Dream #2

I'm swimming in a lake surrounded by dreary but beautiful scenery. The water is clear, the sky cloudy, and the trees are grey and droopy. I come up to a village (or a town, not really sure). Some people run out of the trees with bows and arrows, wearing sky blue asian armor. They appear to be asian as well. They run out and I'm scared but they bow to me. I walk to they're village and come to...
December 15th, 2010 at 07:02am

Dream #1

I'm in what seems to be a large modern estate, but the problem is that I'm a worker on this estate with a lot of other people. And the people running this estate, well what my mind registers, are vampires. Basically what seems to be a human concentration camp. We decide to plan an escape from this place. I think there was supposed to be a distraction because the next thing that happens is an...
December 15th, 2010 at 06:35am

Dream Journal

I've decided that my journal will be a dream diary. I'm going to put some older dreams and then future dreams in this journal when they come along. I dont know if anyone will read this but i want to remember my dreams.My dreams are usually strange and some what in order. I usually try to fit a storyline to them but they're kind of random. They're more on the dark side as of late but not always. I...
December 15th, 2010 at 06:22am