011 at 05:55pm
  • (100)

    United States
    haha thanks. If it was as beautiful as them, then I must be super frickin talented because they are beautiful xD or maybe it's just because they're on the layout lol

    MCR fans at concerts are the coolest people. I've been to a ton of concerts and only with MCR did I actually meet people that are now my best friends. Like, seriously, I talk to them and hang out with them now. Suffered the cold, obsessed over Mikey's hair, added each other on Facebook, watched 17 Again together and compared 2006-era Zac Efron with current Zac Efron. The only band I would go to see by myself is MCR because a) they are my favorite band and I wouldn't want to miss them just because I don't wanna go to myself, b) I've technically done it before and survived lol and c) MCR fans are the best. Go for it.

    The big problem, I think, is the fact that they might not play near you :/ I mean, the farthest I would have to go for a tour is Warped and that's not even as far as the Bamboozle Fest which is really close.

    New York City...has it's perks...although I might die from being poisoned by the chemicals in the air =] lmao

    Maybe it isn't going on anymore and that's why you've never heard it? Eew they pay your tuition =O right. I guess cuz I can't pay a cent for college I just figured every body to be as dirt poor as me and rely on scholarship money heh. Dude rock music is about rebellion! You're such a good kid =] I buy tickets behind my mom's back and tell her about it a few days before so she can't say no xD good for you.

    Really? That's just not cool. Ray's wonderful =] I adore him. If I ever meet him, I'll tell him that thing about us Hispanic being mad proud xD and just the way he smiles on stage and the way he plays you can tell he loves what he does. My friend pointed a fake gun at him and he grinned and when the staff took it away from her he shook his head like, "That's not fair." xD If you do ever see MCR, I suggest you choose carefullly where you stand. The middle is the scariest part; it's also sort-of the Way area and who doesn't like being in the middle? The left is Frank so it's like omg sexy thang FRERARD MOMENT WHAT and the right is Ray all mellow and cool xD

    So have you not been to a concert before?

    lol no worries xD this middle schooler asked me back in 9th grade when I wore a lot more black, she said, "Are you emo?" and I'm like "No" and she turns to her friend and goes "She must be goth." THAT offends me more than being called Spanish. Both sides are sort of bad! But we're Killjoys so we have to route for them! If both sides are the bad guys, then who are you gonna go with? My Chemical Romance xD I love the concept because I have an OBSESSION with utopian societies. So the fact that MCR did that is like the Mikey Sexual Bagel 0.0 OMG xD let me know if you want me to elaborate on that inside joke that only I know on Mibba xD

    "I whip mah hair back and forth! jk my name is Korse." xDDD

    That's nice =] No, I needed it. I need a constant reminder.

    lol I love them xD sooo immature

    Hey have you done this? Do it, do it:

    Also, as if this conversation couldn't get longer... Been meaning to discuss this with someone: what was your favorite album of 2010? Please don't say Danger I might not... Most anticipated but not necessarily the best when it comes down to it. For me, anyway.

    January 31st, 2011 at 05:53pm
  • septicemia.

    septicemia. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I always get good ideas when I'm trying to fall asleep and then I forget them all when I wake up. It's so annoying. I should start taking a notebook to bed.

    I'm pretty good at updating frequently. But I'm not good at posting long updates. I want to be able to write really really long ones, but I don't describe enough. I want to start practising writing more descriptive stuff... I guess. Haha
    January 31st, 2011 at 04:10pm
  • Donnie Darko.

    Donnie Darko. (100)

    United States
    whooaaa. sounds like an awesome class.
    that definitely sounds different.
    the class that i'm worried about is philosophy.
    January 31st, 2011 at 08:24am
  • (100)

    United States
    tried to delete it in order to repost it but its still there it seems...meh
    January 23rd, 2011 at 06:06am
  • (100)

    United States
    lmao sper sorry xD idk why it came out like that...good luck.

    This is ridiculous xDDD
    January 23rd, 2011 at 06:04am
  • (100)

    United States
    I read somewhere that they were only playing

    "major markets", which is crap :/ So small

    shows at big cities...that's a very

    we're-just-starting-out kind of thing to do,

    not a we've-been-rockstars-for-a-while sort of

    thing...which [i]is[/i] what they are. It's

    lame but I get it (record, 2 years nonstop

    touring, record, 2 years nonstop touring,

    record, 2 years nonstop touring,

    babies...record, touring...babies...) and it

    sucks but I'm from one of the majorest markets

    in the world so I can't really complain. It

    might be tough to do so you have to jump the

    next chance you get! Even if it's a long drive!

    The two Terminal 5 shows here in the city (less

    than 3000, like the Roseland)? Sold out in 10

    minutes. You have to pounce to get those

    tickets or search Craigslist, where people sell

    them for 3 times face value. My teacher, who

    admittedly did graduate Cornell some ten years

    ago, said that to us. Basically, the girls at

    Ithaca are the ones guys screw around with but

    the girls at Cornell are the ones they settle

    down with xD

    Have you ever been to any concerts ever? It

    sucks going by yourself but you could meet cool

    people. I lost my friend at the Bamboozle 2009

    but I found my family so I wasn't technically

    alone...except for the fact that when I went to

    see bands perform, I was by myself. Hey, me and

    Kelly are gonna be at the Bamboozle =D tis

    always fun time. Ugh that sucks. But you're,

    like...older now. You can do whatever you want,

    right? Parents suck.

    It was kind of the highlight of the night lol

    Why is that, do you think? I mean, it makes

    sense considering I've always made bad shit

    happen to Mikey (lol...when I was 12 I saw INO

    and I just fell in LOVE with "the one with the

    glasses"). That would mean you're all about

    Frank or Gerard, possibly. Which you are lol.

    Ray is amazing, he really is. He's my favorite

    guitarist of all time. The shit he does blows

    my mind. And that's why I like MCR so much.

    Ray's a metalhead and Frank's a punk and when

    you put that together it's something in between

    the two that is AMAZING which is good for me

    because that's the shit I like. Ray owns the

    fucking guitar and he's so good live, he's

    wonderful. (AP voted him best guitarist, yeah).

    There have been videos where he spoke other

    languages. One was a random one where he said

    something and Frank nodded like "yeah, I know

    what he's saying" which he obviously didn't.

    And in another he spoke Spanish but with a bad

    accent lol so I'm guessing it's not his native

    language. Then again, I speak Spanish with a

    bad accent and it was my native language xD


    That' and random xD I'm not really very

    clear on it either. Like, Hispanic isn't even

    considered a race in this country. Black,

    White, Asian, Native. There is no Hispanic

    according to the government because we're all

    some weird mix of mostly black, then white,

    then native -__- (According to the census,

    anyway. I'm mostly black but I don't consider

    myself that.) To me though, Spaniard means from

    Spain (Spanish also means that but I don't use

    the word that fact, I barely use it) and Latin/Hispanic means Mexico, South America, and almost every where in between. I guess I've been called and have called myself Spanish. Officially, I guess, my "ethnicity" is Hispanic. Spanish tends to be interchangable even though Hispanics are technically not. It doesn't really matter though. So yeah, Spanish=Spain and other=Hispanic.

    Oh there is a master plan. Gerard said Killjoys

    never die. THEY NEVER DIE! Everytime the music

    video for Sing comes up on Fuse and I watch

    Gerard die, my heart breaks a little more D=

    hahaha xD Yeah that really sucks -__- If there

    were more hours in a day, I'd be cranking out

    chapters like nobody's business. I failed some

    classes freshmen year when I did that because I

    just didn't give a shit. I would miss the first

    few hours of school and then leave early and

    then stay up late doing BS. Now it's like omg

    college omg college aaahh. Always make time,

    though. Cuz you are made of awesome. And awesome needs to make art.

    Wow that's really strange =O lol it's weird

    hearing it from the opposite perspective. For

    me, I start doubting the story if I'm not

    ahead. Like, I would start to care too much

    what people are saying and it would get jumbled

    up in my head and I'd be like where was I

    supposed to go with this? What was supposed to

    happen? So I'm just...I need to be at least a

    few chapters ahead or I can't do it xD You will

    notice that I have a story that hasn't been

    touched...I failed to stay ahead and lost it.

    SLC is in Bronxville, just outside of the city =] It's a small liveral arts college that was

    previously all-girl (which explains why 3/4ths

    of the students are girls). Max Bemis got

    accepted but dropped out for his band which is the coolest thing in the world to me because I <3 Say Anything. But yeah, that's where I hope to be going next year.

    I really appreciate that. I get a lot of things

    like this, people speeching me and all. I'm not

    suicidal I'm just very miserable. I'm a trained

    perfectionist. I got a 99 on my English Regents

    and remain to this day fixated on that one

    point. What'd I do wrong? That's 3 perfect essays and one not so much. (It's the highest Regents score anyone in my school has ever gotten). I see what you're saying and I get it a lot but I'll be fine. I try to remind myself that I have it good. (Especially having a mom born and raised in a Third World country.) The fact that my brain is engrained with the idea of perfection is the only real reason that I feel like "jumping" sometimes. Because it's not

    something that is actually possible. I can't help it, it's just there, and it's gonna bother me and haunt me for the rest of my life. Being raised the way I was is Perfectionist Boot Camp. I deal with it in totally healthy ways (which get me dreaded Bs and B minuses in my history classes but whatever...wasn't planning on pursuing that anyway).

    lol no law or med school for me. Nooo way.

    Kudos and good luck to you, though.

    You haven't =O I'll need to see if I can find some.

    Oh I was eating a lollipop and I was like "this tastes good" and my friend's like "that's what she said" and then I made some unintentional sucking noises and he was like "that's how she sounded!" and then I asked him if he wanted a lick and he laughed and said "that's what HE said!"

    Classic test complaint: this is too hard. Random commenter: that's what she said. The class bursts out laughing.

    Really bad school+senioritis=many a TWSS jokes.
    January 23rd, 2011 at 06:03am
  • WaayTooObsessed

    WaayTooObsessed (100)

    United States
    hahaha apparently i don't either. she wasn't really in my story, more of a thought and guilt trip for gerard lol.

    aweeeeeeeeeee don't say that!! you just have to make time, though i shouldn't be talking. i haven't written anything in a while, but it's kinda not my fault. i moved back into school on sunday and i got sick the same night! so i was battling it for 4 days and then last night i went to see avenged sevenfold. they were soooooooo good.

    hah that picture is cute :)

    i guess i answered the second question already lol. yes i'm back. don't wanna be but whatever. already have homework and such, and these classes seem a bit harder and more demanding and it's only the first week back. can't wait.

    how about you? back yet?

    January 21st, 2011 at 10:47pm
  • septicemia.

    septicemia. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I'd definitely have to do it in for myself and write it when it comes to me. I wouldn't be able to have a set time to write. I'd get writers block and just not have any inspiration. But I have found that I tend to prefer what I write when it's later in the evening/night than during the day..

    I'm exactly the same as you. I like to write it and post it straight after. Though for one of my stories I've written 2 chapters ahead. I find it easier to write as I go along though. I'm like you - I begin to doubt it and start to try and change things and it gets tricky.
    January 20th, 2011 at 04:39pm
  • Donnie Darko.

    Donnie Darko. (100)

    United States
    Well, I wish you success with this semester. They should work with you since you are paying for it.
    but school has started for me as well. and I am only worried about one class. eek.
    January 20th, 2011 at 06:39am